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Everything posted by Commander

  1. A very good attempt. However it can be bettered ! The Solution does not depend on luck !
  2. Hi, Thanks. Many People would be collectively creating Cells which can be employed as many as possible and used at as high a rate as required. It is only a Hobby and the Output will be evaluated Practically though what you claim may turn out to be right. I will try and evaluate it myself soon ! Of course these Cells need not be only created from Muscle Power ! Other Sources like Wind Power , Tidal Waves, Hydro Electric Sources etc can also be used to output Cells [instead of only Electricity] Instead of Fuels producing Pollution this will be a better alternative perhaps !!
  3. Two Circular Iron Plates and another Heavy Circular Weight are stacked one above other. In the pattern below. The whole thing A, B & C touching each other is weighed together and weighs X. A & B are then magnetised and the arrangement put up again A, B & C once again in contact with each other. This arrangement weighs Y. Obviously A & B are stacked with compatible Polarity. Then B is inverted and the magnetic force is such that B& C are in contact but they float above A without physical contact [just like those trains these days]. This arrangement weighs Z. The Question is : Will X be equal to Y ? Will Y be equal to Z ? If Z = Y but > X , then will Y-X be equal to the Energy pushed into the Stack and the Energy added E will be equal to [Y-X] * c2 where c is Speed of Light ?
  4. It is proposed to produce Units of Energy / Fuel called FORCE CELLS ! Each of these cells hold a Unit of Mechanical Energy. It is designed as a Spring which can be wound and unwound or Compressed and Decompressed. Any of the above may do but I prefer a linear tensile wire which can be wound up and locked and when touched on a point opens out and produces a direct CIRCULAR FORCE for Automobile Motoring !! Like the Clock Spring. Therefore the Car will be built with an Engine which takes in a stream of Fuel Cells from its Tank / Stack and have a Carburetor / Integrator which arranges these Cell on a platform which with one trigger will open out all the Fuel Cells and impart the Energy to a Flywheel !!! Other Conventional Systems will be added to this contraption. Similar Contraptions will be conceived and Built for other Applications. THERE WON’T BE ANY EXHAUST and POLLUTION !!!! The decompressed Fuel Cells will be RECYCLED in a Generator which will Reproduce the Fuel Cells. The MAIN PURPOSE of this invention is for EMPLOYMENT GENERATION and HUMAN EMPOWERMENT !!!!! Because Human Beings need not simply waste their Energy while EXCERCISING but directly CREATE FUEL CELLS in the Process or in other words Wind Up these Fuel Cell Springs AS A COTTAGE INDUSTRY or Work from Home Venture while at the same time BEING HEALTHY AND EXERCISED in the Process !!!!!! NO HEALTHY HUMAN WILL BE OUT OF WORK !!!!!!!
  5. There are 39 perfectly Spherical Metal Balls IDENTICAL to one another in Shape , Color and Weight. Except that just one of these Balls is DEFECTIVE and has a DIFFERENT WEIGHT compared to the Rest of the Balls. We don’t know whether this Defective Balls is HEAVIER or LIGHTER in Weight. We also don’t know which is this Ball out of the 39. We have Only a SIMPLE BLALANCE and nothing else to use [No Weight Units etc] Some of these Balls can by weighed in the scale against each other and any Inference taken counts for one Weighing ! In how many weighings can you detect the Defective Ball and what is the Procedure ? Remember, you need to also find whether that Defective Ball is Lighter or Heavier than the others within the same number of Weighings !!
  6. Yes, nice replies indeed. I gave you a +1 rep. I wonder who all had given me those neg scores Yes we need to still understand correctly : What is matter and what is mass - whether the very inherent speed of the travel of a particle / matter does add to its mass or not. What is Time, Chronological and Absolute and why can not it be same at all Points of the Universe / Universes irrespective of Distances from each other though observing it and Synchronizing may be impossible. These are some of my thoughts
  7. Hi, Thanks. Though I don't claim I have worked out Equations and Proof about the Laws I have proposed I only proposed it with the Belief that YES IT IS ABSOLUTELY TRUE [just like an apple falling and hitting one's head into thinking] and it is now My Duty to DISPROVE ANY other Claims to the Contrary. If Space-Time Continuum and Curvature of Space etc. does SATISFY MY QUESTIONS I will accept them. Of course I will once again read all the Observations / Accepted Laws and particularly pore into all the Mathematical Equations a Jungle into which One can easily get lost ! Whether it is Michelson Morley Experiment or Newton's Rings and Wave/Corpuscular Theory or Hubble Telescope Observations etc I need to re-evaluate what will happen with THE PLATFORM ITSELF having an unknown Velocity. Also, SR GR and Contraction of a Moving Stick etc and all Theories need to be revisited. Come On, Is there any harm IN OBSERVING, EVALUATING and DISCUSSING about the TRUTH ABOUT THE UNIVERSE ? After all YOU AND I DON'T STILL KNOW WHAT IS WHAT !! We do know We are all travelling through Space. Can you tell me what is your Velocity Vectorial Value ?
