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    behind ya kekeke
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    science and technology
  • College Major/Degree
    engineering student
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    nothing much intersting about me
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  • Lepton

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. I just remmebered while reading the title of this thread that there is studies that tells that the earth's magnetic field will switch poles , so my question is , will this have any impact on the earth spin on itself , knowing that the mgnetic field depend on the current of the earth's core , wouldnt the change of this current change the spin of the earth ??
  2. oh, thank u ;what confused me is that the anti-matter cerated in the CERN didnt travel in time while it should be
  3. thanks but my question is ,is the concept of anti-matter used in s.symetrie theory is the same concept used in the anti-matter/matter reaction like those that were used in the CERN and fermilab ? or they just have the same notation?
  4. so if i get it properly ,what s.symetrie theory call anti-matter is only the status of matter going back in time ,and the actual anti-matter which is anti-matter+matter=pure enenrgy r two different things?
  5. i was wondering about the nature of antimatter and matter and the hypothesis based n it , well the s.symetrie theory says that antimatter travel in the opposite sense of time than ours but in the other hand we can create antimatter in laboratory and they didnt go back in time so can someoe please explain this to me
  6. ^^ but in that case if we consider that (+inf)+(+inf)=(+inf) that mean that if a universe is placed adjacent to a universe is still the same universe why didnt we considered that 0+0=0 that mean a dot placed adjacent to another will constitute a dot so like we considered that a line is an infnte dots placed side by side we can consider that 4 demensional space is 3d universes placed parallel one to anther both unlimted but they dont merge with the nieghboring universe
  7. cool concept i couldnt pass the 3d play but yeah it is still fun
  8. hi everyone i m new here so go easy on me:-) i have a crazy theory: u know that a dot constitute 0 demensional space and 1 demensional space is merly an infinite dots puted side by side and 2 demensional space is merly an infinite 1 demensional space puted side by side and 3 demensional space is an infinite 2 demonsional spaces puted side by side so my theory is the 4 demenisonal space would be an infinte 3 demensional spaces puted side by side and so for the 5d and 6d.. etc so what do u thinks
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