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  1. I am placing this on Twitter & Facebook too ! Be the FIRST in the UNIVERSE to Solve it !
  2. Can our Puzzle Solvers pay some attention to Magic Squares !
  3. Has anyone attempted this ?
  4. I think the word OVERSEAS must now be changed to OVERAIR !
  5. Find the Master Magic Squares of 9x9 Magic Squares using Numbers from 1-81 This is a CASCADED VERSION with LOOSE ONION PEELS DESIGN in that : The Middle Core 3x3 Square is a Magic Square using 9 numbers from 1-81 This is enveloped by a 5x5 Magic Square using 16 more numbers in addition to the 9 numbers already used in the core 3x3 MS thus using a total of 25 numbers out of 1-81 This 5x5 MS is further enveloped by a 7x7 Magic Square adding another 24 numbers thus using a total of 49 numbers out of 1-81 Finally this 7x7 MS is enveloped by a 9x9 Overall Magic Square using all numbers 1-81 To illustrate please see the figure : This illustrates how each colored Core forms a 3x3 5x5 7x7 & 9x9 Magic Square respectively ! It can also be seen that each of these Magic Squares as well as these Sleeves can be rotated & still have a Magic Square & therefore there are many Solutions Possible To Illustrate further I give a Sample 9x9 1-81 Magic Square and analyze for illustration how it will add up in the smaller Squares within We can see here a 9x9 Sample Magic Square and to help add the Columns Rows & Diagonals I have indicated their Totals too. We can see that the Overall MS adds to the Magic Sum of 369 correctly where us the Component 3x3 5x5 & 7x7 Squares are not Magic Squares The Solution to the Puzzle requires all of these Components to be Magic Squares with Most likely Magic Sums of 123, 205,287 & 369 respectively ! There could be many Solutions Puzzle 1 : Find a Solution with 1-81 numbers so arranged that we have 3x3 5x5 7x7 & 9x9 Magic Squares cascaded like illustrated Puzzle 2 : Find a Solution with 1-81 numbers so arranged that we have 3x3 5x5 7x7 & 9x9 Magic Squares cascaded like illustrated with each Magic Square having Sequential numbers. Like 3x3 MS with numbers 1-9 or 37 - 45 etc followed by 5x5 MS with 1-25 or 29-53 and so on. Like in the above sample 9x9 MS has sequential numbers from 1-81 Similarly the component 3x3 5x5 & 7x7 each must have a sequential Block of numbers out of 1-81 3x3 MS need not start with 1 [perhaps can not]
  6. OK TY Are quarks then always existing and lasting ?
  7. Yes, I had the Impression that Neutrons are such fundamental Particles that are not newly created or destroyed except in the formative processes when the Matter itself was created. The OP was based on this. In the nuclear processes I thought that Neutrons which were part of Heavier Elements were released and not newly created. We use methods to date ages of fossils by Carbon based methods but can we ever determine the age of a particular Particle or for that matter a Molecule of water I drink now as to when was it created ? I suppose not !
  8. Hi Tar, Thanks for the attempt ! I too went on similar lines until I found a solution ! I mean in some way similar so that you don't get any wrong signal ! +1 for you so far Regards >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tar : BTW the middle 3x3 Magic Square need not have consecutive numbers : Can be any set of 9 numbers out of 1-25 ! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tar : After working out the Solutions once again I found that it is possible to have 9-17 in the middle 3x3 Magic square and have 5x5 Magic Square overall ! Thanks for opening my eyes to this possibility. My first Solution had any 9 numbers in the 3x3 Middle Squares. It makes the Puzzle simpler !
  9. This OP is a Simple Question but I request the Scientists to bear with me to express some additional views while I await their answers. If the Universe had started at a particular instance and neutrons are such particles which can not be destroyed or created all of them should have the same age. By age if a reference point in time is indicated what is that ? Also what has caused the current dispersal and distances between all these neutrons ? If not and if so all these neutrons had always existed then too if they are neither created nor destroyed all must have the same Time of Existence !
  10. In the Diagram below I give two examples of 5x5 Magic Squares which add up to the Magic Sum of 65 every Row Column or Diagonal However the 9 Middle Numbers ie the Core 3x3 Squares are not a 3x3 Magic Square Rearrange the Numbers 1-25 in such a way that we have a 5x5 Magic Square with a Magic Sum of 65 & the middle 9 numbers form a 3x3 Magic Square !
  11. Questioning not God but his handling of the Universe is what I meant. This very post is on that issue : that I am not sure whether God wants such happenings ! But I still believe that we have NO RIGHT TO DECIDE one way or other as we have No evidence [most people think so] either way. The very fact we are alive is gr8 and we must consider every micro second as God's Gift ! Just like no one can take his salary for granted which may cease anytime so is our life. Is there any Guarantee ? Even Obamacare is not dependable. What to say of Man's Regimes. Even if I get a Vision or Miracle which can be construed as evidence No one needs to believe that ! Integrating these all issues I believe in something and others are free to believe what they want ! TY Yes we are unable to interact the way we think we must. It may be so that we are interacting all the time without realizing how !
  12. Yes, that is why I never give up questioning ! Just like I am struggling to visualize how to make 6H contract on a Bridge Deal. It will be foolish of me to give up and say 6H contract can not be made. I know many will never make that bcoz it's tough to solve ! Sorry if that sounded rude. I didn't mean to be. I considered you always my friend ! You must have observed I hardly come here and hardly post much.