  8. I believe there can be many Parabolas and Ellipses which may fulfill the condition of being tangential at [X0, Y0] and [X1, Y1] in the given triangle with [X2, Y2] as its apex. ................. I have a power cut and will continue later >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PS : After thinking over this problem for a while I wanted to give my views here and started writing the above. Only then I saw the preceding posts and found that it appears to be settled / solved and taken care of my points too. Therefore I have nothing more to give here just now
  9. No
  10. Yes, certainly just like APPLES are MORE APPLER THAN ORANGES and ORANGES are more ORANGER THAN APPLES !
  11. Unless one goes around the ORIGIN of the River one can not traverse through all the Bidges to solve the 7 Bridge Puzzle ! For the modified 10 Bridge Puzzle there are many Solutions !!
  12. Hey, It's really wonderful ! Well done !!
  13. Well I solved just arithmetically with all possibilities taken care of such as : A can not be anything but 2 and therefore E has to be only 8 as given below. A can not be 1, 3 , 5 ,7 or 9 which is trivial as no product of 4xE will end with those digits. A can not be 0 because if it is so the result can not be in 5 digits. Also as per clue no leading zero. A can not be more than 2 in which case the result will exceed 5 digits. So A is 2 ! For A being 2 E has to be either 3 or 8 with 4XE either 12 or 32 Also as 4A should not exceed 9 [if so it goes into 6 digits] and as 4A is only 8 as we decided A = 2 already E can be only 8 or with Carry from 4xC can be 9. So, E is either 8 or 9 but if E = 9 4xE can not end with 2 and therefore with logic from either end E = 8 Thereafter I enumerate the possibilities of B, D as well as C and checked that apart from 21978 x 4 = 87912 I don't see any other set fulfilling the results !! Yes, the correct reasoning !
  14. Each guy paid 9 Dollars ! A total of 27 $ . 25$ out of this is with the Hotel Owner and 2$ pocketed by the Waiter !! What is missing ? Take care whether you should add or subtract 2$ 3x9 -2 = 25 !
  15. To start with I need support to carry out this exercise : Or someone else can get it done. Have a set of Gear wheels connected in sequence at 1:100 teeth ratio or 1 : 10 That is if the gear turns one circle the next connected gear wheel turns 100 times [make it 10 if needed] Connect these Gear Wheels say 10 in number and use Reliable design and Engineering etc [i can give the graphical diagram if needed but it can be easily imagined here] The point is as we add wheels in tandem one of the latest added wheel will start revolving at such a speed that its peripheral edge will attain the Speed of light or exceed it. Something may give way somewhere if THERE IS ANY IMPOSSIBILITY I would like to see what happens and what fails etc in order to develop further on this observation. Let us use the best Material Science and Fibre Composite etc for the LIGHTEST and STRONGEST of the Wheels and Arrangement in this Exercise ! For those who claim to have isolated even each and every Particle this should an easy task !!
  16. Yes, thank you. I once again solved it trying all possibilities and found that the Solution found by Studiot is the only Solution and unique. I also agree with you that the multiplier needs to be only 4 and nothing else PS : In fact I have not yet verified it for 2 or 3 in place of 4 But 5,6,7 or 8 might be eliminated as if the multiplier is any of them A needs to be only 1 which straight away eliminates 5 , 6 and 8 but 7 needs to be investigated.
  17. Continuing with our Puzzle Series .............. This is a Brain Storming Exercise ! CAN YOU SOLVE : ABC x DE = FGHIJ and find a Solution to this equation with each alphabet standing for an unique decimal digit and none equal to one another ! To explain further ... [spaces added for clarity] A B C multiplied by D E = F G H I J or A B C x D E = F G H I J where A B C is a 3 digit number D E is a 2 digit number F G H I J is a 5 digit number Each Alphabet A , B , C , D , E , F , G , H , I , J represents one of [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 ] and each Alphabet represents a different digit with no duplication.
  18. If we accept it was a Big Bang which started the Universe / Space what was outside that LARGE BLACK HOLE and what do you call that Space which was later on occupied by matter spewed out of the BIG BANG ? I call it UNLIMITED EMPTINESS !
  19. Yes, we need to constantly question each and everything and not lose grip over REALITY and slip into a FICTIONAL and IMAGINARY understanding of IMAGINARY dimensions and get confused between INSIDE and OUTSIDE. Can you tell me what the OBSERVER will perceive if he is within the confines of an Atom or an Orange or House[with A/C on] or at the Core of Earth or Sun or a Blackhole [many are impossible for the Human observer] I will give a Model which will satisfy ALL THESE CONDITIONS ! Just look at the Basic Points ! Why should there be any LIMIT to SPACE / EMPTINESS !! I challenge anyone to give me a satisfactory answer !!!
  20. Oh yes, well done - Congratulations Studiot ! It was indeed Bright !! Hi, yes Thank you for the info. Studio has solved it quite quickly and the Solution may be unique !
  21. Well, thank you. Every new idea will look very silly when it is proposed. I will put up my reply in detail to the counter points asap For example I want you to tell me where is the "Egg Shaped" lodged and what is beyond its shell etc. I don't claim that I am fully aware of each and every Theories but still I do have a short-life span and must do my bit. That Demand is not intended to be provocative but to highlight my dissatisfaction on the existing Beliefs while at the same time admitting my inadequacy at this point TO PROVE IT ALL MYSELF !
  22. Hi, Thanks. To be fair to all who are trying hard to get the solution, I must hold on for a while before putting up the Solution. Yes, as I said this is a straight forward puzzle with a clear answer !
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