Short summary of ER-hypothesis.
First, about new predictions of ER-hypothesis.
The ER-hypothesis predicts change in laws of physics near gravitation singularity.
It predicts change of space of states and their probabilities, for each particle, near gravitation singularity. Related hamiltonian would be different from usual.
So, if light travels in close vicinity of gravitational singularity, it should have some modifications after passing near gravitational singularity. The behavior should be different on different distances from gravitational singularity.
There are no numbers or calculations for the prediction, only prediction of behavior. There is problem with mathematics in the hypothesis. It lacks one equation, but with the equation it will become candidate for ToE. Light is expected to be changed – may be in its polarization or in something else.
However, I think it is enough to satisfy Popper criteria, because it makes the hypothesis falsifiable, and the prediction allows naming the hypothesis as scientific.
Other predictions:
· Variability of past. It means past of object can looks different at different times. It is expected only near gravitational singularities and for particles with Planck scale energies.
· Approach with space of states, used by quantum mechanics, is expected to be broken near gravitational singularities and for particles with Planck energies. It is hard to name it as new prediction, because Planck energy is obvious limit for quantum mechanics. What is new – ER-hypothesis explains why approach with space of states will be broken and propose way to discover how to calculate behavior of particles at Planck scale energies.
· Parallel universes are predicted. Also, ER-hypothesis predicts ability of interaction between some, but not all, parallel universes.
Other results of the hypothesis:
· ER-hypothesis contains theory of time as one of parts. ER- hypothesis proposed answers to questions such as: what is time, what is space, what is matter, why time flows, why time flows in one direction, are quants of time exists, why time is one-dimensional, is it possible to travel back in time. I think the hypothesis is first hypothesis which tried to answer the questions.
· ER-hypothesis proposed model of formation of spacetime, include model of formation of time and space during Big Bang. The hypothesis describes formation phase, during the phase both time and space not existed, they were in process of formation. I think the hypothesis is first hypothesis which tried to describe how time and space appeared.
· Further development of the ER-hypothesis should allow to look even further before Big Bang, to where there was neither time nor space.
· Was proposed quite natural way how to unify quantum mechanics, includes Standard Model, and General Relativity.
Next, I copied introduction part:
Time is a phenomenon that each of us observe daily. But physics is still not able to understand what time is. There is no evidence that time is independent phenomenon. Moreover, special and general theories of relativity [2] establish a connection between time, space and gravitation. This suggests that time is not independent, and has relation with space and gravitation. We know properties of time. But there is no knowledge of why time flows, why time flows in one direction, are quants of time exists, why time is one-dimensional, it is possible to travel back in time.
This article presents hypothesis of emergent space-time-matter (ER-hypothesis later in the article). This hypothesis considers space-time and matter as emergent properties of more fundamental entity. The fundamental entity includes everything objectively existing.
If look at physical phenomena around us, they are characterized by several key features:
They are caused by something. There are causal links leading to what is happening. Currently there are no phenomenon known that would not fall under causal links We can predict probability of state of any object in future. In order to do so, we need to know current state of the object, and state of other objects in some distance around the object. For some phenomena, we can predict behavior of objects in future only probabilistically. Quantum mechanics says that accurate prediction of state of quantum objects is not possible, we can predict only probability of states. Laws of nature are same in all known space, and are not depends on reference frame.
How space-time can be built on static system?
If there is no time as fundamental phenomenon, it means that underlying structure of universe is completely static. Time in this case must be emergent phenomenon. Special theory of relativity establishes dependency between space, time and speed. It means that if time is emergent phenomenon, observable space is also emergent phenomenon. General relativity establishes dependency between gravitation and spacetime. It means that in order to find emergent spacetime, it is necessary to find gravitation as another emergent phenomenon. Quantum mechanics describes many quantum effects. It means it is necessary to find particles with quantum effects in scope of the hypothesis. All observable physical phenomena have causal relationships. As result, time should be built in such way so that phenomenon that occurred later on, would be predicted on basis of what it was before.
Let’s imagine, space-time-matter, satisfying all the conditions above, was found on basis of static system. Can such space-time-matter describe reality, observable by us? If in such a world life is possible, can sentient being belonging to such world feel reality of surrounding and itself? These questions seem to refer to philosophy, as concept of Being is affected. However, different variants of answer to these questions provides different results in physics, so those questions are related to physics too. Postulate and main idea of this hypothesis is positive answer to these questions.
Occam's Razor helps in positive answer to this questions, since this hypothesis reduces number of independent phenomena and reduces significantly. Instead of various unrelated physical phenomena and independent space-time, this hypothesis suggests that all physical phenomena can be derived from one law of physics and suggests ways to find it.
If in such space-time-matter, found in static field, there is sentient, it will observe following:
· Time exists, and all events have causal relationships.
· There is past, present and future.
Why present time would exist? It may seem that in such system, time will pass immediately. However, it may be only from point of view of external observer. But outside observer in this model cannot exists, because system includes everything objectively existing. Observer here can only be object, capable of self-awareness, and belonging to emergent space-time. If such observer will move with time, it will observe changes of states of surrounding. Human thought - it is some change in state of particles and fields in man. Consequently, observer, who lives in emergent time, will also be able to think, provided that the relevant physics of reality allows for intelligent life to exist. The speed of its thoughts will be determined by rate of change of its states in time. In particular point in space-time, observer will always have same thought. If this hypothesis describes our Universe, it means that any human is, in some sense, immortal. Everyone exists forever, but when our present does not coincide with present of some other persons - they are not available to us. Also, number of human thoughts is limited by human lifespan. This hypothesis is not contradicts to freedom of human action. Anyone can do whatever he wants. However, desire of man to do something is quantum-mechanical state of human body at some point in time. Therefore, one cannot wish for anything other than what was set by his state.
If in objectively existing static timeless system, which includes everything objectively existing, it is possible to find space, time and matter as emergent phenomenon, such space-time-matter is exists, it is emergent objective reality. If in such reality is possible existence of sentient, it can feel, think, feel that it really exists, is in being.
Consequence of this postulate: for case when laws of physics of emergent reality allows intelligent life to exists, sentient belonging to such emergent reality will feel like being in space and feel the passage of time. He will feel emergent physical laws, laws of physics of fundamental static system will be deeply hidden from his feelings.
I will name fundamental static system as Metauniverse.
Metauniverse - objectively existing static timeless system what includes everything objectively existing.
Metauniverse has some number of dimensions. How many dimensions in Metauniverse in this article is not considered. This is one of many questions in the hypothesis that is left for future.
In Metauniverse I suppose existence of scalar field. This means that there is an N-dimensional space M, in which there is a scalar field , where is vector in the space. In this article I do not make assumptions about equation of scalar field of Metauniverse, this requires further studies. I also expect that space of Metauniverse is a Hilbert space or pre-Hilbert space, in order to be able to determine distance between points. I expect that value of the scalar field at each point is determined by values of the field in neighboring points, and that equation of the scalar field is symmetric with respect to rotations. This effectively means that position, speed and properties of all particles at each point of time are determined by states in past, present and future.
Our Universe, in context of this hypothesis, is one of emergent realities. This imposes some restrictions on possible topologies of Metauniverse. For emergent space-time-matter, therefore, it is necessary to find a way to find space, time and matter from these conditions.