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Everything posted by GPSMach

  1. This is a problem I initially solved while I was a patient in the mental hospital. A few years later I was testing it to see if it actually worked, which it didn't, so I got into it again with a vengeance, solved every possibility and tested all calculations for any situation on an Excel spreadsheet. This is the result of my work. It's already been solved before but I had to find out for myself. http://jons-math.bravehost.com/triangulation.html A necessary requirement for GPS is to determine the distance between the satellite and the receiver. Somebody told me once that they do that with a time stamp on the signal from the satellite. Even so I still don't see how that distance can be determined. Can anyone enlighten me as to how this is done? I can believe there's a cesium clock on the satellite, but not synchronized with the receiver. Let me know. My spreadsheet that instantaneously computes the solution for any input can be downloaded at, http://jons-math.bravehost.com/triangulation/triangulation03.xls
  2. Lorentz Contraction of a Moving Parabola http://mypeoplepc.com/members/jon8338/math/id42.html
  3. I. Mach Projectile Solver Find the source and destination of a supersonic projectile using 3 microphones. The projectile sweeps out a shock wave in the shape of a cone and intercepts the microphones. From the arrival time differences between the microphones, the solution is found. http://www.geocities.com/jongiff2000/Mach_Projectile_Solver.xls II. Triangulation Solver Find where 3 sticks of known length meet to form an irregular pyramid, given the coordinates of their bases. http://www.geocities.com/jongiff2000/Triangulation_Solver.xls III. Nested Parabolas, Surface Area of a Sphere and other solutions http://mypeoplepc.com/members/jon8338/math/ These are zipped Excel 97 files. Mach.zip Triangle.zip
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