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Quark (2/13)
Oke not matter. It is only a crackpot from who can not speak right in this language. Forget all.
Backward causality is not classical solution. Nothing wrong with the Bell inequality Sorry I will not use windows again. But you have time friends and internet. Do some work for truth. You have one life.
Very important. You can not separate subquarks because the particles are contact points of two bubbles . As point of contact of two spherical.Do you see a point but there is nothing without the spheres or with one sphere. Secondly This model can describe how to become a fermion from quark case of beta decay.
First, it is a simple case Know you the equation when a photon passes through two polarizers? physics.wisc.edu/undergrads/courses/spring08/208/Lectures/lect21.pdf Malus Law: I1 = I0/2 I2= I1 cos2 (45º) = 0.5 cos2(p2-p1) optics.rochester.edu/workgroups/lukishova/QuantumOpticsLab/2013/OPT_253/GroupC_Lab1_Sam.pdf page 4: 1/2 cos2(beta- alpha) This is the same equation as the equation of entangled photons. Whereas one of the photons goes backwards in time. (presupposition)
quantamagazine.org/20140827-quark-quartet-fuels-quantum-feud/ “The thing you call the ‘quark’ might have quark-antiquark pairs and glue and all the rest built into it,” We have right handed neutrino vacuum. The vertical direction is the time dimension. The particles are contact area of the space-time bubbles. If we reverse the direction of spin of one blister, we get a virtual pair of quarks.One up and anti-up pair of particles. We can do spin up one of bubble, we will get D antiD quarks. or virtual electron- positron pair. And we can do lot of things with it...
http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/22442-so-youve-got-a-new-theory/ "Math is precise and has a very high information density — it is very powerful. " You can read on this site. Well language of physics is math. There is the equation. and the result is good. And it is not really crackpot. www.youtube.com/watch?v=--BdgqH7pjI Alain Aspect Speaks on John Wheeler's Delayed Choice Experiment "Thus one decides the photon shall have come by one route or by both routes after it has already done its travel." "Within a naïve classical word view, quantum mechanics can even mimic an influence of future actions on past events," says Anton Zeilinger. www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/04/120423131902.htm Crackpot is when somebody say: thereh is connection with infinite speed between photons.
Some people believe that the small gap distance suggests some simple solutions. But they are wrong.
You do not have to believe in it. This is just one option among many.
Pushing gravity theory is kind of joke. Gravity rather like refraction of wave.
An another way, where separation is big http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mach%E2%80%93Zehnder_interferometer
A double-slit quantum eraser http://arxiv.org/pdf/quant-ph/0106078v1.pdf One possible solution:backward causality #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <X11/Xlib.h> Display *dpy; Window win; GC gc; double radian=(180.0/M_PI); void pixel(int x,int y,int color) { XSetForeground(dpy,gc,color); XDrawPoint(dpy, win, gc, x,y); } void line(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int color) { XSetForeground(dpy,gc,color); XDrawLine(dpy, win, gc, x1,y1,x2,y2); } double sqr(double n) // x^2 { return n*n; } double doublerand() //random szam 0.0-tol 1.0-ig { return (double)(rand()%10000)/10000.0; } struct vec2d { double x,y; vec2d() {x=0;y=0;} }; void add_amp(vec2d *v,double phase,double ax,double ay) { v->x += sin(phase)*ax; v->y += cos(phase)*ay; }; void add_polarizer(vec2d *v,double phase) { v->x *= sin(phase); v->y *= cos(phase); }; double dot(vec2d *v1,vec2d *v2) { return v1->x*v2->x + v1->y*v2->y; } void add_quarterwaveplate(vec2d *v,double phase,double dist,double qwp,double ax,double ay,double dphase) { vec2d axis_fast,axis_slow,input_wave; add_amp(&axis_fast,qwp,1.0,1.0); add_amp(&axis_slow,qwp+90.0/radian,1.0,1.0); add_amp(&input_wave,phase,1.0,1.0); double amp_fast=dot(&axis_fast,&input_wave); double amp_slow=dot(&axis_slow,&input_wave); amp_fast=cos(dist+dphase)*amp_fast; amp_slow=sin(dist+dphase)*amp_slow;//-+90 phase shift