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Everything posted by Rekkr

  1. I'd really like to go to college and get a degree in physics. Can someone tell me what I should be doing now to prepare for that? I read up on science a lot, but in math I only do whatever is required in highschool (right now Geometry).
  2. I simply grew up around science and had home access to many books on scientific subjects.
  3. Assuming the magnet has a north end and a south end, this would be caused by anti-antiferromagnetism. One plate on the north end, and two plates on the south end. It is impossible to have a double "anti" (negative perhaps?) on a two poled magnet.
  4. Shit, I was registered on lokitorrent. I just can't remember what I downloaded (if I did download anything). They can't possibly sue all 750,000 people. I expect they will only target the big uploaders.
  5. I suppose the evidence backing this is slim, but it is my theory that we and Neanderthals bred together. The Neaderthals never went "extinct", they simply merged with the existing human populations. But like I said before, little backs this other than the evidence found in the Portugal cave. I have heard that scientists have analyzed both human and Neanderthal DNA and have determined that we are not related. Can someone more enlightened on this subject explain it in detail? Perhaps our Neanderthal DNA relics/traces simply disappeared over time? One thing I find interesting about Neanderthals is that their culture was so similar, perhaps even more advanced, than ours was at the time. Neanderthals ritually buried their dead and they played on flutes with the first four notes of do ray mi fa. But I cannot speak of their social culture. I suppose none of this evidence means anything significant though...
  6. Rekkr


    I am against abortion usually, but I don't want to be mixed up with the pro-life people. I hope you understand.
  7. I don't think it's possible for anything to evolve for living in the actual vacuum of space itself, but I think it is possible for them to adapt to it. For example: if humans ever become a space going civilization, perhaps we would lose our legs because we won't need them in the zero gravity of space.
  8. I have sleep qualities of both my mother and father.
  9. Viruses can evolve so quickly partly because they have a form of string DNA (ssDNA). But, if you really wanted to create your own übermensch and become the next Hitler, you could employ the same techniques used in cattle and dog breeding. Simply allow those with favorable traits the priviledge of breeding. Eugenics is completely possible, only unethical. If we really wanted, we could breed a population of humans with good looks, IQs of 160+, fine athletic skills, artistic talent, etc.
  10. Rekkr

    Would it be possible

    Yes and no. It is possible to use traits from one species in another, but to merge the two is almost impossible. Each animal has evolved to its own particular physiology, so transplanting one trait to another animal probably wouldn't work.
  11. Well, I'm good. All men in my family on both sides have had all their hair back numerous generations (in fact, I don't have a single bald blood relative).
  12. Rekkr

    Homosexual Gene?

    I believe that homosexuality has a gene. Whether or not this gene is switched on at birth or not is another matter. It could be switched on during puberty or earlier. Does anyone know any stories of gay people who weren't always gay? I really can't imagine any person choosing to be gay. It must be genetic.
  13. Yes, there is a genetic reason for athletic ability. Look at autistic people for example. These people are genetically predisposed to non-athletic ability (bad motor skills). Why can't this be reversed to state the opposite? Genes determine whether a person will be athletic just as they determine their physical traits, musical talent, personality, intelligence, etc.
  14. I have brown hair and green eyes. I suppose that is kind of rare... Not that I care though.
  15. Genetics determine how an organism will react to its environment. Some genes can be triggered by environment factors, but not most. Genes are accountable for almost every behavioral and physical peculiarity of a human being.
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