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  1. Where would an electrophilic aromatic substituion most likely occur in this molecule? I assumed the ether is activating through resonance, and thus ortho/para directing. I am confused as to whether the methyl group or the ether is more activating, but I guessed that the EAS would occur at carbon A because that ring has more electron density than the other ring due to the methyl group (more stable carbocation). Is my logic correct or did I get this question wrong?
  2. In the picture, will carbon 4 or carbon 6 appear more downfield on a C13 NMR spectrum. They are both one carbon away from a nitrogen, I am guessing 4 but I have no logical reason for this answer. Thanks for the help
  3. If you're doing a dihybrid cross you don't need to draw a whole punnett square for probability. Break it up into two monohybrid crosses then multiply the probability of both. You can do this with any size cross. So if you're doing AaBb x AaBb and want to find the prob. of AABB. Do Aa x Aa and find the prob of AA which would be 1/4. Do Bb x Bb and find the prob of BB which would be 1/4. Multiply the probabilities. 1/4 x 1/4 = 1/16 prob of AABB. Here's what it looks like visually but you don't need to draw it out because it takes much longer. This is a simple monohybrid cross, even though I assume you already know. All you really need to know is that a gene is inherited and codes for a protein, which could be responsible for hair color, eye color, and other phenotypes. Each individual can only have two alleles (variants) of a single gene. So if hair color is a single gene, the alleles for it would be black, blue, blonde, brown etc. But one person can only have two alleles, for example black and brown. There isn't much genetics on the AP Bio test. It's won't be hard if this is the only thing you've had trouble with. I got a 5 on it and didn't stress myself too much over anything.
  4. idk guess he was lying. Hep D is older than 2008.
  5. The answer was Hep B with Hep D satellite. So I got it right.
  6. Mitosis is just the cell dividing, differentiation is when the cell alters the expression of different genes so it can be dedicated to some specific function.
  7. I narrowed it down to schistosomiasis, malaria, or hepatitis. I'm leaning towards Hepatitis D, which requires Hepatitis B to replicate. That would explain the different RNAs, and the one foreign DNA. Hepatitis B is a DNA virus that makes RNA intermediates, and Hepatitis D is a circular RNA virus. The recurrence of the symptoms after dormancy should also mean that it should be a virus instead of a bacteria. None of these seem like big news in 2008 but they're the only ones that had a good match-up of the symptoms.
  8. I thought it might be avian bird flu since it's written that it's a fairly recent pathogen and is also prevalent in Thailand. However, the neurodegenerative symptoms don't match up. Could anyone help me make a diagnosis?
  9. yes, it does defeat the purpose, i don't know why i did it...guess i just wanted to get a high number. that was very noobly of me.
  10. 4*4*4*4 = 256
  11. noobzor
  12. John, what are your parents heights? I am having the same problem as you right now. I am 16 and i am only 5' 6" even though my genetic potential is 5' 9.5", my height has remained constant for the past eight months; my 14.0 year old bro is even taller than me. Height is predominantly determined by genes but nutrition, exercise, and amount of sleep affect it greatly too. Maybe these will answer your question.
  13. Oh, this is too damn funny. Type in "failure" and see what site it goes to.
  14. Ok, can anyone explain why when I type in "s" or "a" just by themselves in the address bar, why firefox goes to random websites? If I type "s", for example, and click enter it goes to the mcdonalds website. If i type "a" it goes to apple's website... so can somebody explain how this works?
  15. i did not read the whole thread because it was too long. but basing on what was said from the first few pages, i do not think being an "empath" is actually a problem. I do the same thing, i always try to go in to another person's perspective when watching a movie and i know how they feel, by i do this by my own voluntary will, its not uncontrollable, i do it on purpose because i want to know what it actually feels like for them, and how being in a certain scenario would feel like.
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