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  1. I'll use a book as an example. A book can't have been writer without a writer. A writer cannot write there book without being born. The writer could not have been born if his parents hadn't met. Things always back track to a starting point.
  2. But the end couldn't have been made with out a beginning.
  3. Where does it begin? Nothing can't have always existed . It must have started some where. And if it did. How did it start. It couldn't have started from nothing but if there was something to start it where did that something start. no beginning is truly the beginning. There is always something before it. But what is the beginning before the beginning and what is the first beginning? There can't be an answer to what that beginning is because nothing can be made from nothing so if there is already something then that is not the beginning. So what is the beginning? ~.A.L.P~
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