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Everything posted by Koala

  1. Perfumes are often made using alcohol and carboxylic acids to form ethers which are better smelling organic solvents. Assuming you are using carboxylic acids the reaction will balance out to form a small amount of ether. in order to preserve the ether you must remove it (usually the bottom layer of the solution) and place it in another jar. Otherwise it will go back towards the reactants. so if you just leave it as is the ether will go back torwards the alcohol and then evaporate continuously as the reaction try to balance itself out. I think this is what is happening since I just finished a lab on this, but don't quote me.
  2. astrology works on the idea that if you believe in something it is more likely to happen. If someone believes that they will be happy today then it is more likely they will be happy. You should test it from a psychological standpoint not one based on the physics of stars. It is something that works, but not for the reason that everyone thinks that it does.
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