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Everything posted by Commander
Hi Acme, Yes, I see the Errors in my Patterns and I am surprised how I missed these obvious violations. Sorry, I did not verify thinking that there won't be a clash by switching interchangeably 3 & 5 and 4 & 6 and missed the effect of 2 with 3 and 6 with 7 which led to my Errors.
Well done Acme ! You have done it quite quickly ! +1 from my side Are there any more solutions ? We observe that no other number than 1 or 8 can occupy the central spots. Therefore there won't be any other solutions except variations with 1 & 8 at these spots.
science vs religion. is it really a fight?
Commander replied to Dylandrako's topic in General Philosophy
No, it will not exist or be so unless HE allows that. Will the Robot I created need to believe in me ? -
science vs religion. is it really a fight?
Commander replied to Dylandrako's topic in General Philosophy
He can do anything but will do it in the Scientific way ! He makes you and me and every Scientist to think logically and create a new product. In fact God creates that product as we are His Creation. Even if we create a new Life Form and Species which can survive with a different set of ingredients instead of Water, Oxygen etc MAN can not claim Creating it as he himself has been created to create his invention. We are all Instruments in God's Hands and we execute His Powers. If there is a Wound He can let it HEAL or FESTER ON according to his decision though we give credit to the facilitating doctor / medicine. He decides on us WHETHER WE BELIEVE IN HIM OR NOT ! Therefore, He is capable of listening to our requests and responding to it ! -
science vs religion. is it really a fight?
Commander replied to Dylandrako's topic in General Philosophy
Well in my case, what I have put up on my profile URL and many more since then ! Surrender all your Reactions to God and He will direct your Actions ! -
science vs religion. is it really a fight?
Commander replied to Dylandrako's topic in General Philosophy
OK Interesting to note you have this on your signature : God does have to keep the miracles going, or no one would believe that He is real. -
science vs religion. is it really a fight?
Commander replied to Dylandrako's topic in General Philosophy
My response deleted after reading Phi's Post ! Sorry Strange you need to work it out yourself ! Well on second thoughts I give it again here : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We Human Species are ALIVE AND KICKING on Mother Earth which is the only known Planet supporting LIFE [known to us] ! We are the UNCROWNED KING SPECIES with no visible Challenge to our Supremacy among the Species of the Earth ! Yet, we all live because of the Mercy Of the POWERS BEYOND OUR CONTROL ! We fail miserably in many aspects of Life which are under our own control and suffer CONFLICTS, WARS , POVERTY etc and WE HAVE BLISSFULLY GIVEN UP EFFORTS TO ADDRESS THESE ISSUES WHOLESOMELY ! Of Course WE HAVE TAKEN GIANTS STEPS and MADE ENORMOUS PROGRESS through SCIENTIFIC PURSUIT ALONE which can not be denied ! But still we have a LONG WAY TO GO before Understanding everything while Controlling Everything is ALWAYS BEYOND EVEN SCIENTIFIC IMAGINATION ! We have made some Progress in Controlling WHAT WE EAT [safe Food] and WHAT WE DRINK [safe Water - We simply don't drink from a Pool say Swimming Pool with visible Contamination unlike other Animals] and We fight Natural Disasters and Forces AS BEST AS WE COULD ! However WE ALL STILL BREATHE THE AMBIENT AIR [ without any Question or asking for evidence ] even though we can see right in front of us ALL POSSIBLE CONTAMINATION , even Animals Frolicking and doing all sorts of things INTO THE SAME AMBIENT AIR and WITH NO FEAR OR FAVOUR we SIMPLY BREATHE THAT AIR and not bother about the Viruses and Harmful Bacteria and Matter which might be there ! This seems to be our ACCEPTED FREEDOM OF LIFE in this Universe. There may be Space Suits in Space explorations and Air Purifiers for some but ALL OF US INCLUDING SCIENTISTS [without caring to ensure evidence of total safety] just simply breathe ! Therefore WE ALL SIMPLY LIVE BY FAITH ! Hi Phi, I just saw your post. I am sorry I saw it later than the later posts. Yes, I understand your points and will try and live up to these standards. I have modified my Pure Scientific Thinking into a God Seeking approach with God's Interference in my own Personal Life. That is why I hardly post anything here unless I feel impelled by God. Now and then something interests me and I respond there too [Puzzles] Soapboxing, what is that ? Maybe I need to look that up on the FAQ pages. -
science vs religion. is it really a fight?
Commander replied to Dylandrako's topic in General Philosophy
Well Religion is like a KEY attempting to open a LOCK which is tough to open but no harm in trying ! -
Gay marriage and the level of science education at the University of Lagos
Commander replied to ajb's topic in Other Sciences
Natural is Natural and Unnatural is Unnatural ! It all depends on the Nature of the Thinker !- 33 replies
science vs religion. is it really a fight?
Commander replied to Dylandrako's topic in General Philosophy
Science is above all Religions ! God is supposed to be above all Religions and beyond the comprehension of any Religion or Science ! God has the Power to Create Science and Nature and its courses including Laws of Physics and Theories ! God is the Super Operating System of the Universe which is a System of Micro and Macro Systems, living or inanimate ! -
Yes, Absolutely right ! You may draw your Diagram Solution too while I try here to elaborate. 1st : Weigh [27] 12 kept aside. if 1st : w = 27 same as 12 for 3 trials ! if w < 27 then the defective Coin is among these 27 in Lighter Mode Position 2nd: Weigh the same 27 Coins again with [9 on Edge ,9 Inverted ,9 Same Position] ; If w = 27 then pick 9 on Edge; If w > 27 then pick 9 Inverted.; If w < 27 as before then pick 9 Same Position for the next weighing. if w > 27 then the defective Coin is among these 27 in Heavier Mode Position 2nd: Weigh the same 27 Coins again with [9 on Edge ,9 Inverted ,9 Same Position] ; If w = 27 then pick 9 on Edge; If w < 27 then pick 9 Inverted.; If w > 27 as before then pick 9 Same Position for the next weighing. Similarly in the 3rd and 4th weighing the Defective Coin will be identified ! 3rd: [3 on Edge ,3 Inverted ,3 Same Position] 4th: [[1 on Edge ,1 Inverted ,1 Same Position] Just make sure while arranging the coins while inverting or keeping on edge etc that the information already known is preserved and used appropriately in the next weighing !
