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Everything posted by Commander

  2. Hi Friends, This is MY OWN PUZZLE [means created by me] as I wanted to create it in the form ABCDE multiplied by X = EDCBA ! Therefore I tried to solve it myself and found the Solution for ABCDE x 4 = EDCBA I have not yet analyzed and found there is any solution for ABCDE x n = EDCBA where n is 2,3, 5 or 6 !! Also, I did find one Solution but did not search for any more Solutions. I need to now look for the notes where I wrote that Solution or Solve it once again myself !!! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> THERE IS A SOLUTION 100 % and don't lose heart !!!! As a CLUE I can add that THERE IS NO LEADING ZERO in any of the 5 Digit numbers in the Equation. ie. Neither A or E is 0. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PS : The URL quoted in my post is nothing but my own Personal Website and the same can be accessed from my Profile !
  3. Hi All, Here is an interesting Puzzle ! ADCDE x 4 = EDCBA where A B C D E stands for a decimal symbol each [one of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] Thus ADCDE and EDCBA are each a 5 digit decimal number Can you find the answer ? ABCDE x 4 ............. EDCBA ............. What is A, B, C, D, E ? ................................................................................................ For a Set of INTERESTING PUZZLES Click on url deleted And Click on ' Interesting Puzzles ' under ' Family Corner ' Good Luck for Solving them !!
  4. Hi, I do appreciate the amount of quick grasp you have shown to read and understand all that info I could post and also pointing out about the same which can be derived from the Zeta Function Expansion. I thank you for the Effort and interaction. But someone else during my Usenet Discussions had already indicated this Zeta Function and therefore it was not a new input. Still I thank you from my heart !
  5. Thank you ophilia and ajb I did not invent NUMBER 1 It was already there I only found this beautiful relationship by my OWN DERIVATION First read my PROOF GIVEN IN MY FILE NOWHERE HAVE I BORROWED ZETA FUNCTION OR ANYTHING ELSE Also read what Jim Loy said in his Email to me.
  6. Dear Ophiolite [Moderator], Thank you for all the Support and I am very happy for so much of interactions in a short time. I did not really anticipate this due to my interaction with other Forums and Groups in other Sites. If I have looked arguing in any aspect I submit that it is not my intention. I tried [somewhere else - url deleted by mod] too but their reaction time is slow. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> About : 3. You do realise that Einstein's theories (SR and GR) are not not "hotly contested" as you claim? I used to interact with many Scientists and free thinkers in various Blog Sites , Usenet Forums [News Servers] and other Scientific Journals and there are dedicated attempts to promote ideas such as "Einstein Hoax" etc and even there are Ether Theories and proponents of ideas against Einstein's SR & GR and particularly his proposal of Universal Constant. In fact I hold Newton and Einstein [still] with very high regards and therefore this opposition to Einstein Ideas were shocking to me. While I am still studying [and therefore the ideas are currently only Speculative] them I firmly believe that EMPTINESS HAS NO LIMIT and SPACE IS BOUNDLESS and there are UNIVERSES and UNIVERSES each one limited with MATTER THAT A BIG BANG CAN CONTAIN - GRAVITATIONAL FORCE LIMIT. Then what is BEYOND ? AS THERE CAN BE NO LIMIT/END TO EXTENDING AN EUCLIDEAN LINE IN SPACE [if there is a bound then what is beyond ?] This thought explains the reason for the THEORIES PROPOSED though the PROOF I NEED TO STILL DERIVE There is NO GOING BACK IN TIME - TIME TRAVEL - too which Einstein had proposed. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Once again THANKS
  7. Hi, Further, I have indicated that it is not divergent and It is a prooved and accepted finding [by many experts including Jim Loy] since 1998. I thought I am posting under Physics and did not note that the Sub-Topic is Quantum Theory and this is an Error. It can be under a suitable Physics Category like General. Also about the Color it has not been understood correctly. It does not matter if Chemical Content makes the Perception look differently. What I said is even though I see RED with the same Feeling and Emotional Perception as another sees GREEN Both of us would have been pointed to that particular object with that color and tutored that this is RED and that is GREEN etc and therefore between us there won't be any Contradiction ! Just pointing out a Possibility and creating a REASON why some EYES are FOND of SOME COLORS and there People differ in their Choice !! Thank you ! I know there could be Applications of this in Signal Processing and Matrix Signature of any Rational Number !! OK TY
  8. Hi, Please note the next line That is, from ‘2’ to ‘ infinity’. Please read the attached file Hi, Thanks for explaining Lepton. I have added a file which gives the PROOF THERE IS NO SPECULATION
  9. Hi, After my well thought and well written reply GOT LOST while I was trying to preview it before posting because the Server did not respond I NEED TO REPLY TO IT again. Pl bear with me >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi, I am replying once again, but can not exactly retrieve my earlier reply which got lost. I include the gist of it here. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes, I understand your points. Being a FIRST TIME POSTER IN THIS SITE, I did make use of the Opportunity to REVEAL THE VARIOUS ASPECTS of my RESEARCH TOPICS and Ideas. I can recast the INFO INTO DIFFERENT CATEGORIES if suggested. PLEASE GIVE ME ADEQUATE TIME AS I AM A RETIRED SOFTWARE ENGINEER PROFESSIONAL who is trying to make a BREAK INTO THE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AREA ! Thank you >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PS : What is this Lepton Title I see which has no connection with me or my info - I am trying to change it
  10. Please view the attached file : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I give the following equation, as the reason for calling the value of 1 {Quantity one} as the mother and Sum of all possible Rational Numbers. http://www.wincowalker.com/ An Equation created and proved from basics by me [ Thomas Walker ] in 1998. The greatness of this relationship is the fact that it shows that number 'one'1is the sum of sums of all possible inverse powers of all possible positive integers that come after 1. That is, from ‘2’ to ‘ infinity’.
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