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Everything posted by noanns

  1. Hi! I am a photography student from Argentina, with no knowledge of physics or math. I like learning what I can from the cosmos on the internet. Lately I’ve been very interested on supersymmetry, string theory and entanglement. I saw a class by Leonard Susskind about black holes on YouTube were he states that two particles are entangled, one inside the black hole and the other one outside. What I could understand about entanglement is that when you make a measurement on an entangled particle you know that the reading on the other particle is the opposite. So, my question is, how do physicsts know which particle is entangled to which particle, as in how do they know that the particle from the outside of the black hole is entagled to the particle inside the black hole? And, what do they learn from this particles? I want to thank everybody in advanced who took the time to read my question. I am aware that I may be over simplifying quantum physics due to my lack of theoretical knowledge, I don’t even understand calculus. Thanks you, I hope somebody can provide an interesting answer!
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