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Everything posted by tylers100

  1. My apologies to moderator for posting it under quantum theory at first place. Oh yes, I know the "phase medium" is probably unheard of as it is made up by myself because I was trying to abstractly or conceptually describe something that is surrounding (or inter-connected) each particle. Yeah, it is a bit intangible.. or perhaps my choice of term words (phase medium) is poor. Maybe I should use quantum phase or something like that? Okay. I will try to explain what the phase medium is with analogies and other explanations. Analogy #1: Imagine a room, and 100 balls floating in it. Every ball is connected to each others via wool string. Now.. just substitute the "wool string" words with "phase medium". Analogy #2: 100 billions of neurons in an average/normal human brain, right? Each neuron is connected to around 10,000 neurons via dendrites. Now.. just substitute the "dendrites" words with "phase medium". Do you get what I'm talking about now? Very simple explanation: Phase medium is.. similar to octopus creature. Its tentacles are connected to all particles. It takes quantum stuff from quantum realm, and turn quantum stuff into physical stuff or things that we can make perceptions of. Or when something happen in universe like double-slit experiments, the octopus turns light or physical stuff into quantum stuff and back to physical. It also makes sure the physics laws are obeyed. The bottom line is.. I think there exists something fundamental that is connecting to every particle in this entire universe. And that something I call phase medium. It.. has the ability to change two or more of separated particles at great distance to whatever directions or states. The phase medium is unseen because our perceptions are not well-evolved, or inherently inability due to our limited chemical make-up or something like that.
  2. [note: I'm newcomer/not-fully-native with English language to learning and understanding things about universe and quantum. I'm no scientist/philosopher/researcher, just a regular person who is trying to make sense of the existential nature of this universe and beyond in my own way. I just want to express and form my thoughts into this post and share it to you people and maybe get some inputs from you guys.] Familiarity Introduction The universe we live in is physical, temporal, and generally observable. All of that are mostly familiar to us, and some of us feel comfortable with that. Then we encounter quantum mechanics/physics: uncertainly about location of a particle, “a particle can be in two places at once” / spooky action at distance, power of observation (Schrodinger's cat), and others – and some examples from: [ref - http://www.saidwhat.co.uk/didyouknow/strange-things-about-quantum-mechanics] Results of Double-slit Experiments and Quantum I do not fully comprehend and don't have extensive knowledge and understanding of the double-slit experiments and quantum mechanics, so I'm only making my own interpretations the best I can at this moment. My understanding and knowledge are mostly from reading some of the following book: - Quantum Enigma - Quantum Encounters Consciousness Second Edition by Bruce Rosenblum and Fred Kuttner Please go ahead and correct me if you want whether if I'm completely wrong or not: Are the results produced by double-slit experiments are actually the result of light particles being dis-integrated or transformed into quantum and back more easily than other, or perhaps than rest of physical matter in this universe? But how? It makes logical sense that there has to be an enclosure of sort.. surrounding each and every particle, to make the connection(s) between particles to be possible - to make something seemingly impossible to be possible. We... at this moment just merely don't have the ability to have perceptions of the connections and / or the enclosure (with mechanism in it) behind those connections. An enclosure.. it's something I call the phase medium. (note: these words make sense in my head somehow, but however if you guys have a better term name suggestion.. let me know.) Is it possible that what scientists/researchers witnessed produced by the double-slit experiments may be actually the phase medium at work? The Phase Medium [note: see the attached image at the bottom of this post. wave-function symbol image from http://blog.michaelgaio.com/2011/09/25/archetypal-semiotic-transference/ and right-side picture is from http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/spaceimages/wallpaper.php?id=PIA04221 ] I think there is a relationship between quantum and universe.. it is something called phase medium. The phase is sort of medium between quantum and universe, but is really an extension part of the universe. If the phase medium is extension part of the universe, then why it exist? It exists to convert information between quantum and universe. Example: A pair of shoes is in a state of flux (or wave function?) and is everywhere/everything at once, then the phase medium converts the... "matrix" information of that pair of shoes from quantum into physical universe. Without the phase medium, we'd be... everywhere/everything at once (as pure wave functions) or reside "in/out" the quantum. I think the phase medium is also responsible for enforcing the known physics laws in this universe. If an observer is required to have something exist, then surely in his/her/it own way.. he/she/it would have perceptions of something more different and stranger than what we actually normally can, right? But yet, why do we... as evidently observe and verify same things? Example: An apple. Two people standing close to it. Person #A said, "I can see red-green apple. Can you too?" Person #B replied back, "Yes, I can." So, they must both share the same perceptions. But.. whose observation makes the red-green apple at very first place? For me, I think it is the phase medium that is responsible for making the red-green apple to exist as it is. Another example - moon: A person passed away, but there are still other people. They can still see the moon, right? The moon will be still there when we are gone hundreds of years later, right? I think that is correct and fixed. But whose observation made the moon to be fixed or exist as it is at first place? I say phase medium. Where did it came from? How did it came about? What does it look like? I don't know exactly.. just this: converting “matrix” of information from quantum to universe, and ensuring/enforcing those to behave according to its own physics laws. Perceptions, Time, and Universe We all live in a 4-D universe, with a chance to make perceptions (feel, touch, see, and smell) without having to be everything/everywhere at once in quantum.. do we owe thanks to the phase medium? However, we so far cannot seem to have perceptions of the phase medium itself. Why? Perhaps we aren't well evolved and / or do not have the technological ability to do that. Or we simply have inherent inability to perceive it, for forever? I think time as dimension itself is hard to define as it is by-product or an emergent property of animation happening in three dimensions (xyz or width/height/depth) universe, but.. the mechanism(s) behind the animation (or Life/Consciousness?) at this moment are very complex and not fully understood by myself at this moment. Is the universe including the phase medium formed from “bottom to up”, not the other way.. and is expanding? Quantum The quantum.. is it the realm where everything originated from? I don't know exactly for sure, just this possibility: The quantum realm is full of infinite number of imaginable and unimaginable possibilities of.. everything. Comments Personally I don't think that this universe we all live in is just singular cosmic existence of everything. I think it's possible that there exist a multi-verse or mega multi-verse containing multi-verses, then in turn containing multiple universes.. each with same or different physical physics laws. Also each could be a virtual simulation of reality for all we know.. also containing sub-realities within and so on.. (russian dolls.) Perhaps in quantum, nothing is absolute or fixed.. It's just the phase medium that is making sure everything as we experience in this universe to be fixed. It is the phase medium that needs to be investigated and understood.
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