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Everything posted by jordyhop6

  1. this is whats been done so far USE jordan; CREATE TABLE book( `isbn` CHAR(17) NOT NULL, `title` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, `author` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N/A', PRIMARY KEY (`isbn`)); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS copy( `code` INT NOT NULL, `isbn` CHAR(17) NOT NULL, `duration` TINYINT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`code`), CONSTRAINT `isbn` FOREIGN KEY (`isbn`) REFERENCES `book` (`isbn`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE); CREATE TABLE student( `no` INT NOT NULL, `name` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, `school` CHAR(3) NOT NULL, `embargo` BIT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`no`)); CREATE TABLE loan( `code` INT NOT NULL, `no` INT NOT NULL, `taken` DATE NOT NULL, `due` DATE NOT NULL, `return` DATE NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`no`, `taken`, `code`), CONSTRAINT `code` FOREIGN KEY (`code`) REFERENCES `copy` (`code`) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE); SELECT `jordan`.`student`.`no` AS `no`, `jordan`.`student`.`name` AS `name`, `jordan`.`student`.`school` AS `school`, `jordan`.`student`.`embargo` AS `embargo` FROM `jordan`.`student` WHERE (`jordan`.`student`.`school` = 'CMP')
  2. I need help on creating a procedure for my library database. all i need is a basic outline so i can include it into my work. The procedure has to produce a new loan within my current existing tables. The procedure should accept a book isbn and a student number as arguments then being able to search for an a current copy of a book before adding a new row to the loan table. suitable errors such as no copies of the book being available are acceptable. please help
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