v->x += (axis_fast.x*amp_fast + axis_slow.x*amp_slow)*ax; v->y += (axis_fast.y*amp_fast + axis_slow.y*amp_slow)*ay; }; double probalbility(vec2d *v) { return (sqr(v->x) + sqr(v->y)); } int main() { dpy = XOpenDisplay(0); win = XCreateSimpleWindow(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), 0,0, 800, 550, 0,0,0); XSelectInput(dpy, win, StructureNotifyMask); XMapWindow(dpy, win); gc = XCreateGC(dpy, win, 0, 0); for(; { XEvent e; XNextEvent(dpy, &e); if (e.type == MapNotify) break; } for(int x=0;x<400;x++) { pixel(x,500,0x008800); pixel(x,300,0x008800); pixel(x,100,0x008800); } for(int ds_x=0;ds_x<400;ds_x++)//Ds position -+4mm { int photon_counter=0; int maxphoton=600; int maxwide=10; int qwplate_on=0; int eraser_on=0; double eraser_alpha=0*45.0/radian;//0,1,2 // if(eraser_on) maxphoton*=4;//lathatosag for(int p=0;p<maxphoton;p++)// max number of photon { double dphase=M_PI*2*doublerand(); #if 1 double photon_pol_a=M_PI*2*doublerand(); double photon_pol_b=photon_pol_a+M_PI/2; #else double photon_pol_a=0; //polarized lightsource if(doublerand()>0.5) photon_pol_a=M_PI/2; double photon_pol_b=photon_pol_a+M_PI/2; #endif double ds_distance=1250.0-420.0;//mm 125-42 cm double dp_distance=980.0; //98 cm double wavelength=702.2e-6;//mm e-9m double k=2.0*M_PI/wavelength; vec2d amp_dp,amp_ds; if(eraser_on) { if(doublerand()>0.5) { photon_pol_a=eraser_alpha;//backward causality photon_pol_b=eraser_alpha+90.0/radian; } else { photon_pol_a=eraser_alpha+90.0/radian; photon_pol_b=eraser_alpha; } } double hole_dist=0.2;//0.2 double hole_wide=0.2;//200 micrometer wide double ds_pos=4.0*(double)(ds_x-200)/200.0;//+-4mm Ds position int side=rand()%4; for(int w=0;w<maxwide;w++)//slit wide { double hole1x=hole_dist/2.0 + hole_wide*(double)w/maxwide;//hole double hole2x=-hole_dist/2.0 - hole_wide*(double)w/maxwide; double dist1=sqrt(sqr(ds_pos - hole1x) + sqr(ds_distance)); double dist2=sqrt(sqr(ds_pos - hole2x) + sqr(ds_distance)); if(qwplate_on) { if(side==0) { add_amp(&_dp,photon_pol_a ,0.5,0.5); add_amp(&_dp,photon_pol_a ,0.5,0.5); add_quarterwaveplate(&_ds,photon_pol_b , dist1*k,-45.0/radian,0.5, 0.5,dphase); add_quarterwaveplate(&_ds,photon_pol_b , dist2*k, 45.0/radian,0.5, 0.5,dphase); } if(side==1) { add_amp(&_dp,photon_pol_b ,0.5,0.5); add_amp(&_dp,photon_pol_b ,0.5,0.5); add_quarterwaveplate(&_ds,photon_pol_a , dist1*k,-45.0/radian,0.5, 0.5,dphase); add_quarterwaveplate(&_ds,photon_pol_a , dist2*k, 45.0/radian,0.5, 0.5,dphase); } if(side==2) { add_amp(&_dp,photon_pol_a ,0.5,0.5); add_amp(&_dp,photon_pol_b ,0.5,0.5); add_quarterwaveplate(&_ds,photon_pol_a , dist1*k,-45.0/radian,0.5, 0.5,dphase); add_quarterwaveplate(&_ds,photon_pol_b , dist2*k, 45.0/radian,0.5, 0.5,dphase); } if(side==3) { add_amp(&_dp,photon_pol_b ,0.5,0.5); add_amp(&_dp,photon_pol_a ,0.5,0.5); add_quarterwaveplate(&_ds,photon_pol_b , dist1*k,-45.0/radian,0.5, 0.5,dphase); add_quarterwaveplate(&_ds,photon_pol_a , dist2*k, 45.0/radian,0.5, 0.5,dphase); } } else { if(side==0) { add_amp(&_dp,photon_pol_a ,0.5,0.5); add_amp(&_dp,photon_pol_a ,0.5,0.5); add_amp(&_ds,photon_pol_b +dist1*k ,0.5,0.5); add_amp(&_ds,photon_pol_b +dist2*k ,0.5,0.5); } if(side==1) { add_amp(&_dp,photon_pol_b ,0.5,0.5); add_amp(&_dp,photon_pol_b ,0.5,0.5); add_amp(&_ds,photon_pol_a +dist1*k ,0.5,0.5); add_amp(&_ds,photon_pol_a +dist2*k ,0.5,0.5); } if(side==2) { add_amp(&_dp,photon_pol_a ,0.5,0.5); add_amp(&_dp,photon_pol_b ,0.5,0.5); add_amp(&_ds,photon_pol_a +dist1*k ,0.5,0.5); add_amp(&_ds,photon_pol_b +dist2*k ,0.5,0.5); } if(side==3) { add_amp(&_dp,photon_pol_b ,0.5,0.5); add_amp(&_dp,photon_pol_a ,0.5,0.5); add_amp(&_ds,photon_pol_b +dist1*k ,0.5,0.5); add_amp(&_ds,photon_pol_a +dist2*k ,0.5,0.5); } } } if(eraser_on) add_polarizer(&_dp,eraser_alpha);// polarizer before Dp amp_dp.x/=maxwide;//normalized amp_dp.y/=maxwide; amp_ds.x/=maxwide; amp_ds.y/=maxwide; if((probalbility(&_dp))>doublerand()) if((probalbility(&_ds))>doublerand()) photon_counter+=1; } pixel(ds_x,500-photon_counter,0xffff00); } /* double dist1=0.0; for(int p=0;p<1000;p++)//quarterwaveplate { vec2d amp_dp,amp_ds; add_quarterwaveplate(&_ds,0.0/radian , dist1*M_PI/100.0,-45.0/radian,0.5, 0.5,0.0); line(200,200,200+200.0*amp_ds.x,200+200.0*amp_ds.y,0x00ff00); dist1+=5.0; XFlush(dpy); getchar(); }*/ XFlush(dpy); getchar(); return 0; }