Problem Description: Being a some constant, further assume that we are in a factor ring (basically all operations modulo some sumber p). Note, that the division below is a multiplication by the modular inverse. You always have to start with x=9. Consider the following recursive formula:
new_x = (x²-1)² / (4*x*(x²+a*x+1))
How often do you have to perform this operation to get a specific x (basically getting the new_x and feeding it back into the formula to get another new_x, and so on)? Note: You can start multiple such chains beginning at x=9, and add the resulting x values using the addition algorithm from (Montgomery arithmetic section). Note, that the x value, is the value you get at the end of such calculation-chain, and the z value is always 1. The answer: The formula must work in all cases, and be computationally feasible (let us say calculable in less than 24 hours).
For the record, this is the posted solution:
<script> var equation= "(x²-1)² / (4*x*(x²+a*x+1))"; var a=0; var b=10; while(a<b) { var equation = equation.replace("x", "(x²-1)² / (4*x*(x²+a*x+1))"); a=a+1; } document.write(equation); </script> Where b is the specific new_x you are looking for so for new_x=10 (((((((((((x²-1)² / (4*x*(x²+a*x+1))²-1)² / (4*x*(x²+a*x+1))²-1)² / (4*x*(x²+a*x+1))²-1)² / (4*x*(x²+a*x+1))²-1)² / (4*x*(x²+a*x+1))²-1)² / (4*x*(x²+a*x+1))²-1)² / (4*x*(x²+a*x+1))²-1)² / (4*x*(x²+a*x+1))²-1)² / (4*x*(x²+a*x+1))²-1)² / (4*x*(x²+a*x+1))²-1)² / (4*x*(x²+a*x+1)) where x=9
By no means the formula evaluates to 10, when I insert 9. Also, additionally to that, the division must be a multiplication with the modular inverse modulo p (just as a hint for future tries).
@MODS: Also, this has nothing to do with homework, this to solve a complex problem with some suspect code ive been writing and i need a science formula or math formula expert and it needs to be correct
*-ring[edit] In mathematics, a *-ring is a ring with a map * : A → A that is an antiautomorphism and an involution. More precisely, * is required to satisfy the following properties:[1] (x + y)* = x* + y* (x y)* = y* x* 1* = 1 (x*)* = x for all x, y in A.