I am currently doing PhD research on gold leaching, part of which utilizes cyclic voltammetry. I have voltammograms with gold, silver and platinum RDE electrodes of NaCl, NaOCl, NH4Cl, CuCl2 (With N2, O2 injection and without gas injection) at pH 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and FeCl3 (With N2, O2 injection and without gas injection) at pH 2. I have determined the positions (current and potential versus Ag/AgCl) of all the peaks and I know how to determine E1/2, ne-, etc. The only thing I am not sure about is how to determine which peaks (reduction and oxidation peaks) pair to each other and how to assign peak pairs to specific redox couples. There are some I can identify through the literature (such as O2 and H2 gas evolution peaks etc.) and I can identify the silver chloride and silver oxide peaks with the silver electrodes from observations.
My question; is there a formal procedure or method for the identification of redox couples from CV peak data (possibly using Eh-pH diagrams, tables etc.)?