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can humans live beyond 100 years-evidence....
snore2walk replied to snore2walk's topic in Medical Science
i have no idea -
can humans live beyond 100 years-evidence....
snore2walk replied to snore2walk's topic in Medical Science
i read an article similar to this, though a more detailed one in a recent edition of popsci......so it is workable? -
can humans live beyond 100 years-evidence....
snore2walk replied to snore2walk's topic in Medical Science
in biblical knowledge, man has been known to live for above 300 years right? and excavations by paleontologists(dun mind the spelling) indicate that man had a much heavier bone-structure and build back then. suppoedly, a gold ring found on a index finger of skeleton could fit as a bangle on today's modern man's wrist....does this apparent reduce in body structure have something to do with reducing age or something? -
so what are your conclusions, are there really adverse health effects by cracking joints...and yeah, about the gas thingy, it is due to a bubble of nitrogen in the joints, it supposedly reforms there after sometime so you can crack your joints once again....what canb the release of nitrogen from your joints have to do with the overall health benefits??
can humans live beyond 100 years-evidence....
snore2walk replied to snore2walk's topic in Medical Science
i'm impressed. thanks -
can humans live beyond 100 years-evidence....
snore2walk replied to snore2walk's topic in Medical Science
mmmmm......true....but genetic modifications may have complications that are not very vicible from the start. i mean, a complication may arise some years after birth, and it would be rather hard to fix the problem, won't it? also, a living human cannot live for ever...his offsprin=gs may, but he himself cannot be modified, can he? -
can humans live beyond 100 years-evidence....
snore2walk replied to snore2walk's topic in Medical Science
heya....i'm sooo sorry. i copied the second entry from an e-mail sent to me from a friend. he didn't include the url for it though. didn't intend to plagerise or anything....hope you'll understand! next time, i'll be more cautious, though -
can humans live beyond 100 years-evidence....
snore2walk replied to snore2walk's topic in Medical Science
an aricle i read: Does Chromosome 4 Hold the Secret to Human Longevity? Howard Hughes Medical Institute By comparing the DNA of siblings who are extremely long-lived, researchers believe they have found a region on chromosome 4 that may hold an important clue to understanding human longevity. According to the researchers, their finding is "highly suggestive" that somewhere in the hundreds of genes in that region of chromosome 4 is a gene or genes whose subtle modifications can give a person a better chance of living well beyond the average life expectancy. The researchers believe that additional genetic analyses of nonagenarians and centenarians will lead to the identification of a few genes that confer longevity in humans. They also believe that their studies may turn up "good" versions of a multitude of genes that enable people to avoid age-associated diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer's disease. In an article published in the August 28, 2001, issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a scientific team led by Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator Louis M. Kunkel and Thomas Perls at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center reported the results of a genome-wide study of 308 long-lived people. The study group included 137 siblings. The research team included scientists from Children's Hospital in Boston, Harvard Medical School, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Rutgers University, and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. "It is clear to us that longevity has a genetic component," said Kunkel. "Frequently, if there is one sibling who has lived to be a hundred, there will be a second or third sibling who also will live to be a hundred. And while these people were fortunate enough not to have ‘bad’ gene alleles at the loci involved in age-related diseases, they also had alleles that enabled them to live often twenty years beyond their life expectancy, and remain active and in reasonably good health." An allele is an alternate form of a gene. According to Kunkel, the research team launched its search for longevity genes based on an educated scientific hunch. "Most investigators would say that longevity is just too complicated a trait to be influenced by only a few genes," he said. "But we took a chance that this was the case, because in lower organisms such as nematodes, fruit flies and yeast there are only a few genes that need to be altered to give a longer life span. So, my feeling was that there were only a few genes, perhaps four to six in humans, that would do the same." Thus, Kunkel and his colleagues did a genome-wide comparative analysis of 137 sets of two or three siblings who were at least 90, where one member of each sibship was 98 or older. Their mapping studies used 400 known genomic markers to determine whether the sibling sets shared specific chromosomal regions in significantly greater excess than predicted by chance inheritance from their parents alone. "We found that on chromosome four there was a little blip of allele sharing that was greater than would be predicted by chance," said Kunkel. "We term this finding as 'highly suggestive,' because it is ninety-five percent certain that it is not by chance — thus with a five percent likelihood that we just happened to get this blip," he said. Kunkel cautions that finding allele sharing on chromosome 4 represents only the beginning of the arduous process of pinpointing the gene or genes that influence longevity. "We have two major challenges," he said. "First, we will have to replicate these findings in another hundred or so sibships to confirm them, and perhaps to determine whether there may be another shared locus." Some of the subjects studied did not share a locus on chromosome 4, so Kunkel and his colleagues suspect that other shared loci might exist. "Second, we must try to find the gene in this region of chromosome 4 that confers the longevity phenotype," said Kunkel. "This is an extremely complicated process because there are perhaps as many as five hundred genes in this region, and one of them has a single sequence variation that confers this phenotype. This variation is not a mutation as in genetic disease. Rather it is a very subtle genetic difference that produces a protein that may either work slightly better or be less active than in the normal population." According to Kunkel, a thorough search for such a subtle genetic variation — called a single nucleotide polymorphism — in one gene will require performing 200,000-400,000 genetic analyses on some 200 long-lived subjects. The researchers must then compare those results to genetic analyses performed on a similar number of people with normal longevity. "We are extremely excited about the prospects for this work," he said. "We believe that we can find the genes that allow humans to live to be much older than average, as well as the metabolic pathways they influence. And it may turn out that there are similar pathways in lower organisms." -
can humans live beyond 100 years-evidence....
