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    Paradoxes and Theories

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  1. Exactly. That's why I think this theory is wrong. And if this is true. There would be another universe that will have no death(so that means that universe won't die).
  2. Sorry, I didn't know I offended you.
  3. This is not really a paradox or anything, but imagine this. If something would have created our universe like the big bang, what created the big bang? Another scenario, if god created us, who created god? And who created the creator of god and it goes on maybe even to the infinite. Another scenario, everything was possibly created by the big bang and that was probably near the dawn of time. But what created the dawn of time, when was the dawn of time? Maybe our universe was created infinite years ago, but thats impossible, that means that there was no start at all. This is really confusing... for me at least, all those people out there would probably pound me down on my hypothesis.
  4. Come to think of it, do you think that not only one universe is created but more than one can be possible? (Bolded part is a hypothesis if this theory is true)
  5. This paradox is pretty confusing, or is it? The grandfather paradox simply explains that, if we kill our grandfather(before sex), we would simply live on. But wait, what happens to the grandfather? To me, my hypothesis is the grandfather will disappear and another one will appear. But what happens if we didn't kill him, but instead we killed all his sperm? That means we wont exist, that means a new one will appear right. But to my opinion, no. My hypothesis of what probably will happen is the old grandfather will still be living, but another grandfather will be born into the world. Why? Because the grandfather hasn't died so he won't disappear but he also can't make love to our grandmother so we won't be born. Thus, another grandfather will be born into the world. I'm not sure of my opinions and hypothesis because scientists probably have already explained this but I'm just sharing my opinion.
  6. It Does. When ever a new universe is created, a new 'twig' grows under either a sub-universe made from another universe or the original universe. (Bolded part is true if the theory exists)
  7. I See Your point now. But if we trace back every quantum measurement, i'm sure we will eventually hit a universe that is the original one. But if thats true, maybe we are living in a sub-universe. A universe that is created from another universe. Or maybe you are at a different universe than I am(Bold part --> Not Real xD).
  8. Come to think of it, if there are finite number of universes, there will be a starting point. But does that mean that there is no ending point because universes are being created right now as choices are being made like how I am typing this comment now(The Bold Part Is correct if this theory is true)?
  9. By The Way, the 'infinity + 1 is still in infinity' quote you commented. I already stated it in the next line. But if there are infinite universes, one will defy our universe's laws. But Another one will defy the universe that defied our universe's law. And it will go on to the infinite.
  10. True. Infinity + 1 is still infinity. So does that mean that it be impossible to have infinite universes? It is a very complicated theory and i doubt i'm right.
  11. To me, this theory is wrong. Why? Because if they are infinite universes in other dimensions, they will be universes that this theory does not exist and if this theory is true and a universe is created from every choice we make, won't it be infinite + 1? Thats Impossible because infinite is endless, even if we add 1 to it, it will still be infinite. And also if this is true does it mean that theres a universe that there is nothing in it at all? When I mean nothing, I mean literally nothing. Not Even Space And time. Nothing exists in that universe. I'm not so sure as alot of famous people like Steven Hawking support this theory, but I am just stating the outcome of this theory if it is true
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