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  1. how would i make my own? on another note, if i can't dilute it in water, how do i make a paste? yeah, i realize this is probably simple, but i know next to nothing about science. that's why i'm asking you guys1
  2. Hey. I need a little help. I'm trying to heat something using sodium acetate, as people on this forum suggested I do (see post Heat through wires? in this section). So...where do I get a hold of sodium acetate? Do I just pour it into what ever I'm trying to heat (shovel handle) and heat it? Or do I need to make a paste? etc. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. ohhhhhh i get it. thanks for the clarification
  4. edward -- i live in canada, where it gets so cold in winter that exposed skin freezes in about 2 minutes. thats why you need facemasks, gloves, 4 layers of sweaters, etc. although, in summer it gets up to 25 degrees celsius on any given day. by the way, YT2095, what's a soln? is that supposed to say solution?
  5. Thanks for the help, guys. i think i've got some ideas. ps. if you steal my idea i will hurt you with mean words.
  6. hi. i'm looking for info for my science fair project (i'm in grade 8.) i know that heat can easily travel through wires. does this require many materials/large materials? (I'm building a heated snow shovel, and am trying to find a way to heat the handle enough to keep hands comfortable at the -40 degree temperatures we encounter where i live. i hope that heating the handle would not be complicated and could be done with small materials like light gauge wire and maybe AA batteries or something) obviously, i know very little about this, any help would be appreciated! thank you,
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