snore2walk replied to snore2walk's topic in Medical Science
well, it is not fair to depend wholly on others. so i researched a bit on the subject. well, scientists believe the root cause of ageing is actually cell ageing, or more specifically, the shortening of telomere, the extra DNA we all have at the end of each chromosome. The enzyme telomerase can replace this telomere, thereby rendering the cell immortal.The Danish Centre for Molecular Gerontology's Dr Suresh Rattan believes the way forward is hormesis, exposing cells to low doses of temperature shock and stress to make them stronger and improve their functional ability. Other anti-ageing gurus say the answer lies with injections of the hormones DHEA and testosterone, nutritional supplements, anti-oxidants, replacing worn out organs with new ones using our own stem cells, or genetic engineering. Scientists accept that ageing occurs due to damage occurring to the cell's DNA, proteins, membranes, and to other such cellular components. So, this implies, that if such damage could be prevented, the body's cells would remain youthful. Could it be that there is a certain 'death' gene that causes such faults to arise, after a certain number of cellular divisions or such? in addition, it is also important to note that the human growth hormone (HGH) may play an important part in ageing. the production of the HGH by the human anterior pitutary gland in the brain decreases as one ages. The major part of the growth hormone secretion takes place after the onset of deep sleep. Overall HGH secretion levels are lower in men than in women. In 20 to 30 year old individuals the HGH secretion rate over 24 hours represents more than the double of the values seen in 50 to 60 year old persons, and in the age group of 61 to 70 year olds the corresponding levels decline further and don't exceed values that are roughly half of those measured in persons aged 50 to 60 years. this being the case, could injectiopn of the HGH into elderly humans, prolong life? The pineal gland, until recently, has been referred to as mystery gland, since its functions were largely unknown. The pineal is now recognized as a key element in the maintenance of the body’s endocrine regulation (hormone balance), immune system integrity, and circadian rhythm (daily metabolic balance). Melatonin is the principal hormone produced by the pineal gland. Melatonin is under investigation as a treatment for a number of conditions, including jet-lag, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), depression, and cancer. Pineal polypeptide extract (which contains a broad spectrum of other, protein-based pineal hormones) has been shown to inhibit the development of atherosclerosis [Tasca, et al., 1974], reduce blood triglyceride levels [Ostroumova and Vasiljeve, 1976], improve cellular immunity [belokrylov, et al., 1976; Dilman, 1977], and increase lifespan in animals [Dilman, et al., 1979]. The pineal gland functions as a biological clock by secreting melatonin (along with many other neuropeptides) at night. As you can see from the following illustration, melatonin levels peak at about 2 a.m. in normal, healthy young people and about 3 a.m. in elderly people. The maximum amount of melatonin released in the bloodstream of the elderly is only half of that in young adults. Melatonin levels are low during the day. At sunset, the cessation of light triggers neural signals which stimulate the pineal gland to begin releasing melatonin. This rise continues for hours, eventually peaking around 2 a.m. (3 a.m. for the elderly) after which it steadily declines to minimal levels by morning. The delay in timing and decrease in intensity of the melatonin pulse is a manifestation of the aging process. The melatonin pulse regulates many neuroendocrine functions. When the timing or intensity of the melatonin peak is disrupted (as in aging, stress, jet-lag, or artificial jet-lag syndromes), many physiological and mental functions are adversely affected. The ability to think clearly, remember key facts, and make sound decisions can be profoundly hampered by these upsets in the biological clock. so, could extensive research into the secretions and productions of all hormones and chemicals produced by the pineal gland, and injection of such chemicals into the ageing body have any effect in prolonging life? -
can humans live beyond 100 years-evidence....
