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Everything posted by Syntho-sis

  1. Well, the whole purpose of premed anyway, is to weed out the individuals that shouldn't really be in med school. It's to prepare for the huge amount of info one is going to be taking in, and digesting.
  2. likewise... PLUS ITS LATIN!
  3. This sounds like a job for the great detective himself! "Bring your revolver Watson.."
  4. Hmmm... The water bear is polyetremophilic. So you would consider adaptability the most important aspect of an organism's survival? That makes sense, look at where it got us humans... The question is a rather broad one though. There could be several organisms that succeed us. What about the species that succeed them though? Would that organism be a more advanced one compared to us? Alot of it is time and chance, I think. Mutations...which either make the species stronger, or kill it.
  5. So basically what you are saying is that high school math is adequate for a doctor, as far as math skills go? Hmmm....Let's say you needed a kidney transplant. Who would you be more comfortable with? The doctor who barely passed algebra two in his junior year of high school? Or the doc who went above and beyond and took several higher level mathematics courses throughout college (along with his required classes)? What is it that would cause a person not to take higher level math anyway? Would it be fear? Or because they consider it useless to their profession? As computers and automated systems become more integrated with medical technology, people who can do more than '2 + 2' will fare better than those who lack understanding.
  6. Originally there was no answer intended for this riddle... There can be several answer as well. The most common being "Because Poe wrote on both."
  7. You also need to consider how many people have their hands in the production of the gas guzzlers... How much money they are actually making. Also the mentality of the American people. Many seem to be angered at the suggestion of a paradigm shift concerning both, how we take care of the planet, and the technology we use in our daily lives. In other words, anybody that wants to invest in the well-being of future generations and more effiecent technology is a "tree-hugger."
  8. That is true. This seems to be a riddle in which many answers are correct...unless more detail is given. There are too many possibilities.
  9. I'm pretty sure Russia and China would looooove to have them around... You know, for "Research purposes." *coughs* biological weapons...
  10. Yes, that's a good point, I never considered that. An organism simply becomes habituated to a stimulus. Well, actually it probably slightly more complicated than that haha.
  11. I'd say it is most definitely possible. They can survive the vacuum of space, and a decade without water. Perhaps, all the genetic material was stored in us, when we were little "water bears" on another planet. Maybe, an alien race designed us to store all of the genetic material of that planet. A little Noah's ark.... Hmmm....What I'm wondering is, what is it that makes an organism Extremophilic? What properties do they have, that allow them to survive nearly absolute zero temperatures?
  12. That is if you are taking the word "have" with confidence... Does the man really "have" anything? If a man were holding a bee in his hand...I'd say he'd have a pretty sore hand. So by supposition, "holding" a bee in your hand, isn't even possible for long. Unless you are able to take the painful sting. Another thing, what type of bee is this? Is it very aggressive, queen bee? What kind?
  13. Hmmm I'm assuming this riddle somehow corresponds to the common greeting that is a "high five". Perhaps some wordplay with "Bee Hive"? A...High Hive? High flying five? Bive? Bee five? Could you give a hint?
  14. Rabbits....dunno if that has been mentioned Survival of the fittest is all about who is best able to reproduce. Or perhaps some type of microorganism? Such as..... *drum roll* The Tardigrade, or as he is better known..the water bear Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged^^ Yes my vote goes to the water bear.. hmm perhaps it's best to consider all the other Extremophiles as well.
  15. Wow...Thank you for the the site. Very, very much appreciated... *Adds to bookmarks*
  16. I think there is some other factor involved. If our noses become "deaf", Why is it we can see the same image millions of times, or hear the same sound over and over again? Wouldn't our brains turn theses sensory details off as well? This is just supposition, but smell being the most important sense in the animal kingdom, wouldn't that be one we were constantly aware of innately? But I have noticed that I also become habituated to certain smells given enough time. hmmm... Perhaps, it is our brains deciding that a smell is no longer offensive? For example, when someone first hears heavy metal music it is usually very annoying and loud. But given enough time and listening to the music repetitively, they start to enjoy it. Although, I have never met someone who enjoys the smell of farts. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged hahahahaha....Yes start with craigslist!
  17. The mantis in proportion to the lizard is HUGE! (I can make out the lizard limbs- but that is all) I'm not exactly sure about this... Very interesting observation though.
  18. It's a means to an end... We're all cats.. Let's not get killed. Personally when someone tries to identify reasons for not doing something, that only makes me want to do it more.
  19. Mathematics is a science in itself. Constantly new discoveries are being made in this field. Numbers have properties that are both fascinating and mind-numbing. It is the language that we speak when we are discussing the universe around us.
  20. This is a common misconception. Higher level Mathematics training is very valuable for those working in the medical field. Studying Mathematics improves your abstract thinking skills and your ability to problem solve. Math is the language of Science. Undergraduates applying to medical school are more attractive to medical schools if they have training in either Applied Math or Pure Math. A Mathematics major is considered more rigorous, which better prepares the student for the huge amount of information they must take in while in medical school. Math vs. Biology major= Math major depending on various other factors will have a slight advantage for the simple fact that math is so "hard" and they are a minority compared to Biology and Chemistry majors. Training in this area also kinda balances out the heavy emphasis on Biology and Chemistry that you encounter in Med school. Plus Math is just so darn fun!
  21. Hmmm... So are they declaring this a species wide phenomena? I think alot of it has to do with the way our culture molds us. I hypothesize that there many groups of males who actually perform better in a mixed-gender interactions (motivation), and some who are not affected at all (habituation?). I would not say this is an innate behavior on the male's part. Human behavior is entirely malleable by outside factors. That's just a thought.....
  22. I thought this was interesting.... It is called "Ununbium" which is Latin for 112 http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20090611/sc_nm/us_germany_element neat stuff
  23. hahahahaha Yes, that's what I'll tell my doctor when I contract Ebola... That it was just constipation Now...You said "any disease regardless of medical diagnosis" Hmmm...I bet that includes Mental diseases also? Is my brain just trying to unclog itself?
  24. When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.
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