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Everything posted by Obnoxious

  1. Wait a second! In theory 9/9 = 1, but doesn't that violate the Uncertainty Principle in practice?
  2. Does it go on forever approaching zero, or is it just zero?
  3. Okay, we know that when a small star runs out of nuclear fuel, it compresses to a white dwarf (or brown dwarf >_>) and no more because of the Exclusion Principle. And bigger stars compress all the way down to a black hole because their mass is too large, they overcome the Exlusion Principle due to extreme mass and gravity. Now, God decides to hide the singularity from the rest of the universe via the black hole's powerful suction, so that the singularity can never be seen by human eyes. However, here's my question, I read somewhere that Stephen Hawkings lost a bet because his friends managed to prove that it is in fact possible to see a naked singularity. Can someone please explain how?
  4. Maybe it's because you didn't vote for Bush >_> @_< I'm kidding, but more than often restless sleep is caused by lack of excercise.
  5. So if that's the case, then why would .9 vinculum equal one? It should just approach one, but never quite touch it, sorta like asympototes and the hyperbola
  6. Sound doesn't have mass >_> It is a wave, so it can in theory go past light speed without screwing up anything
  7. Yes, but Bosons (as oppose to ferimons >_>) alone have the ability to violate certain classical newtonian physical laws such as occuping the same space at the same time with another boson. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Helium-4 only behave like a boson when chilled to almost absolute zero? As regarding the medium for the sound wave to travel, I suggested the hydrogen under extreme heat and pressure. If the hyrdogen is hot enough, it should technically be able to transport sound waves faster than the light speed barrier >_>
  8. Alright then, sorry about the wrong thread location deal, I watch out next time. Anyway, then is 1/infinite = zero?
  9. Well, I was thinking that since 9/9 is .9 vinculum, and thus one, then 1/infinity is zero because the one (or for that matter, any number) is nowhere close to the size of infinity. Is it?
  10. Classical?! Who listens to that?! Go Back Street Boys!!! Just kidding, just kidding: Chopin's Revolution
  11. Prosons (sp?) are bascially everyday things that have mass, they are the opposite of bosons which do not follow the standard classical Newtonian physic rules. There are certain types of bosons and waves that can breach and surpass light speed, one form is called the advanced ray, this is the major driving force behind the theory that suggests that the future affects the past. The boiling/fusion point of all elements depend not only on heat, but on pressure, the greater the pressure, the greater the fusion/boiling point. Which is why scientists believe that at the core of Jupiter, there is a sea of molten hydrogen at an extremely high temperature. I was thinking that since sound is a wave, albiet compressional, it should still have the capability of traveling faster than light in theory...unless sound has mass...
  12. Suppose you have a nine out of nine chance to be hit in the head by a flying hippo today, is it possible that you won't? I think it is. A thought experiment: You are taking a fill-in-the-blank math test, however, you have no idea what the problem is saying, or what the solution could be...So you guess. In theory, you chances of getting the right answer is one out of infinite. However, as practice has shown, people do in fact guess right ocassionally...How is this possible? And since it is indeed possible, that one out of infinite is not in fact zero, then perhaps it is also possible that .9 vinculum (sp?) is in fact, not 100%.
  13. Obnoxious


    Why can't the square of radical negitive one equal to one? Unless of course, it does equal both one and negitive one, making it similar to the mathamatical avatar of the light, since light is both wave and photon...
  14. Thought experiment: Imagine a infinitely large empty space, there is absolutely nothing there. Now, imagine that two hippos suddenly appeared a vast distance (30 light years) away from each other in this empty space. How long before the hippos start going towards each other? Or is it instant? Which, as we know, can't happen...
  15. Rather we like it or not, light speed is only constant for all proison (sp?) matter, and since certain types of light do actually break the barrier, I was wondering if sound can do the same. I propose a thought experiment, suppose we get hydrogen, I was thinking that perhaps we can apply tremedous heat and pressure to the gas until it is super hot, but since there is tremendous pressure, the gas should still be solid. Now, if we are to produce a sound into the block, can that sound wave travel faster than light if the block of hydrogen is hot enough?
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