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Everything posted by Commander
Most of us are aware of the devastating Earth Quake which has hit Nepal on 25th Apr 2015. It is because of the Plate Tectonic Movements and the Indian Sub-Continent pushing below the Asian Plate we can expect a Major Earth Quake and Similar Disaster every 60 to 70 years , the last one having occurred in 1934 or so. What Science can do about such Disasters ? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FYI : What is an earthquake? http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/India/In-India-JK-HP-Uttarakhand-fall-under-most-active-seismic-zone/articleshow/47063861.cms
Listen, If You're OK then I'm OK ! I just don't want any Communication with you ! Is it too much to ask ! Please spare me from your Intelligent Responses ! Let us be friends and agree to disagree ! Bye ! PS : Being much younger to me I hope you will adhere to my wishes !
Hi iNow, I am sorry, I was mistaken about that quote which I thought I had not made. May be it was in a different context and not about this type of Rep marking. Anyway, I apologize for it and if you don't mind I'll erase it. I had not reckoned too that my post will have those spelling errors. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BTW I was not lying at all when I said that I am forced to accept these neg Reps. I might be forced to accept but not without a fight !
Too many People are reputed to have a Good Reputation which might need Validation as to who gave + Clicks to whom and what for ! Too many People are marked down and their Reputation smeared which might need Reevaluation and Validation as to who gave those Neg Clicks and for what ! Maybe Moderators and Admins and Experts should be in a different Category of Rating and should not give or take +/- Clicks if they are able to see the database [making everything Public may be better though there could be resentments / vindictiveness but may balance out] No member should be able to give Neg Click to any other more than one per day , three per month or Ten per year so that victimization is avoided. Overall each Participants will earn a bank of 3 Neg Arrows and 3 Positive Arrows per weak [Every Monday it will be reset] Each Positive Marking towards a Post should get +2 in the Reputation and each Neg Click will get -1 and the Nett is shown as Reputation. This is what we do in BridgeHit where too it is a big bone of contention. I am no one to suggest anything here and I leave it to the Intelligentia here but I believe this may improve the Rating System here !
- 1 reply
Oh OK, If somebody is weaving a question about deceiving etc without understanding the meaning and the idiomatic use of deceptive why should you call it reasonable ? If I have friends like you I don't need Enemies !
You are an example of someone from England not knowing English ! First go back to my Posts and answer my questions before asking unconnected and meaningless Questions ! Your animosity towards me is destroying the Value of this site as you can see , ie if you look at it from unbiased Position ! I was happy as long as you kept away from me but it didn't last ! And apart from giving me so many Neg Clicks what else did you do for me ? First you accused of me of Arrogance when there was none. Then when I was referring about someone else you said that I accused you of bad language [Even a Child will know that I was not referring to you there] No wonder you have so much of bile against me and your supporters are joining and attacking me. Who made you an Expert here I must examine that. Whatever happens in any Poll and whatever happens now People like you are destroying this site ! Sorry, deleted here.
- 23 replies
Now, who is this ? Make it public you brave anonymous soldier ! That is if you are brave like iNow. Bravery must be rewarded always !
I gave all 3 Negs today to someone Special ! You'll be next to get them , now that you unabashedly gave me 2. Are you some Lackey of someone ? While I had nothing against you you are doing this to me. Or, are you part of that Mafia ?
- 23 replies
God Bless you swansont and you [after using those bad language against me] have the Right here to Warn me ! Well done mate, you were waiting for that opportunity as I could see !! Hey, I have been giving +1 to many but not getting anything back. I never give neg to anyone unless someone gives me that with vengeance bordering on nuttiness. +1 to you
My Good wishes are with you BTW I made this post when I did feel quite low [Health wise] on 6 Mar 2015. Today, I have realized that A FIGHTING SPIRIT gives the best Chance against any Low Health. Just going down under that Pain/Threat will boost the Morale of that inflicting Devil ! +1 for you [perhaps I did give you earlier too]
An indication of how many Cowards are backstabbing you ! There is a Coward who has marked this down ! Why you fool ? I gave this fool a neg marking ! Why did that vanish ? Glorious Bleeder ? This will be a test case how the Mafia works here I suppose ...........
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TBH ? You mean To Be Honest ?
Don't get carried away by the Rep Score ! It is highly deceptive to say the least !
- 17 replies
Thank you I am thinking how Magnetism will get interlinked into it.
Consider this : Charge might be just a Property of Matter with Mass. Just like Heat radiates from a Higher Temp to Lower Temp [Temperature indicating Heat Potential ] Electric Charge might flow from higher Potential to lower Potential [ though it is presently called Negative ] We may need to look at it in a different angle.
Programming is like Puzzle Solving, A purely Software Process always having to run on a Hardware like Computer or Human Brain etc. Perhaps the best software is to create an Intelligent Robot with all Human Prowess with Possibilities of Enhancement/Expansion. Also able to duplicate a Living Human's Knowledge/Memory/Brain so that Death can be grossly defeated ! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PS : Another interesting and useful Program you can create is an Embedded Software on the TV Remote which will automatically switch the next Channel on the Favotite List as soon as an Ad is started or is going on !
