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Everything posted by Nightdancer

  1. the crazy thing about it, yes my dad is his account on here, although it sounds a little crazy if you all could have seen his work that he destroyed it practically made sense it is just that he cannot communicate it properly though any media which is a shame.
  2. ok the original post by a great man is being rediculed and misunderstood, he has given up due to the passive and totally unwarrented negative comments and destroyed his whole 30 year of research because of a difficulty in getting across what he is trying to say. well done for destroying him and his ambitions to do well for mankind.
  3. To begin with I must confess that I am completely self taught on the matter and hope you forgive me for saying this. I have noticed that all things come in as a cycle of 3, steel cans for example begin as iron oxide ore, this gets processed in phase 2 into steel cans (phase 3) which over time begin to transform themselves via rust back into their original form as iron oxide ore. The same things happen all over the place, copper for example and silver all oxidezes back into their original form. Life also had a beginning at conception where we grow older and die only to turn back into the raw components from which we came from, potash carbon and other trace elements. Even out bones eventually get the treatment over time and turn into fossils thus ending our own 3 phase cycle. In the cosmos we know that supernovas and hyper-novas create star systems, planets and otherworldly beauties, and the stars collapse into black holes, now at the black hole all matter is compressed and channelled into one specific molecule, for this example I shall call the ND1 atom, these atoms are produced as the pure source of the universe where the black hole explodes and begins the cycle again as the aforementioned super/hyper-novas Now I know you are going to ask, if this is the case what came first? The answer is a simple one, the black hole was first. I will now begin to tell you how this was the case. In the beginning of the cosmos there was not a single atom to be found anywhere, only subatomic particles, these particles brushed against each other and in doing so caused friction which made the first electron in the form of static electricity. These statically charged particles began to repulse similar charged particles and attracted polar opposites to make the first subatomic cluster the ND cluster I shall call it. Now these clusters began to attract others of its likeness and formed the ND1 atoms, over time, these atoms collided into each other to make the cores of the first black holes, how I hear you ask, Simply by being there an element of mass generates gravity no matter how small that mass is, now more and more ND1 atoms come together making a more denser cluster and in the process creates more gravity, then the fun began, it came to being that the gravity of these clusters outweighed the potentiality of growing in size and formed the first black holes. Inside the first and future black holes you have 3 major components, the outer event horizon, inner event horizon and the core. Holes in space are not like the holes you find in your pockets, flat and unresponsive. Black holes are spherical in shape at their core due to the excessive gravitational forces it creates, now anything finding the outer event horizon gets drawn into the black hole so very slowly until it reaches the inner event horizon (and until now thought to cease to exist) but alas not the case. These masses are compressed into the smallest size they can be, moulded together and pressed into new ND1 atoms which began the universe. Now as the gravitational forces are too dense the atoms cannot gain in size, so the only thing they can do is to get heavier. These super dense ND1 atoms can literally outweigh the effects of the gravitational forces trying to keep them imprisoned inside the black hole when enough of them are present they literally fly out of the inner event horizon and now they find themselves without the constrains of the super dense gravity they literally explode giving off their characteristic sound (called Hawking radiation) also as they are only seen in super-microseconds they are also known as the Higgs Boson God Particle. The hadron collider actually creates ND1 atoms and in turn micro black holes which as in this case explode as soon as they are made manifest due to the severe lack of gravitational forces to hold the ND1 atoms in place, as much as trying to fill a balloon with air at the bottom of the ocean and expecting to to be in one piece when it hits the surface. Black holes are also said to be so dense that light cannot escape? But before I can explain the solution to this we must come to realise that light does not actually exist. It is in fact super fast sound waves travelling at ludicrous speed, how do I know this? It is simple, sound waves are picked up by our auditory system and through this, we hear our every day sounds, now when in the case of bats and dolphins emit sounds that are too high for us humans to hear these creatures can see the sound waves through their own built in echo location system bridging their audio and visual systems already in play, we on the other hand have to rely on machines to do this for us. Now when these frequencies get faster we begin to see them and have previously called them light waves to our own error. So now we have really fast sound waves travelling through the cosmos and they meet an event horizon of a black hole, so what happens now? You have a black hole emitting ND1 atoms at a huge pace, these atoms are exploding everywhere all at once and making such an enormous amount of interstellar noise it actually cancels out the alleged light waves just in the same way you find yourselves in front of the speakers at a rock concert and trying to talk to the person next to you, resistance literally is futile and you might as well give up there is just too much sonic interference. Exactly in the cosmos when these super fast sound waves encounter a black hole. Now finally we come to the death of a black hole, we know where these are placed in the universe because of their unique sound signature in the cosmos, think of it like a large tin with a few marbles in, at first they make a huge racket then as more and more marbles get placed in they reach a crescendo of noise then it dies away as there is less and less space available inside as it is taken up by these ND1 atoms, as soon as this happens the black hole hits critical mass and no longer able to hold all the ND1 atoms in its core then they all furiously attempt to escape into the universe resulting in a super or hyper-nova The ND1 atoms explode all over the place, some discharging their electrons whilst others gaining the spare electrons making all the atoms we have in the periodic table and thus in turn creating the supernovas or hyper-novas respectively where the whole process begins to form new stars and planets ready to turn eventually back into the same black holes that born them in the first place.
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