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Everything posted by Moreno

  1. Plasma cushion wasn't my idea, I provided a link to it. Because the author didn't provide enough explanations, I started to engage in phantasies on how it may work. For now I don't have a precise idea, just very broad idea. I thought if you have negatively charged bottom of a car (it can be a charge permanently embedded in a dielectric, and the Earth has negative potential too, then under certain conditions negative charge cloud placed between Earth and bottom of a car may work as a cushion. Under condition these charge will not create a lightning and will not electrocute someone. No, I didn't mean a special roads have to be build. It suppose to work on any surface. Ultrasonic levitation may be another interesting (and probably less dangerous idea). It may work not only as a mean of levitation, but a method of propulsion as well. You may direct acoustic waves under different angles under the bottom of car and thus manipulate with way of direction.
  2. Light aircraft has only one drive propeller. According to my knowledge there is no additional stabilization drives to the back of its body. Also I meant levitating car, not a flying car. It suppose to levitate just 30-50 cm over the ground. Therefore there should be much less problems with wind turbulence.
  3. Either charge cloud suppose to create some kind of traction between a car and road (something similar to quantum locking). Or some additional small reaction drives have to be installed to correct the car right-left position.
  4. Can a car have electron emitters under its bottom and levitate on that charge cloud?
  5. Some futurologist predicts that a vehicles may be designed to levitate on a plasma cushion: https://timeguide.wordpress.com/2014/10/10/the-future-of-levitation/ Does anyone can imagine how exactly it will work?
  6. So, valence band in monovalent metals is completely empty and therefore it can't conduct even a single hole?
  7. So, in this case monovalent metals suppose to show 0 hole conductivity and their Hall coefficient should be extremely negative. But Hall coefficient of copper, for example is just (-0.5) in comparison to that of Bismuth (+5000). Is there some examples of metals or metal alloys in which there is plenty of free electrons and holes, but they never recombine each other?
  8. ^ Does it mean free electrons and holes never recombine in monovalent metals? Under which conditions recombination can happen?
  9. Some sources claim there is a substantial band gap between valence and conduction bands in monovalent metals. It might be associated with half-filled zone. Is it true or not? If it's true then why they are still metals and not a semiconductors? Fig.2.2.10 Possible energy band diagrams containing one filled or partially filled band and one empty or partially empty band. Shown are a) a half filled band, b) two overlapping bands, c) an almost full band separated by a small bandgap from an almost empty band and d) a full band separated by a large bandgap from an empty band. https://ecee.colorado.edu/~bart/book/eband3.htm http://www.schoolphysics.co.uk/age16-19/Electronics/Semiconductors/text/Semiconductors_/index.html http://whitenoise.kinja.com/graphene-miracle-material-1575961841
  10. Recently scientists discovered by means of practical experiments (something that was predicted for a while ago) that graphene may not be feed by electrons and holes for a months and still feel quite vigorously. And you care about some salts... Well, I will take it to attention.
  11. So, this property shows up in quantum dots only, not in intrinsic graphene? I wish to know what will happen if we will ingest the same amount electrons and holes in graphene?
  12. Someone said me that electrons and holes in graphene are separated spatially. What does it exactly mean?
  13. What if you use two flywheels which rotate in opposite directions on car?
  14. The problem with flywheel, however, it that if it's made of non magnetic material (similar to a diamond fiber) I wonder how they are going to use magnetic bearing with that.
  15. Honestly, I have no trustworthy calculations for flywheels made of "supermaterials". For example, this one article mentions 1100 Wh/kg for a hypothetical carbon nanotube flywheel. http://www.nanowerk.com/spotlight/spotid=22055.php Yes, I meant that in both flywheels and capacitors atomic bond strength is a limiting factor. In capacitor you may play with some quantum effects furthermore, I assume. What do you mean under "bond stretching"?
  16. Aluminum is produced with help of electrolysis from aluminum oxides. You can use cheap electricity from remote sources, or electricity from nuclear or hydroelectric plants produced at night. This is how most of Aluminum is produced presently. You can just fill a fuel cell with Aluminum powder or wire at the fueling station. It will take couple of minutes. It's predicted that a flywheel made of diamond wire would have 15 MJ/Kg energy density. Similar or even higher estimates are made for carbon nanotube wire, boron fiber or nitrogen fiber. Compare it to 3.5 MJ/kg for a hypothetical, yet to be created Li-air rechargeable battery, which suppose to have the largest energy density of all batteries. I have suspicion that both flywheels and capacitors belong to a similar class of an energy storage devices which store their energy in atomic bonds deformations. Therefore it may give a clue about capacitors future limits.
  17. Fortunately, electrically rechargeable batteries is not the only technology which could make EVs to dominate. I even wouldn't expect it will be the batteries. With their dirty chemical reactions they don't look like a futuristic energy storage. I propose you to regard supercapacitors, metal-air fuel cells and long-distance wireless energy transfer. Also, EVs is not the only type of a vehicle worth of the inventive efforts. In this century hybrid vehicles may become dominant. If plug-in hybrid will allow to save 80-90% of organic fuel annually, we may say that problem of EV is almost solved and celebrate.
  18. I'm too modest to claim an expertise at something. I'm an amateur inventor and my interests presently are at the fields of energy storage and conversion devices.
  19. What is a field of your expertise?
  20. At the moment I'm a theoretician.
  21. Solid state electrolites (such as ion-conducting glasses) are nothing new. The problem is that conductivity of solid electrolytes (and especially that of glasses) is much lower than conductivity of liquid electrolytes. This is very difficult to change because it is based on physic's laws. Li-ion batteries commonly use organic electrolytes. They may not be too cheap and are flammable, but at least they offer acceptable power densities (which are still not too exceptional). With glass electrolytes power may fell below acceptable level. The article doesn't mention this problem. I don't think its likely energy density will grow a few times with glass electrolyte. Why exactly? Do they expect that glass electrolyte will take much smaller amount of space than a liquid one? If yes, why? Some expressions from the article are difficult to comprehend of believe in them instantly. For example: Batteries and capacitors store energy in different ways. What is good for a one is hardly good for another. High dielectric constant can be barely useful for a battery or a supercapacitor. Only for a dielectric capacitor.
  22. Insects practiced flight mode at least 300 mln. years ago, and therefore we know that relatively safe flight of a living being is a reality. The problem is to suite it to modern civilization.
  23. Which stimulants in difference from caffeine develop almost no tolerance and cause no problems with heart? They suppose to be available over the counter. I agree to regard some "overdose" substances under condition they cause no harm to health and only produce a strong stimulant effect.
  24. These claims sound a bit unbelievable. Energy density of liquid methane comprises 2/3 from energy density of gasoline and if some materials allow the same or even higher density for adsorbed methane, why there is still no global efforts to replace all the gasoline and diesel with methane? This one article mentions 500 v/v methane uptake at 400 bars, compared to 600 v/v of liquid methane. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ente.201600172/abstract
  25. Very interesting... Which exactly legends?
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