This x is just a variable and I need to find the lowest answer say x19 and solution to x which will be of the form x = n*60008 + x19 where n can be any positive number. x19 will be the Multiplier used to define the number X in the 20th Level say X 20 as X 20 = X 19 Let X be the Actual answer we are trying to work out step by step and on the 20th step we have : X = 1415861012097390882135382831783030209750137216528176436194427 satisfying : X mod [2=1, 3=2, 5=2,13=8 etc upto 430009= 267339 ie the first 20 steps] This X at 20th level say X 20 is made up of X 20 = X 19 + LCM(m1, m2, .. m19) * x19 which in this case is nothing but : 1415861012097390882135382831783030209750137216528176436194427 = 12420797378952639823185332549543391009135702825716011397 + 14597731658607622660819660034956652332269262929811536330 * 96991 At each level X will be reduced to the lowest value as and when possible but no reduction could be done upto X20 as only Prime numbers were mod factors upto m20 but m21 and m22 are not Primes and could lead to reduction on the 21st and 22nd Levels. Also it is derived iteratively as X 20 = (((X 1 + LCM(m1) * x1)) + LCM(m1,m2)*x2) + ……until x19 Multiplier x has been worked out upto 19th Level and shown in the table in the attached file. The actual values will be 1415861012097390882135382831783030209750137216528176436194427 = ((( 3 + 2*1)+ 6*2)+30*1 …… until x19 Mod Arith Puzzle.doc
Hi All, [ +1 to each of you Enthalpy, CasualKilla & swansont ] Yes its a heady mix of Ideas of which I am always enthralled and would like to unravel as much as we could and understand all intricacies. Whether the Electric and Magnetic Fields and Energy traverses through a Conductor [normally viewed as drifting of charged particles like Electrons and Holes/Ions drifting through the media] or just through Space or in any other way as per the permittivity and conductivity,susceptibility and permeability etc as a Wave or Transmission it conveys and distributes Energy from Origin to some Destination While the actual Electrons transfer through may be slower the disturbance runs through the media at the high speed of say the speed of Electricity or Light. Depending on what is in its path the Energy might interact with the Space Matter with all its Quantum Mechanical Behaviour and takes different Forms like Momentum, Sound, Heat, assimilation into Mass/Matter etc. All of us Humans owe our Life to such Energy supply from Sun through Radiation and Light [Electromagnetic Wave ?] and if that supply fails for a few months we can't post anymore in this forum ! We have many Theories each one proved with high mathematical Formulas in Vector Algebra etc and Multi Dimensional Analysis which I would like to analyze , understand and then Accept just as I accept 2+3 = 5 and after this understanding I can claim that I have knowledge in this area of Science ! Do I have an Uphill task ? Yes.
What is an electric charge - what is it made of is a good question too
Wolfram Alpha is unable to solve : ( 1415861012097390882135382831783030209750137216528176436194427 + 6277155992786205212756401191971675112746773483185328925726970 * x) mod 600008 = 318753
+1 to you for a hard puzzle put up. +1 to you for the Good Effort [given in the other post] Hi Sensei, Thank you. Having been a Software Engineer/Researcher myself it should be possible for me to work on a suitable program. However my heydays are from IBM 360 onwards and Programming in ASM, C, C++ and upto Java in handson mode and thereafter on as and when required mode and therefore it will not be easy for me to indulge into it. +1 for your response md65536, One more +1 to you. As I said WolframAlpha has ditched me on the last steps. Have you got 73 Digit Solution - Has it given the Right Answer tag ? 438462 to 438462+800009 may be the range for the lowest possible solution. The number must perhaps end with 7 which makes search easier. Right now I have the number which will solve upto : Welcome to the new challenge set! Find the lowest possible value for X Good luck! (You may want to learn about modular arithmetic for this) x mod 2 = 1 x mod 3 = 2 x mod 5 = 2 x mod 13 = 8 x mod 29 = 4 x mod 31 = 18 x mod 191 = 130 x mod 397 = 343 x mod 691 = 652 x mod 1009 = 858 x mod 2039 = 689 x mod 4099 = 1184 x mod 7001 = 2027 x mod 10009 = 5119 x mod 19997 = 15165 x mod 30013 = 15340 x mod 70009 = 29303 x mod 160009 = 42873 x mod 200009 = 158045 x mod 430009 = 267339 Let us see whether this number can be lowered or whether it is valid and lowest upto this point. I will PM this number to those who give me a +1 Also, soon I will go through the next two steps and perhaps find the solution and verify and report whether it is right ! Then again I will PM it to those who give me +1 for the Effort ! All good responses will get +1 from me in return ! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This itself can be taken as another Split Puzzle as an off shoot. What is the lowest number which will satisfy the first 20 steps as given above ? It is wise not to attack this time consuming puzzle ! +1 to you
The answer I got at that point is : cut and paste 20740059257 Let me again see whether any optimization possible. Mod Arith Puzzle.doc That 2 and 600008 factor comes later PS : I couldn't see any optimization possible upto this. >>>>>>>>>>>>....... Just about to complete processing 600008 and Wolfram Alpha says Standard time over and is not allowing my calculations from any computer on my IP Address
I used Excel and Wolfram too but after about 8/9 steps the numbers were getting too large. Imatfaal has given rigorous info on this modulo arithmetic. My take on this :
I am trying to solve this Puzzle. Quite interesting. Perhaps I am going by the correct steps but it is quite time consuming. I hope the answer will be the lowest such a solution. Maybe only 25% progress has been made after so many hours of effort. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> PS : I am giving up as most of my processing software are saying that the number is beyond their power. May be a super computer is needed !