I watched Da Vinci's code again yesterday.
Watching it after some years, and while I was doing homeworks (as of course I already knew the movie...) allowed me to look at it in a different way. So I found that it's not a thriller, it's actually a comedy, or a parody!
It was "turned" into a "religious thriller", and subsequently into a "movie scandal", just due to the big power and importance which Christianity has on so many peoples!! (1 billion and counting)
What actually the movies/novel says is... just that pussy is powerful, it governed the world in the past, and it was hence "suppressed" by Church!
The Holy Grail is just the pussy! Robert Langdon even mimics pussy's shape while explaining the Graal!
There is pussy even in "The last dinner" picture from Da Vinci!
And there is more: the movie (I can't remember exactly about the novel) is a parody of a detective-movie! At the beginning of the movie, Saunier (or how he is written...), shot to death, just before dying, had enough time to:
- travel around the museum to two pictures
- hide secrets and clues behind them
- draw something on itself and on the floor using his own blood
- drawing clues and puzzles around him with invisible ink, which he took... where?!?
Even Mel Brooks coulnd't have done a better job!
Looking at the movie this way, it really looks now more like a mischief to Church rather than a movie scandal!
Incidentally, this also explains quite well why there are so many banned trolls in this forum: I've never seen before a religion+science+philosophy forum. This is an explosive mix! (people does not like respecting opinions different from his own).