I'm not to sure, but I did have a dream in which I died....as far as I know. I say this because No one could really be sure if that it was an actual death and not just my visions from my final moments. This dream I had gotten beheaded at the guillotine and my head was still alive long enough to hear some blowharts talking about how if my head was reattached in time they might be able to save my life. But the jackoffs took so long discussing it that I "died" right there. While I may not have died that day, I did in fact, wake up in the most abrupt, heart pounding manner I have ever experienced(this includes sleep paralysis which isn't surprising considering that particular venture wasn't to traumatizing for me). I have researched the internet for probable answers to this and I have concluded that no you can not. I found that our own mental state in a dream couldn't possibly kill us, but if someone did die in their sleep I doubt they would be here to say otherwise.