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Jeff P

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Everything posted by Jeff P

  1. Jeff P


    Thanks, once again for the information. ..I have some elements to start with! Jeff
  2. Jeff P


    Thanks! That image is the sort of thing I’m looking for, It'll make a great background… thanks Could you give me an example? Thank you Kyrisch Is this a true formula? I really like the simplicity. Thanks’ again for all the help… Of course you could have easily given examples of complete gibberish..lol. Being the math scholar that I am (which I’m not, btw) I wouldn’t know the difference. Still, I’m attempting to incorporate at least a sense of accuracy , and even interplay on some of the formulas. Hmm.. a thought occurred to me. Is there a copyright held for a mathematical formula ? Jeff
  3. Jeff P


    Thanks for the feedback I've been reading the Goedel, Escher, Bach, book. Quite the hefty read! I guess I was inquiring if there was an existing, well known mathematical formula (or at least well known among mathematicians) that would fit my paradox quarry. Perhaps i'll have to modify my layout. Thanks again Jeff
  4. Jeff P


    Hello I'm an artist working on an illustrative project which revolves around the theme of a paradox. Using the Mobius Loop as its central iconic symbol, the message I'm trying to convey will be that of "the beginning is also the end " In this illustration I'd like to incorporate symbols/formulas of both religion and science. The snake eating it's own tail is a terrific spiritual symbol. However, is there such a scientific problem / formula in mathematics, physics or biology etc. which deals with this theme of a paradox. ie: that the beginning of the equation is also the same as the end?.. or perhaps a problem which turns back onto itself, creating a never ending loop? Any ideas? Thanks for any help Jef
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