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Everything posted by YoungStrife

  1. It's possible to change the human genome to practicly anything, but to do so we'd have to change millions upon millions of genes, and at our stage we can only change several at a time. One day when we map the entire human genome and are able to make changes to it we can essentially create an armless man, or a man with 4 asses...but until then don't jump ahead.
  2. Well congradulations, you must be the new generation of humans. We used to need fat when food was scarce and unreliable but now in todays society it is only a burdain to whoever has an excess amount of it. I do not exercise very much, and am only 120 pounds. I think I am of a new biological adaptation since I have the greater or equal strength of any man I know (I know MANY people) that is up to 160 pounds, and some that are 200. (One who is 350, but he is just fat) What judges fat is 3 things; GENES (there are two chemicals controlled by genes that 1 determines hunger, the other controlls the way food is burnt/converted), exercise (the reason for obesity today is lack of exercise), and intake (you are what you eat )
  3. Any creatwure can fit into a cirecle/square if you set its dimentions right. And so can every object for that matter. Just try it, I think you'll dissapoint yourself with success. Evolution has nothing to do with truly geometric shapes, in fact evolution doesn't like geometry. To prove this, you've never seen a square animal
  4. I strongly suggest you take information based on previous studies. Some frog species can lay strands of up to 300,000 frog eggs at a time. I remember when disecting a frog i accidently got the only female...whoopy, and it took m all hour just to remove part of the eggs in her stomach...they took up around 2/3 of her body mass or at least so it seemed. My suggestis that if you do perform the experiment destroy an equal amount of each frogs offspring, lets say 99%, then you'll only have a few dozen thousand to count!
  5. I never heard of any metallic based lifeforms but I have of the silicon possibility. But these siliscon based lifeforms would have much slower reactions then us carbon based ones, considering the added weight. If you find the source where you got the theory of a metallic based lifeform lease tell me, it sounds pretty interesting.
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