  13. Bcoz we never sat in our Caves and said : Man can never fly !
  14. Ha Ha, That's a nice joke ! Just makes it easier to read I suppose !
  15. Yes, it does appears so. That is the Concept of God or Creator does appear to be imaginary. But we have not understood everything & therefore what we think or believe are all questionable ! We all now [after knowing a lot] side with those who think Earth is a Globe and not with those majority [all dead and gone] who believed VERY STRONGLY that EARTH IS FLAT ! Therefore I would rather not say YES or NO to the Existence of our Own Creator !
  16. I sometimes wonder whether the Almighty God does really ACCEPT what MAN is doing on EARTH ! At Present MAN has established his Authority over the whole Earth and there seem to be NO CONTEST from any other BEINGS Living or Dead ! Perhaps Dinosaurs did Rule over the Earth sometimes back. That is just History now just as MAN'S Rule may also oneday turn out to be ! The Shape and Environment of the Earth as it once was has now been REENGINEERED BY MAN to suit his OWN FANCIES & PLEASURES ! Must really be looking totally different now. His Efforts Enterprise & Innovations are always ON THE RISE & many times DETRIMENTAL to the VERY SURVIVAL OF MAN HIMSELF & PLANET EARTH ! Also within himself MAN representing the Entire Mankind is SO DIVIDED, SO ARGUMENTATIVE, SO HATEFUL BETWEEN GROUPS, SO WARRING & DESTRUCTIVE OF ONE ANOTHER without RIGHTFUL, MORAL or ACCEPTED LEADERSHIP of ANY WORTHWHILE PERSONALITY ! It is MESS, CHAOS & CONFLICTS galore to say the Least ! IS IT OK IN THE SIGHT OF OUR TRUE GOD ?
  17. Has anyone tried out this Problem posed !
  18. Some more inputs : If you take the Sample Magic Square given above formed by the known Generation of Odd numbered Magic Squares with sequential writing of 1,2,3 etc upto 81 as shown it adds up to Magic Sum of 369 as given below. However it can be seen that there are no Mini 3x3 Magic Squares formed within this. There are a set of Mini Diagonals adding upto 123 each as can be seen. Another interesting Solution is given below. Here again there are no 9 Mini 3x3 Magic Squares within but all Mini Diagonals are adding upto 123. Our Current Puzzle is therefore to find a Solution such that each of the 9 Mini 3x3 Squares will add up to a Magic Sum as close to 123 as Possible and the Center Mini Square adding to the Magic Sum 123. As an aside I give here the Famous Ramanujan Magic Square which adds up to a Magic Sum for every row column & diagonal and also many Rectangular 4 numbers adding up to the same Magic Sum of 139. The first Row gives the Birthday of Ramanujan : 22 12 18 87 I set out to find a similar solution for my own Birthday which was quite easy and all the Properties of the Ramanujan Square is fulfilled for a Magic Sum of 101. 139 and 101 are both Prime Numbers. Then I noted that any Birthday can be used to find similar Solution & this is known already ! However I give mine here :
  19. This Center Number 41 is true for the case of nine 3x3 Magic Squares where 1-81 numbers are placed in such a way as to contain 9 Mini Magic Squares as required in the Puzzle.
  20. The 9x9 Magic Squares use numbers 1 to 81 only once and has the following properties : Each row , column and the two diagonals adds up to 369 and the center most number has to be 41 ! There are many solutions and I give here a sample : We can see that 9x9 Square has nine 3x3 Squares and each of these can be a Magic square with numbers out of the 1 to 81 set. I give below a solution with 9 such 3x3 Squares : It is not possible to have each 3x3 square add up to 123 and the entire row column or diagonal adding to 3x123 = 369 Puzzle : Find the best solution such that each 3x3 Square will add to as close a sum to 123 with the least deviation [less or more] from 123 !
  21. Sorry about the difficulty in reading the text : Tried to enlarge but the System here perhaps limits the size. It can be clicked on to make it bigger though. Quoting is easier if that was a text but it will be less colorful ! Here is the bare text : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Throughout my Life I have tried to believe in GOD and Science ! When I say GOD I mean the All Powerful Almighty Super Power. If we believe in such a Possibility that GOD is the Cause and Enabler of Everything where 'Everything' stands for the Entire Universe. By 'Science' I refer to the Logical and Provable Methods & Understanding of the Entire Universe and all Laws and Rules and Events. Such being the Enormity of GOD we Humans who are mere Mortals have NO RIGHT TO SPECULATE , CREATE or PONTIFICATE about our Individual or Collective Understanding of GOD or any Religion invoking Beliefs about Past, Current or Future Events or Occurrences ! MAN can not Create GOD but GOD has caused Creation of MAN and the Universe. This must be accepted before we proceed further or else there is no Possibility of Existence of a GOD - at least the kind I have alluded to above ! Therefore it is SAD & FRIVOLOUS for Humanity to Fight over GOD and Religions ! We must seek to find and understand the Religion which is created by GOD and perhaps Science is the ONLY PATH TOWARDS GOD ! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I know you like to use words like stupid nonsense etc but do you want me to retort ? You said : In my opinion, man frequently creates gods. And there is no reason to think that god created anything. So it does not have to be accepted. I said what man creates can not be GOD and does not pass the test for God I had indicated & therefore none of that is God at all ! Some Idiots have built a temple for Godse who killed Gandhi & that does not mean Godse becomes God. You say : Nonsense. Here I am doing just that. As so are you. So we have both broken your rule. Perhaps you are doing that but I am not : better read what I said carefully : What am I pontificating about ?
  22. Will put up later after refinement !
  23. imatfaal : Absolutely Right & that is the answer I was looking for and the sequence is 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 for OPTIMUM QUANTIFICATION with negative Symbol Inclusion ! Well done +1 to you
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