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Posts posted by Syd

  1. Much greater speed than c is required to freeze the time

    V=s/t , so smaller time, bigger distance. When t is near 0, s is close to infinity

    It takes some 8 minutes to get from sun to earth. I time stopped for photons, there would be no delay. simple

  2. We also attract the Earth. It gets gravitons from us. It is a dynamic exchange[/i'], which leaves things as they were.



    You're right, but gravity field exist even when its not attracting objects. Put ball made of iron in isolated space. It will send gravitons, but there will be no other object to send gravitons to the ball.

  3. I'm no expert, but I thought gravitons were supposed to be massless in theory. Therefore, earth's mass would not be changed by emmission of gravitons. Also, earth is probably gaining mass from all the space dust and meteorites that hit it.


    well, if they carrying some energy / to prevent things from flying/ and e=mc2 this energy is mass. If gravitons exist, object isolated from everthing in time should disappear.

  4. "graviton"


    sounds good, but i don't think they exist. it can be checked one day.

    If earth emits gravitons, and they are able to move objects, like me when im jumping, they must have some energy. In time earth should became lighter and lighter, couse of emmision of gravitons. earth mass is changed to energy which makes me unable to fly.

    what do you think of my proof?

  5. Let us further assume that these new universes where the like of ours. Couldn't this mean that even though the matter of 2 universe's wasn't yet mixed' date=' field forces from the other universe could still affect the matter of the other universe?


    So in other words gravity originating from the mass of the other universe could affect mass in our universe?




    The problem is, that it can't be checked. We can only guess what's out there. You can give 1000 of explanations, and all of then will be possible. Besides, why physic in our universe must be the same in another’s?

  6. Heh, every theory is theoretical.

    There is an interesting thing, known as the Cassimir effect. When you put some very special plates into the vacuum, an unknown force will make them stick together. That force is supposed to be the Zero Point Energy. No matter Cassimir, I still don't believe that vacuum is full of Energy. What will left from vacuum if you drain all that energy? If E=mc2 it means that vacuum is full of material / so it’s not vacuum!/

  7. Methanol and ethanol are really similar, smells and taste the same. You don't need much methanol to make You're world spin /I've checked that on myself, oh my sacrifice in the name of science.../ Books always says it's impossible to say where is methanol and where ethanol without a lab full of funky stuff, but that's a lie. There's an easy way to check that, I don’t remember exactly how, but when using sth. with Iodium methanol change color to yellow

  8. I like the idea of everything locked inside black holes. But i think it will be just another phase of the Big Freeze, couse after some time black hole will also disappear. Universe will be full of radiation, entrophy will be the highest/ or lowest, i cant remember how it goes/ Anyway, life will be impossible

  9. Ok, i guess You're right.

    But theres one more thought i have left. What if theres 1000 diffrent Universes, all in a infinite space/or sth like that/, just like a bubles in the air. Observer placed in that 'space', lets call him God, can see them all/all univ./. He see what shape they are, so he can tell where center of single Universe is.

    Without full knowledge about Universe and things beyond it, we cannot be certain about anything. we can only guess

  10. Hey, geometrical center is not the place from which the BB started. No matter what the Univ. looks like, it must have a center. Sphere got a center, banana got a center, so why univ can't have it? Think of the U as a baloon. Let's say that the space is only the rubber. Little beeings living on the rubber can say that theres no center of the Rubber Univers. But You can see that it is beyond the rubber, inside the baloon. The same thing is with our non-rubber Universe

  11. Because the Big Bang happened everywhere. There is no centre to the Universe, no preferred location.


    Why the Universe cannot have a center? Is it flat or is it round, it must have a geometrical center. Big Bang couldn't happend everywhere, couse there was no "everywhere", no space. Space came out of the BB. I dont think we can expalin the BB only in 4D, with geometry we know, it needs something more

  12. Hawking Radiaton doesn't come from the black hole itself, but from the Horyzont Zdarzeń (don't know how it is in english but it's a distance from black hole from were You can still escape, one more step and Your trapped). Hawking theory also says that consequence of radiaton is that black hole disappears after some 1000... years. So existance of hawking rad. can be easyli check(if You've got 10000000 years free time ;)


    ps. soon i'll finish my theory connected with black holes.I hope that it will be quite interestin for You

  13. It's interesting, expansion of the universe. Space is not like a rubber, couse after 1000 years we'd be much taller. If it's beeing created more and more of it, to keep all sizes normal, what is it made of? I think both my suggestions are wrong, and there's some other way to explain it, but how??

  14. I wouldn't be suprised is there's water on Mars, Moon or Titan or anywhere else. H2O is a simple compound,so I belive that it's quite common in the universe. But its a long way from water to life. Who knows, maybe life can exist without water?

  15. Nice. Who knows, maybe a supernova blast is comming to destroy whole solarsystem? I'd prefer that way of dying, couse nobody even know that we'r in danger, it cannot be detected. and just think of all the panic caused by meteors. few years of dreading of unstoppable meteors, or a second of suprised(?) coused by the shockwave. What would You choose?

  16. I think what your trying to say is that in 2d a circle would look like this ____ what ever angle you looked at it from. Feel free to unleash the flame if I'm wrong.


    Close, but it wont be a _______ couse it has width. Zero width cannot be seen as you can't see anything what is super-flat. Add one more dimention and see how it's look like from 4D univers.


    Superthin piece of paper can be see when You turn it by 90 degrees. it's like a jump from 2 (zero angle, nothing to see) to 4D (more than zero)

  17. Im not sure if I understand correctly what You mean (my English is not good enough). Object is not 3D itself. Its a shade of 2D object, this is how 2D object would like if it be 3D. You can't see 2D circle, but reflection of 2D circle in 4D space. I dont know how to explain it better so i hope You get what i mean

  18. when did the distance between you and an object become a dimension of said object? any image that you draw is 2d(3 including time)


    look, when You draw a circle, it's got lenght and width. But this is not 2D object. This is like shadow of it, a reflection in 3( or 4 if You like)D. Why? couse Your computer is 1 meter from Your pretty face. This one meter distance is one more dimention. To see how it really looks like You'd have to visit 2D space. and You can imagine 2D picture only when looking from a distance ( +1D !). Sences does not allow to imagine anything beyond 4D. However, when I was really drunk I thought I saw 6D objects, but later i found out that it was only a bottle

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