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Everything posted by Syntho-sis

  1. Yes somewhat. For example, I know that it will rain sometime in the near future. I hope that the rain will provide the farmer's crops with adequate hydration so that they can take the crops to market and thus our economy prospers because of it. Knowing something doesn't always mean that it will actually occur though. Hope is usually an irrational belief that something will occur. (At least that seems to be what you are implying.) If Fox was hoping ACORN was dirty, was it entirely irrational? I'm honestly curious about this. Does anyone know what factors contributed to Fox's mistrust of ACORN overtime?
  2. If the nations were operating from a rational standpoint (The Axis weren't), then perhaps diplomacy could have achieved everyone's goals. Compromise has ended many wars.
  3. Do you mean Embryo or specifically fetus? Though not entirely relevant to today's anatomical and physiological knowledge, Gray's anatomy does provide a pretty comprehensive overview of Embryology. I don't know how much he gets into the muscular-skeletal system formation. http://www.bartleby.com/107/2.html Wiki is pretty good as well.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prenatal_development I'll see what else I can locate for you. Cheers,
  4. I've seen some pretty intense gore, living on a farm for a portion of my life, but nothing that extreme. That was pretty disturbing.
  5. Has he written in any journals? Maybe you could give us a more technical outline?
  6. Can but it doesn't. Most of us won't die glorious, awesome deaths like that. Most of us will live incredibly boring lives and then die watching Marx brothers tapes and sucking on a prune. Fight club was such a good movie.
  7. Wow. Maybe you need to go use a dictionary on occasion, so you can look up the difference between the words claim and suggestion. Because you obviously have them confused. I'm a skeptic bascule..of everything. Do you seriously think I believe the crap that Fox funnels down the throats of America? Well if you do, you're a moron. On the other hand. Do you seriously think I accept half the things people say on here? No, I don't. Not unless they can present unbiased, empirical evidence. I come to discuss, not debate. So quit cramping my style and GO BACK AND READ WHAT I SAID: Here I'll post it for you: I'm not trying to influence anybody, just didn't wanna leave any stones unturned. My will is good mon. Cheers,
  8. I simply mentioned something. If someone was interested in learning more I made the opportunity available to pursue the issue further. I wasn't necessarily arguing for Fox's sake. No more, no less.
  9. Well you see it's a bit more complicated than that. I would definitely recommend the book entitled 'Entanglement.' I can't remember the name of the author, but I know he is a renowned Jewish author and it shouldn't be too hard to locate. He addresses this topic directly in his book.
  10. On their website, if the fellow actually survives such an accident I think that constitutes a 'near miss.'
  11. I think there was an article in PopSci about something like this. Except it had to do with the construction of Earthquake resistant structures though. I'll have to reread that for a more comprehensive reply..
  12. Much appreciated. I'll take all I can get. Cheers,
  13. Cool beans! Also, can you inform as to a why a physician would need to acquire additional credits after med school and residency? Is it required?
  14. You don't have to be a fan of it, to do it.
  15. Well I know a stress test can be performed to gain somewhat reliable insight into one's general cardiovascular health. Which is entirely 'non-invasive' but it will only provide you with a limited depiction, and doesn't really clue you in on the health of the arteries. Also if someone is about to suffer a massive heart attack, it would be pretty obvious upon general examination by a cardiologist. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedThis website is pretty informative on cardio diagnostics tools. Cheers,
  16. IMO- Of course he 'deserves' to be saved, if it is within our reach. Personally I'd rather have a messed up face and be blind the rest of my life than be dead. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedI'm seriously not finding the humor in the Darwin Awards gimmick...
  17. http://www.foxnews.com/search-results/search?&q=acorn&sort=docdatetime Who knows. You're welcome to investigate Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged Agreed.
  18. Wow..That's pretty messed up.. From what I read he died two days later.. Lesson for all of us.. DON'T BE STUPID!
  19. I want to read it, haven't located a copy yet. Sounds rather interesting..
  20. No, I left it open for anyone who was interested. I don't have time to go looking into stupid things like that right now. Some people have more important things to do. Why don't you look into it, if you're genuinely interested?
  21. Yea personally, from what I've read about Dresden, It was alot worse. With the nuke most people were vaporized before they even heard it blow. But then there was the radiation sickness and the genetic defects and cancer. That was pretty horrible too.
  22. Well from what I heard (Yes I heard it on Fox) Fox had been onto ACORN months before any of the other organizations had been. They knew ACORN was dirty. I don't know if there's any truth to that though. And I don't feel like digging through Fox's archives to verify it.
  23. I think the idea was pretty much 'kill the enemy or die trying.' http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/worldwars/wwtwo/japan_no_surrender_04.shtml But did the innocent civilians that inhabited the cities deserve to die in such an extreme way?
  24. Was the correct decision made to drop the A-bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? I have to write a paper about this in a few weeks, and I'm trying to find a stance to support. Convince me that it was the right or wrong decision. Cheers,
  25. Here's a simple solution to the riddle I posted. There was more to it originally, but I can't remember any of that right now.


    Cheers, :)

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