Throughout my long life I have accepted as fact the existence of a 3-D material world more or less identical to the world I am currently experiencing and which is common to each of us. Years ago, when I was actively involved in the brain sciences, I felt that I and others were being objective in the research we were doing and that brain activity could, or at least at some time in the future would, explain all behavior, human and otherwise. During this time I knew intellectually that each of us has our own subjective reality (our private world), but this has not changed the previously described fact of a common material reality as I am currently experiencing it.
As I have considered this fact over the past few years, I have been unable to come up with a satisfactory material explanation of how I am having this experience of a 3-D material world that appears to be common to each of us. The usual explanation that it is our brain that is producing our conscious experience seems to be more a hope, or belief, rather than a useful explanation. At the very most, the brain is creating a representation of unknown fidelity and not transmitting things-as-they-are, which is my experience. At the very least, the brain may have nothing to do with my conscious experience. In other words, if we each have our own subjective reality, and our brain is part of that subjective reality (our conscious experience), how can our brain be the cause of this experience? Do we each have two brains, an objective brain and a subjective brain?
It appear to me that what we consider objective is actually subjective consensus. I have a subjective experience and you have a similar subjective experience, we communicate our experiences to each other, and from this conclude that what we experience must have an objective existence outside our common subjective experience. This is one possibility, but it is also possible that we are having common subjective experiences without there being any outside, physical source for these experiences. Which raises the question, can we have the subjective experience of a material world without there actually being an objective physical, material world to cause this experience? Our dreams and hypnosis, as well as some paranormal events, suggest that this might be a possibility.
I originally presented this topic as a thread on a particular religious (Mormon) forum, and am interested in responses from those of you with a wider variety of interests. Where am I wrong in the observations I have made and conclusions I have reached?