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Everything posted by FZM7

  1. I am a newbie (yet) but I hope I will be and I will try to be solid on methodology too Sorry if it disturbed you
  2. Thanks a lot Strange, you were a real help
  3. That is the answer I was looking for. Thanks. Could you give me a brief summary of this or a link to an article that covers it nicely ?
  4. We have the Hidden Variable Theory too though. I meant that as an explanation of phenomenon like decay. Its a new field and there is a lot that we not know, maybe it could explain Indeed it is but I meant that the chances of getting a 6 in a certain set of conditions could be either 0% or 100% Haha Some of us "need" to understand the universe out of curiosity Thanks a lot for reading and replying anyway
  5. ---------------------------Newbie Alert! ---------------------------------------------- I was thinking that so far we have not been able to confirm anything as random. We have been able to put an equation behind nearly everything we have discovered, quantum physics is an exception at the moment but soon we will uncover it too. If it is true that there is nothing random in the universe then all events that occur do so at 100% probability because when you factor in all the variables the outcome can be predicted surely. So we no longer need a multiverse to explain all the possible outcomes because technically there is only one outcome. What do you think?
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