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Everything posted by Commander

  1. Illustrative Cuts
  2. Quadrangle deals with four Points and Quadrilateral deals with four line segments. All figures we discussed above satisfies these Conditions ! Whatever I have found and announced here that any such figure can be cut into four identical and similar figures seems to be a new finding though easy and simple !
  3. Thank you !
  4. OK I will give the answer as one member has asked for it ! Any triangle can be split into four equal and identical parts each being similar triangle ! Any quadrilateral polygon can be divided into two triangles !! [even the odd figures] Cutting these 2 triangles into 4 equal parts each enables you to join them into 4 pairs of identical shapes !!! In the case of polygons with no crossing lines two of these shapes will occur naturally connected together each being similar to the parent polygon and the other two are obtained by moving and pairing the one-fourth triangles !!!! That's it 🙂
  5. It is only on quadrilaterals but as an odd one with obtuse angle was presented I did say that the question applies on that too and also realised it will be valid on the figure I gave though it looks like having more than 4 sides it is actually formed by 4 straight lines and thereby qualifies to be called a quadrilateral !
  6. Yes sure, it applies to this too ! Even this
  7. Prove that every Quadrilateral Area can be divided by cutting and joining into Four Identical Equal Shape/Area Pieces !
  8. Thank you for your responses
  9. WhatsApp Question : What happens if a member dies ? WhatsApp Answer : He can not post anymore ! ------------------------------------------------------- If Human Species finish their Tenure on Earth Life will not end ! Just like when Dinosaurs were wiped out Life on Earth continued !
  10. Yes, you are right. 2*sqrt(2) cm can be adopted but could not be written for lack of space !
  11. Everything Pi
  12. Your choice is yours dear ! I'm OK You're OK Personally I would like the Casket sent into Space, but can not afford it ! Think Big and not Small as only Thinking is Faster than the Speed of Light ! If you do the small things perfect Big Success in life you can expect Enjoy every effort you make Reaching Goal with steps you take Never a dull moment in life Full of struggles and strife Stretch your hands to reach the Crown Minding the steps up and down Thank God for being born With both parents alive During Childhood and for Siblings For Survival and Education For Jobs Careers and Money For Neighbours Friends and Society For Health Peace and Tranquillity For a great Nation and Motherland For Tamil English and Languages For other Nations and Migrations For Earth Continents and Oceans For Intelligence and Brilliance All Credits to the Creator Who WAS IS AND WILL BE Our Hope Trust and Saviour Of all our Ventures in Future
  13. Not much can be done by any of us after our death and we leave the frame on earth ! Maybe what's happening now is the best. Maybe if we all want something more can be done. That is why it is in a Question form and not a statement. I mean it just asks Can we Preserve ... etc The end result may not be that fruitful [Like if in the later years some new invention can resurrect the dead frame] but the remains will be better than ashes or left over to Nature. May be better than any mummies or current methods. One type can be in a strong transparent shell within which the remains can be held until it can be opened if needed. Maybe the frame is first enveloped into a transparent cover and all gases exited by force. Then a transparent inert gas is filled with a view to preserve and deter any deterioration with the correct pressure. Then a transparent [say glass] mould of sufficient thickness is built over it. The other type is to build over the frame a transparent mould like a mummy and the frame can be preserved and visible in future like a monument. Required process has to be adopted to arrest decay as far as possible.
  14. The Creator has given us a Body and Frame which is alive until Death occurs ! That is all that is left of us in the end ! Why not preserve it rather than let it Decimate ! It is for our Progeny to Decide the Merit of the case !
  15. Don't use bad words OK. You are not worth answering to ! Whatever you said in your first part can coexist as you may as well agree as nothing new will have to change anything existing unless both can not exist. Your elaborate Digital info will not be understood after years of a Destructive Disaster by a newer Species/Inspector [if it does happen] and will have more Evidential Value in a Preserved Form or even deteriorated form as it is likely to resist deterioration better ! You give a good design and a practical one and get your name on it !
  16. Only the Living can work for the Dead and not the vice versa ! It is meant to emphasize ! It is meant to mean the effort must be as best as possible !
  17. Yes once it is decided to preserve a body the deterioration must be arrested at all costs ! And then let after many years Archaeologists of that Generation dig and find only some bones and base their decisions on that ! You want to only continue what is the present plans and not improve !
  18. Yes there will be a cost even after Death. But then why live and cause cost to the earth. Honour or dishonour or destroy or Close the cauldron of Memory is all up to us Earthians [you & me]. I agree it is not easy ! I haven't said anywhere that it must be done at all cost ! You may like to read again ! This is a part answer and do you still want any more answers ? Plz see ....
  19. Very Right ! But I will still resist naming anyone as all are created equal though they achieve Unequally !
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