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Mr. Laymen

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Everything posted by Mr. Laymen

  1. His words sound intense and exciting when I read them, especially the ending! That's a good read, Thanks! That makes perfect sense, and is a pretty clear definition if I might say so. Thanks, and thanks to everyone else.
  2. Isn't, "numerical analysis", an analysis of numerical qualities? I don't think I understand the terms "quantitative" and "qualitative" very well, I'll look those up. It just seems that a numerical value is a quality. But I'm probably confusing myself with words. Can one scientifically study similarities between other science subjects, like comparing characteristics of biological phenomena to mathematical phenomena? Could that be done scientifically under the lens of Physics?
  3. So does that mean in that regard, there is no specific scientific study of "existences' entirety", that there is only a philosophical study of that? If that is the case, is there a science of philosophy that in turn would or could possibly validate metaphysics as legitimate science?
  4. Why would you respond to input on this forum like that, instead of just talking through any miss-communications as would generally occur in casual conversation between friends or family?
  5. Ah, so that's what that means. Thank you. Okay to build on that then, because I didn't find a Metaphysics section on this forum... Is there a science of Metaphysics? or is it strictly Philosophy? Or something else?
  6. I'm sorry if this isn't the appropriate section of the Forum for this kind of question, I wasn't sure where it should go. I'm wondering if there is a single scientific subject that is specifically focused on the study of "all things" and how they appear to us, on a fundamental level? Like I see biology, or physics, etc... as specific fields of study, but is there any field that encompasses all of the common subjects to understand "a bigger picture", of existence in general? If so what is it called, or what would be the closest thing to something like that...if anything at all?
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