You're responses so far fall so short of actually explaining anything, it proves a remark I once heard: "The average evolutionist has no idea how evolution is "supposed" to work."
You're all following down the path of typical evolutionist responses:
1 - Label the evolutionist-dissenter a "creationist." Never mind that he said nothing about creation, your religion evolution says such an "infidel" must be a creationist. This takes the burden off you from giving any sensible response. Well, Hallelujah, Lord Darwin!
2 - Always refer the infidel to some other website or give him a bunch of links, and make sure to tell him that it's "already been explain" somewhere else. This keeps you from having to explain it yourself, which you couldn't do if you wanted to. If you knew what those other links or websites said, and evolution is so part of "factual" science you should've been able to explain something. Nothing, zilch. Lordy, Lordy, Charley must be turning over in his grave.
3 - A response like "most of your misinformation can be cleared" in some other websites shows an acute lack of understanding of the topic being discussed. There is no misunderstanding here. There is a simple biological scenario that should have happened in the past, that hasn't happened, and no one seems to be able to explain it except by just repeating the evolutionist mantra that says, effectively, "this is how it happened, period." We all know how and what happened. The fossil record says it very clearly. But you guys obviously haven't the faintest idea is why.
The response "Since evolution is one of the most heavily evidenced theories in all of science, your claims are unsupported." This is such a disingenuous circular reasoning response. This is like saying Jesus Christ (whom I don't believe in, by the way) walking on water (which I believe is total nonsense) must have happened because it was witnessed by so many. Therefore it must be true. Right. Show me the witnesses, and show me the "heavy evidence" of evolution. Just making such statements doesn't make it so. And if evolution is so "heavily evidenced" one would think you could provide at least some of that evidence. Nothing! Just words.
With the responses so far, no one has addressed a damn thing. In this short thread we've already had all the typical evolutionist responses: name calling, ridicule, go to "another website," and the foolishness goes on.
Then we have that line you always find in every such thread that shows such a complete lack of comprehension of what's going on: "There are many of species in the fossil record that don't exist any more. And there are many more that have changed over the millennia." What on earth is this guy talking about? No concept of what the issue is here, just a response to give his finger exercise.
This thread so far is like talking to an empty room. Not a shred of a substantive response.
To all you who have yet to come upon this thread, who don't necessarily believe in evolution:
Are you getting some idea of what you're up against? Evolution is not at all about science. It's about bulldozing people into "believing." No different than the most fanatical religions. Have you seen one logical, scientifically valid response here? Have you seen any response that actually answers anything? Nothing. It's like questioning someone's religion and being told it's already been explained in that other church. But no one can explain it, nor does anyone have any idea what or why they believe what they do. Maybe we'll get the answers at the resurrection Lord Darwin.