Yes, we are capable of converting raw data to complex information and I believe this to be another sign of advanced technology. At this time it would seem that I am incapable of verbalizing my thoughts so others can understand them and I will drop the subject. As I mentioned above I was not trying to start a debate I only wondered if anyone had considered this view and I find that no one either has or wants to. I did not think this thread in a "General Philosophy" area would be disruptive even on a "Science Forum", at least it was not meant to do so. Both beauty and the opposit is in the eye of the beholder.
"I don't know what metric you use to "impress" yourself, and I'm beginning to suspect it's a metric we'll never be able to meet."
The best always pleases me.
Pat Hagar
It would seem people today are still unfocused if the Kardashian's hold that much interest. Only her plastic surgeon knows for sure.
I agree.
I fully agree that something other than "carbon fuel" is needed but until that time comes we are pretty much stuck with what we have available. As to your second point yes,we have "come a long way" but all you mention is still with us. The progress is good but not good enough.
A word to slavery. AT some time in our history every nationality has been in slaved to another race. This goes back before the Romans, Greeks, Egyptians etc. so slavery is nothing limited to only those of a certain color or race. It is an abomination of the human race in general. Much of the so called evil that exists today is very detectable such as I.S.I.S. and according to them it is "divine interpretation".
Pat Hagar
I did not mean that it decreases, but our humanity has not kept up with the advances in technology. I chose an inappropriate word. I did mean that overall I believe our technology is advancing so rapidly it would seem that we as sentient beings are going backwards. Tools do not make us "less human" but they have become to much of a crutch to lean on. If we have a problem we should develope a tool to solve it rather than go back and eliminate the problem to start with. It is a bit like the comment I read from a British machanical engineer more than twenty five years ago "During the developement of any machine problems are likely to result. The usually way to produce a quick fix is to add more parts. This only circumvents the original problem and does not solve it". Tools are great but they are not the whole answer.
Pat Hagar
I think I have answered all questions that have arisen from my original post. If not please let me know and I will do my best to answer everyone.
Pat Hagar
I still do not know how this software works as I did not mean to make one running comment to all.