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  1. oh whats wrong smart guy?? dont have any math for me? didnt think so
  2. i ment to say that i didnt say the larger you would see his hand move faster then light
  3. you keep going on on about the math,can you fkin sit here and show me the math that proves im wrong?if not then stfu about the fkin math you fail to understand that i dont need math to proove any of this,its already been proved by thousands of people with out using math,go search for yourself
  4. i did say that from the big you's perspective you wil lsee your fist travel faster then light,i said the opisit really,i said to you that your hand will takes a fraction of a second to reach earth and that to a smaller observer it will take alot longer for your hand to reach the earth,there for thats time dilation,think hard about it,smaller person will experince hours of time passing before your hand reaches earth,but you will only experince a split second of time passing
  5. you a idiot kid,you know nothing,i just gave you everything you need to know im not a fkin math teacher,i cant sit here and spit equasions,but i can fkin send you links that exsplains exactly what im saying,and the links prove it for me,i shouldnt have to come up with any type of math,your just a idiot, if you had a working brain you would of been understood what i said. but let me guess,you still think your right?and every other physics expert is wrong?even albert is wrong too huh?someone get this guy a nobel prize but first put a helmet on him before he walks up the stairs to the stage, he might trip and hurt himself
  6. http://www.highexistence.com/einsteins-theory-of-relativity/ here is a video prooving everything im saying is true,if u dont undertsand after watching the vid,then plse reframe from saying im wrong
  7. i think your full of yourself,you have no degree you say present math?i have something even better how about this,the satilites that are in space right now,orbiting the earth at high speeds,they use reletivity theory in order to make you gps work or go and google this test where scietist had 4 atomic clocks,they put 2 clocks on a plane then flew around the world 2 times,first in one direction then the second in another direction they left 2 clocks stationary on earth,guess what happend when they collected all 4 clocks?the 2 on the plane were de-synced due to time dilation and reletivity
  8. i dont like it when people say that i am wrong when i know for a fact that its them thats wrong especially when they refuse to listen to reason,that is the cause of my attitude
  9. omg none of you understand let me crush your mentality right quick there is something called time Dilation this is when time adjust itself to your perspective this is what science means when they say time and space are relitive to eachother(if you do not agree with this,then please go to google and start googling to proove me wrong) ever herd how science says time will slow down the faster you move? that is called time dilation ever hear science say that you can time travel if you go faster then the speed of light? that is time dilation now, if you grew so big that the earth and sun and earth is the size of marbles to you and you swat your hand from the sun to the earth,to you, it took less then a second for your hand to reach the earth so there for, from your perspective only,your hand did not move faster then the speed of light but if a normal sized human watches this happen,he would see your hand slowly make its way from the sun to earth to the small human it would take so long for your hand to reach earth,but to you it only took a split second see how that works?its called relativity and time dilation i do not have to proove this to any of you because all this has already been prooven and i feel bad for you if your to cocky to go and learn this for yourself,you should really not be here answering questions when you dont understand what your talking about
  10. dang,i cant belive the people on here replying has no clue about any real science i figured this would be a good source for information,but now it seems you all dont have a lick of sense you ask how do i measure well,the fact is that i dont have to,someone has already explained this,this has been prooven mathaticly over and over and over agian i dont know if you ever heard of albert einstein, but he solved this puzzle a long time ago i am done with this,i refuse to explain something that has been prooven by hundreds of scientist already if you cant do your own research yourself then i feel sorry for you i literally answerd my own question within 20 mins, why cant you go and find out for yourself? wish the best of luck to you
  11. omg man,i am not wrong i am 100% sure i am correct you do not understand reletivity plse,do some reaserch before you say im wrong, you have no clue what your talking about if you think i am wrong,i can proove to you that i am right and that your wrong there is sceince backing this up man unless your gonna say all the scienctist in the world are wrong plse go do some research here i have found a video that explains this subject, if you still dont understand,then i dont know what to tell you man http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttZCKAMpcAo
  12. acually you can, i absolutly know exactly how this works now, i can promise you that there will be no force that prevents you from swinging fast. how do i know this? well einstein's theory of revativity has been prooven,i know its hard to grasp but if you dont understand exactly what this theory is saying then plse youtube revatity esplained.even if you think you know,please revisit this subject cause i am 100% sure that you dont fully understand this.(not trying to be a dick sorry ) the videos will break it down so that anyone can understand the theory
  13. ah i finally found info about this subject,it turns out einstein already explained this.i never understood what his theory of reletivity was acually talking about, until now turns out that time slows down when moving at high speeds,i now understand thats how space-time compisates for such matters.i feel like a scientist now o.0 oh,and the rod you swing will not bend or break time will simply slow down for that rod so that the speed of light stays true for that object
  14. i dont know much about science, but i remember reading something about atoms vibrating, i read that if atoms vibrate slower then the speed of light then they become physical and if they vibrate faster then light then they become un-physical is this true?i thought nothing can move faster then light. then i really thought about it and ran into a problem i cant figure out, and google doesnt have the answers either its hard for me to explain but here goes, okay,so imagine the earth and our sun, we know that light does infact take time to travel from the sun to earth.(not sure exactly how long, buts thats not important right now) so now imagine that your traveling at the speed of light towards the sun,lets just say it takes you 3 hours to travel to the sun from earth (3 hours is not correct but lets just roll with it for now) now, imagine that you are so big that the earth and sun are the size of marbles compared to you.now, if you put your hand right above the sun and swing your arm fast towards the earth,you would hit the earth in like 1 sec, but by doing this, your hand would be moving faster then the speed of light from the perspective of a normal sized human, but it would seem like your moving faster then light from your perspective.how the fk does this work?
  15. could matter possibly be converted into light? i have heard of these students who found out how to convert light into mass. so i would think it could be done in reverse. also,i have heard that scientist have found a way to capture light for a full 60 secs inside a crystal, they say that light and crystals can hold informatiion. so i started to think. what if you could convert matter into light and then find a way to store it and retrive that information.what could we do with this type of tech? i think,if we can convert matter into light,we can then freely travel at the speed of light.(lol)maybe store our selfs as light inside a crystal does any one here know if such a thing could be possible? (i do not claim to know the first thing about how science works)lol. this would exsplain ufo sightings lmao.now before you go off and label me crazy for thinking that aliens exist,think about how big our universe is and then decide if life could not exist some where else,i acually think it would be impossible for intelegent life to not exist anywhere else.anyway,i have read many ufo sighting and alot of them claim to have seen crafts turn into light.also,alot of accient cultures belived crystals held some sort of power.hmmm....think about it guys
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