snore2walk replied to snore2walk's topic in Medical Science
yes, i understand, but with reference to anti-ageing science, is it possible to prolong the average life expectancy beyond 100? -
recently i came across this question in one of the scientific journals, that man can theoretically live up to a hundred years. it stated that man can, with the help of current technology and the vast leaps and bounds in medical science, along with progress in the genetics field. so i am here to conduct a poll whether man can live up over hundred years. if you do support it and agree, please state why. would appreciate if people who don't agree would also supply reasons. thanks........ maybe i should rephrase my question. with the advances in anti-ageing science, can we live beyond 100? if so, technically how is this possible?
erm....didn't get that bit....but yeah....what's about the 3 hour missing part?
Are A levels and GCSE's getting easier??
snore2walk replied to bloodhound's topic in Science Education
heya..sorry to interrupt but i completely disagree with the above. i'm from singapore, and i can guarantee that the proficiency of english from here is no where low. we take the gce o levels at the end of 10th standard, or sec 4 as we call it here. our english standards have supposedly continually impressed the campbridge examiners for consecutive years. in fact, when conversing with epals from the us, and the netherlands, uk, for example, i note, and most of the time they do too, that the english standards of students in english are far above theirs. i think that stereotyping asians as insufficiently equipped in english is not very good.... no offense to the perties involved, though....cheers -
ermmm.......yeah...how come no one seems to be replying???!!!??? i'm very serious...anyone has any suggestions?
well, listen to this then.... was having a maths test....busy scribbling algebraic equations...then all of a sudden i felt that the questions seemed remarkably familiar. i was resting my head on the table, whilst writing, and i got the feeling that somehow i had dreamt of myself doing the self-same questions in that exact position. it was just a thought, but it had a blast of an impact. i practically freaked out! anyways, from the experiences of others, i find that a common link to deja vu is always dreams....why? p.s. none of the above is bull...it really happened....
well, i've read once that the region in which the bermuda triangle is located, often experiences freak stroms, that happen and disappear far too quickly. also, there is evidence of deep sedimentation of the sea bed in the region. thus, if anything does sink into the water, the sea bed is disturbed, disturbing a big cloud of sand. once the object has sunk, the disturbed sand settles, obscuring any traces of the ship or plane. thus, this, some people say, explain the "disappearances". of course, some people are addicted to looking at everything in a supernatural way, and thus the rumours of flying sausers, and anti-gravity devices.... some even claim that the region is some-kind of a gateway, and that the ship and planes are transported to either another dimension\plane of existence or another world...alien?
there is this science council in my school...and we need to submit a decent research proposal in oreder to enter it. this is supposedly to test one's research aptitude and all.... so, i'm just wondering if anyone out there has an idea for a research proposal, linked to the life sciences field.... one of my pals suggested researching on the gene gata5 in zebrafish. this gene produces the protein nkdx2.5 (i'm reciting this from memory, and am uncertain of the real name of the protein produced.however, i can ascertain that the gene is the actual one) the gene, when act6ivated, converts the cell into a heart cell. researchers have supposedly discovered that any cell that has an activated gata5 gene becoms a living, beating heart cell. current research is being done to isolate a similar gene in humans...think about the benefits and all.... so, i just wonder if such a research proposal is really probable, if not, any other suggestions?
howdy all....... name's snore2walk...i know really corny.....but never mind, eh... not qualified in any field....*yet* am really interested in particle physics, neuroscience, and medicine....odd combination, i know.....but hey! read all of Brian Greene's books, and am really fascinated by that hell of a physicist.. do occasionally try to hold an intelligent conversation, but alas, often do veer off course, tangent-wise....think i'm a know-all, but yet my thoughts are worth far less than the ordinary 2 cents worth... hoping to pick your brains...... aim to become a neurosurgeon....like Ben Crson, or Keith Black...anyone know them personally? on the whole, a "jack of all trades, but a master of none".........YET!!! BTW: how do you chalk up posts?>
An Excellent Article Which All Members Should Read
snore2walk replied to Sayonara's topic in The Lounge
interesting....struck me that what was stated was kind of true....and a point to note is that that effectively employed all suggestions and tips on their article, or was that you who did that. quite unlike most other such sites which merely regurgitate all the facts yet employ none....