Hello. I am in desperate need for advice. I have searched for advice everywhere and each time failed to obtain it. This is my last resort. Please help me and bare with me while I explain the problem.
I am 28 years old guy. I have literally whole day free to pursue whatever goals I see fit, because I own several websites which are managed by my friend. I made a list of goals and physics/math is on the list. I will hire a teacher who will teach me math and physics every single day. Since I have other goals as well, I can only invest 1 hour per day on math, and 1 hour per day on physics. So, in total, thats 2 hours per day. I can keep up with this regime for 7 years. So, after 7 years, I will invested 2500 hours in physics and 2500 hours in math. I do not want to earn money with this because I already have stable, guaranteed income pretty much for the rest of my life, nor do I want official title/certificate/diploma/recognition. I am doing this purely for myself. Since I have other goals as well, I simply do not have enough time to attend a university. Assuming that everything else is average- average teacher, average focusing ability etc.- how much can I learn in this time? I have basic high school level knowledge in chemistry, physics and math. As an example- simply as a tool to express what level of knowledge I hope to achieve- I hope to have same level of knowledge as average bachelor degree holder (or higher) in math, and same level of knowledge as average bachelor degree holder (or higher) in physics. I want to specialize in Astrophysics and, if possible, Quantum physics (Theoretical physics?). As for math, I want to learn "pure mathematics" (if that's even a thing)
Provided that I will invest 2500 hours in physics and same amount of time in math, can I reach the level I am hoping for? If not, if 2500 hours in each field is not enough, then, generally speaking/on average, what amount of time would be enough? How much hours do uni students invest?
So, if I invest 2500 hours in physics and 2500 hours in math, can I hope to posses university-level knowledge in theoretical physics (Astrophysics/Quantum) and "pure mathematics"?
Forgive me my ignorance.This is it. Please help me. This is very important for me. Again, thanks all of you.