One of the 39 identical coins was magnetized so that it weighs ( Y or Z ) heavier on one face and lighter on the other face when placed on a certain weighing scale. But it weighs X like the other normal coins when it is standing balanced on its side or edge. Using the weighing scale just 4 times [means 4 weighings / judgments only].find that odd coin and determine its heavy or light face. Please note only a digital weighing scale is to be used and each of the 38 normal coins weigh identically 1 Gram [X] while the magnetized coin weighs Y Grams [ Y > 1 Gram ] on one face and Z Grams [ Z < 1 Gram ] if face.down.
This is a simpler version of the 39 Ball Puzzle I had created and put up [solved by imatfaal] http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/86946-solve-this-if-you-can/ The same Principle will be applied and Solution for 39 Coins can be found in 4 weighing on a digital scale with 1 gm per coin weight. Other Conditions apply just like the 12 Coin Puzzle.
True, I meant those ingesting air/water for oxygen.
Yes, I agree with you that anyone can make such statement but I wonder why no one made this statement ! Glib ? I leave it to you to substantiate ! BTW how many statements have I made since I last visited [28 Jun 2015] is the Proof that I am not fond and eager to make statements here !
Do you think that you can perceive God ? That is , in case He if the Master of the Universe ! Unicorn is a frivolous substitution for God I suppose and it is Strange that you make that Cut and paste response. What is your point actually, which may be more interesting to know. Can my Robot perceive everything about Man ? Though intelligent !
Before exploring and explaining plausible Evidences we can perceive let us Build the Narrative, Analysis and Background which may add Clarity and Substance. Understanding is something that the Thinking / Computing Mechanisms can derive from Mathematical Analysis of Physical Phenomenon. Analysis can throw up Results / Proofs which can be used as evidences for establishing Truth about the Notion under Test / Observation / Verification. We find all Life Forms [Earth bound] imbibe / swallow Oxygen, Water and Nutrients along with commensurate Space/Volume to live / survive and retain occupation of a certain Spatial Boundaries during the lifetime though the reference coordinates maybe relative and moving along with the Physical System they belong to / live upon. There may be other type of Life Forms which may similarly consume different set of ingredients and survive / live in dissimilar ambient conditions [perhaps a different NTP] and Occupy or remain Spaceless [occupying no space] etc. This type of different Life Forms may exist right along with us without Human awareness or may be in distant parts of the Universe or may still need to be evolved. However Intelligent Humans / Researchers can even suggest / design / envisage such Life forms. God can perhaps create / manage such life forms or just use the Life forms He has already created [Human Beings] in such an Effort. Because Humans are only Instruments in His hand and while He gives them Independence of Free Thinking He can also MAKE CERTAIN THINKING LIFE FORMS TO THINK and Act IN A PARTICULAR DIRECTION. Just like He allows / makes some People's Wounds to Heal while some others' fester and cause Damages. We think that it just happens and can be Mathematically / Medically understood / predicted. but perhaps we take God's ACTIONS for granted. Therefore the MOOT POINT is If such a New Life Form is created by God or Got Created by God through Human Beings or Such Other God's Instruments WHO IS THE CREATOR OF THE NEW SPECIES ? Man or God ? We think 'WE THINK ON OUR OWN' but God might Manipulate / Manifest THROUGH OUR THINKING !
Yes, there could be a God who is above ALL RELIGIONS and SCIENCES ! For ease, let us think of the Universe [Everything !] as a SUPER SYSTEM [a System of all Systems living or inanimate] if not a Super Computer. It has the Hardware and Software where Every Bit of the Matter and Particles [perhaps Energy included] form the Hardware and Knowledge, History,Messages, Information, Event Records , Predictions and Calculation etc are the Software with God perhaps as The Operating System ! Constituent Matter and its opposite of Empty Space are the two important Components of the Universe which is a Virtual Canvas of the Inter-Mix of Void and Matter overridden by Electrical,Magnetic,Thermal and Pressure [Forces including Gravity] Influences ! We seem to Focus more on Matter and Particles and less on the Voids between them and Enveloping Everything which gives THE SPACE AND FIELD for all Movements and Energy Flows ! I welcome as much discussions and criticism on these initial statements which should not be simply accepted or simply opposed. Of course it is only a Notion without any Mathematical Proof but what kind of Evidences are we looking for in the Philosophical Notions ?
Yes, God talks to us : If we listen to Him !
- 2 replies
தேவனாலே எல்லாம் கூடும் தேவனாலே எல்லாம் கூடும் தேவனாலே எல்லாம் கூடும் நம்புவாய் நீ அவரை ! நம்புவாய் நீ அவரை நம்புவாய் நீ அவரை நம்புவாய் நீ அவரை தேவனாலே எல்லாம் கூடும் ! God can just do Everything God can just do Anything God can just do Everything You must just believe in Him ! You must just believe in Him You must just believe in Him You must just believe in Him God can just do Anything !
- 64 replies