Hi all,
This is my first post. I am seeking help in a particular issue related to zone or flow states.
I will explain the background first
I have had the 'zone' or 'flow' experience on a number of occasions while playing tennis. For those who do not know what this means, it is a state of almost self-less play which is effortless, fearless (no worries about point, game, etc.) and is very fluid.
You can see further information here - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow_%28psychology%29
While trying to figure out if it can be replicated at will, I searched various websites (through Google, of course). Most of them dealt with how to 'attain' it through conscious efforts, selecting right time, right environment, etc.
I cannot choose the time of my tournaments and matches. I can also not be selective about the venue, what kind of spectators there would be, whether they would cheer me or the opponent, etc. So all these 'attain' based advice was rather useless. Also, none of it explained how I 'stumbled' on the 'zone' state when I did.
Then I saw an interesting TEDx talk about this issue here -
It seems that they had done wire jumping of brain sections to achieve this zone or flow state.
I have no access to this technology. I am also not aware if this can be used while playing tennis.
However the important clue was that zone 'unveils' itself when one switches off the prefrontal cortex i.e. the CEO of brain - the critical mind which gets into analysis mode during sports and destroys the natural fluidity.
(The sportsmen call it "My mind is my worst enemy on the tennis court".)
There are a number of books on this issue, "The Inner Game of Tennis" by Timothy Galwey being one of the most famous ones.
However, I wanted to know if a particular device or sound frequency or mantra (say chanting) can induce this state at will.
Further searches
As I started to check further details regarding this subject, some websites on Google said that at 100-111 hz frequency the prefrontal cortex switches off.
(I have seen youtube videos which mention that they play this 111 hz frequency e.g.
I felt that most of the advocates of 111 hz were going on hearsay. No one had any concrete study to point to.
Can anyone help me by giving references to actual studies where people were subjected to 110 or 111 hz frequency sound and their brainwaves recorded? Did this induce the 'zone' or 'flow'?
I have tried searching Google and Google Scholar but could not find anything.
Hence the request for help.
Thanks in advance.