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  1. well, just forget your problem for a moment and take some exercises, that's very good. and you will feel much better. By taking exercise, or do something really interests you, and try to develop some good habits, or some good friends, you will not be poor socially and will not have social anxiety.
  2. well, constant exercising also does a great deal to keep your shape, as long as you keep it in mind after you eating what you want.
  3. Klaynos, CharonY are quite right, and there are truly many research organisations which you can have a try. I do research on Cells and you can see some of them. At first I just like you, but the a summer internship just changed me and then I made a decision. If you are interested in, you can also do that . Good luck! link removed by moderator
  4. FISH probes and Taqman probes are both called probes, but what's the differences between the two ?
  5. stem cell research cancer cell research primary cells and transfected cell lines Cytokines & Growth Factors
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