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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Alright, fair enough. Scary stats but that's not stopping me. I do have a plan B already in progress. In 5 years if you're still around, I'll let you know know how it went. Thanks everyone.
  2. What would you suggest I go into then?
  3. My two main reasons for a PhD at the moment is securing a better job(don't wanna end up cleaning lab equipment with a BSc) and to progress further into research really. I just..love..science and really wanna advance, research and learn more in areas such as gene manipulation, using virus as delivery system for compounds and ensuing permanence of such compound/drugs in the body(Nootropics for e.g) and just a lot more and without a PhD not much for me in here. Really appreciate the advice! And I'm not aiming anything below a 95%+ so that's a 4.0. Coming from a small island off nowhere, I really gotta excel and get up there.
  4. Right, well I'm not really from...well from any place that has a good research institute. I'm from a small island. I still don't know where I'm going to apply for my BSc. Does it actually matter? Where I got from degrees from? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mauritius See for yourself. Zero scientific research, except for plants and agriculture and marine biology,both of which I'm neither interested in nor want to pursue a career into.
  5. Well at first I wanted to delve into Genetics and go in depth with Genetic Engineering but I don't know... I don't really see a progress until the next 50 -100 years, could be totally wrong but gene modification is not even a thing yet. Totally love both fields and biology/biochem in general. Have no idea where I wanna go really. I'd learn all if it was up to me. Thanks for the advice. I'll definitely look more into this.
  6. Virologist mainly./Edit or Microbiologist or....I don't know I honestly don't know right now. Just getting out of high school. Still have to get into this field and learn a lot. I'm just excited.
  7. Yeah I guess that would be helpful. 5 years it is.
  8. I'm gonna enroll into a BSc Genetics,Microbiology and Biochemistry next year after completing my last year of school and then move to MSc Microbiology and wanna do post doctoral research into virology and genetics. What I want to know is that, is there anyway for me to get directly into the PhD program if I score first class honours(Above 70% aggregate into my BSc) or would I HAVE TO do the masters to learn more into Microbiology?<Which is what I'm more Inclining on. Yes I am aiming high. I just wanna get in a lab and do research. Just love the idea. 5 years is a long time.
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