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Everything posted by WormWithGlasses

  1. When I was a kid, I aspired to become a life long student. I was particularly interested in physics especially in quantum mechanics that, at that time pretty much incited my curiosity. My uncle was a physics prof. in a university and he's pretty much the one person who kept explaining things to me (I suppose it was harder for him to teach me than his students). I rushed my studies until I broke down along the way. I hope to get back with Physics but as of now I'm planning to take up finance and economics. Thankfully I'm well provided for and I don't need to worry much about any complication in later life. I just really messed up a few years ago. Well that's about it, thank you all for the pointers/advice and I'll do my best (both here and there).
  2. I'm from the Philippines and due certain reasons, I'm not allowed to leave our house unaccompanied. Thank you for the suggestion, I'll be bringing up the topic of returning to education with my father next morning. Hopefully my country would have a suitable program for the likes of me. @robbittybob1 confidence is something that I don't have, but I don't expect to gain it from here. I came here in hopes of finding a starting point (something I've acquired thanks to both you and Mr. ajb) and also to become part of a community filled with devoted people who are willing to give a part of their time in guiding people who dare ask for help. I mean, you don't get paid to help but you still do it anyway. I suppose, that's what attracted me especially when I saw several people here, with similar topics like mine, being helped out. I won't be re-entering the regular (physical?) society (in full) any time soon and well... Just standing idle won't do me any good. With all that said, you might not know how much this means to me but...just thanks po Mr. Rob and ajb.
  3. Hi, I need help with where to start again with learning since... I'll just be truthful with my introduction. I'm a Hikimori-NEET (Not in Education Employment or Training) ever since I graduated from highschool 5 years ago. The reason for this was intense bullying (both cyber and non-cyber). I suppose I just have a weak character. Well I'm about to turn 18 in a few months and I truly want to change. When I saw my brother go to law school, I felt both happiness and sadness. I'm proud of him and disappointed with myself. Hopefully I may quickly get back on track and face every issue that I have head on. Well, that's the primary reason for joining this forum since I'm still socially awkward. I hope to grow very well in this community and that's about it...so I don't know if this post fits here. Oh and that's why my handlename's "wormwithglasses"
  4. I know it may be too late but, Thanks for the replies!
  5. Is there such a thing as, a limit to a book producible by man? There are 26 letters in the English-alphabet, because the alphabet is countable, wouldn't it mean that there will be a limit to how many letter arrangements can be produced for a given letter count? if that is true then wouldn't it be the same for sentences with a given word count? Also, if you where to compose using a piano that has x keys and then giving restrictions to time, the amount of keys that can be played simultaneously and the pacing then wouldn't it also mean that there would be a limit to how many musical pieces that can be created due to its finite constrictions? If the above are true then wouldn't it also be the same for books? Suppose, you where to give a task to a computer to create a book. The conditions are given such that the length will be restricted to 50,000 words. Then you apply numerous filters, and algorithms to exclude any and all unintelligible and incomprehensible outcomes. Now, because of the limitation of the word count and the only words that can be used are also limited to the words in a dictionary, in addition to the numerous filters applied so as to make equivalent products, wouldn't it be safe to assume that if so ever the computer where to manage the enormous load, that there will be a limit to how many works can be created within the given parameters? EDIT: Also, I'm not so sure what category this topic falls under to "many words can be..." changed to " many letter arrangements can be..."
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