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So today the Governor of California calls for a reduction in water usage State Wide. The thing he doesn't realize is that eventually they won't have any water at all. Nor the rest of the states. Pretty much the northern hemisphere. So lets take just the rose by itself, and nothing else, I have said the white bowsuns or white rose (white rainbows) project up into space, and are like massive petals of the rose, so now put this Earth at the very tiny center of the Rose itself, and the picture is then in correct proportions remembering this is like all alchemy messages from that era, cryptic. Now see the stone tablets on the stoup of the little building, tells you where all this knowledge and wisdom came from, and to show you who from, see on the small veranda roof see the eye Horus etched in the roof. The Egyptians. See in the close foreground in front of the post holding the Rose, a snakes body across the picture, a second snake, see its head under right hand post on food growing trellis, also stretching across the picture then further back a third beyond that a fourth snake, now I know these snakes represent light waves and I also know they are in fact 9.999 Meters apart when seen in nature running within the dynamics, so that is in the correct proportion and I know Robert Fludd knew what he was depicting and had the correct knowledge right down to its measurements. This rose and its sign post is depicted on the Equator, how do I know that, well one has to find the sun and given the rose protects earth then the sun is directly behind the Rose, also see light and shadows cast upon the stumps under the small house shows it is behind the Rose, so that is east, we are looking to the east from the west, so then see the ancient sign maker up the stem that always had there ends sharpened to indicate direction, then to the right is the Southern Hemisphere and to the left is Northern Hemisphere So now see which side of the equator the bees are on, note, not in the Northern hemisphere, and are not all the bees mysteriously dying and no one knows why, but given what I read here of the Rose I say the magnetics are declining and that the bees are dying and also they like the birds and fish whales etc, have lost there navigation because of it, and it is why Robert Fludd used the bees in his picture knowing we would see it, realizing the trigger for the coming events. All science my friends. Only, taught by true scientists. With true knowledge. Now see whats in the food trellis of the northern hemisphere with out bees, that's right, nothing but spider web's and no spiders can be seen, and again across the front of the only occupied part of the picture, they are birds flying in the sky but again only depicted in the southern hemisphere Remembering Nostradamus was the prophet of hope, yes hoping some one like bulla that is also a master of the Rose, would see this picture in the future and read it in time to be able to do something about it, "and we can", but only if the scientific fraternity stop procrastinating about there dumb stupid Known laws of physics which are so backwards and just plain stupid The reason they are getting no rain in California and it will intensify is because they are killing the process which actually makes rain, and eventually will seal the process completely so no rain is produced. This was essentially started with the Valdez Oil spill. Now oceans naturally produce oil which is mostly washed ashore. But what the experts did with the oil spill was add dispersant to the ocean water. Now they have stated that not much was used, but the evidence is quite the contrary based on the conditions in California. Mist leaves the oceans surface, collected into clouds, rains, rinse and repeat. What adding dispersant to the ocean does is it creates a film over the ocean so that the water mist is not allowed to release, just trapped under the film over the ocean. An immense amount of dispersant was added into the gulf. All your rain fading into the night, and eventually everything running dry. Anyone thirsty?
Because it is science. But really the only way to really prove anything to anyone in any field is to have them be able to constantly reproduce the same results. All I'm telling you is if you don't want to conduct the test or create a field, simply go out into nature and nature will run the experiment for you. Just simply follow the instructions on this thread that I provided for the waterfall. You know maybe 5 years ago a lady from England actually took Bulla up on the challenge, she actually was in contact in a forum as we are now and suddenly hadn't shown up for weeks. Bulla receives an email from her dad and brother asking him what he did to their daughter/sister. Seems they had possibly talked to her perhaps gone through her pc, in any case, Bulla inquires of course, and they tell him that she was running around naked in her town carrying on about seeing people on the other side. lol. I really shouldn't laugh. As it isn't a laughing matter. It can shock you out of existence. But again the point is. Just go see it for yourself, free of charge. Again just go out in nature and let nature run the experiment for you. I like you your an amusing person, and i say that with all due respect not sarcastically. And i believe that if you seek out everything your asking me from nature, you will find exactly what it is your looking for. The truth is not rigorous. Have No Fear.
You just said it was to much science to wade through. How can you refute if you haven't even conducted the test i provided? You haven't refuted anything because a person of your scientific stature could never eclipse the Egyptian physicists, nor could any physicist of today, as what they have taught you is 100% incorrect. Nature itself runs the experiment for you, you don't need a lab, which for the most part tests run in lab never equate to what happens in nature as what they have been teaching is again, incorrect. You cannot refute because if you peer as I have into nature, nature will refute all. But I enjoy your jokes none the less. Mr. Bond, Simply run the test, further create a smaller field as the one mentioned several times and peer through. Now i must warn you that if your brain cannot handle something before unseen, you could cease to exist from the sheer overwhelming of your beings roots in sanity. Also if you don't want to produce the field, simply follow the instructions for the waterfall and find the proper position axis and peer through there. It isn't mystical just like the bible for instance isn't mystical, it is all science.
Well, I am not making the claim I am only relaying the information of Bulla. None of this is my own. I was only taught this. I mean I have no interest in science. I think I took maybe a chemistry course in high school, and then good riddance. But take the time yourself if you choose to wade through the information and conduct the test above and tell me what you find. This information is ours not mine or even Bulla's. This is for Humanity. lol @ Freudian slip. Well, that is why i say that CERN has an idea but they won't get to it using their blueprint. I am simply relaying the blueprint for all to see and conduct for themselves. And you don't even have to acquire a Hadron Collider. Those might be a bit expensive. Well, at least to me.
Actually Mr. Bond you are absolutely correct. But if CERN is attempting, they must feel there is a chance of accomplishing this. And if they do so, they will rewrite the psychics books. That's oddly obvious to me. But I am only one person with one opinion.
Well, I'm not telling you that, they are telling you that. "If successful a completely new universe will be revealed – rewriting not only the physics books but the philosophy books too." And they are getting at something in the NASA article they just don't know what it is. And i'm just giving it to you plain as day. Same as the Egyptians gave it to us plain as day only the modern world doesn't know how to read hieroglyphics. :0)
I understand completely. I wasn't aware of the rules. But glad you pointed them out. Now this article published back in 2012 by Nasa, http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/sunearth/news/mag-portals.html#.VRry7PnF98E is saying that portals open on earth. They don't quite know what they are saying but the main point in the article is "They're places where the magnetic field of Earth connects to the magnetic field of the Sun, creating an uninterrupted path leading from our own planet to the sun's atmosphere 93 million miles away.". The white rainbow is that energy of which they are trying to get at, without really knowing what they are saying. so now you have found the light projection in the rainbow test, or you will at some time run the test, but be assured I wouldn't be on here wasting my time teaching you how to find the rainbow light if it couldn't be found, so until you find it for your self, then I will assume you agree its there, as what I am about to show you may come as a pleasant surprise for the new year 2014 and give you something great to ponder and further research for your selves For every rainbow you have seen there has been billions that you haven't seen because they were projected up-sight unseen as there were no clouds over head in the sky to reflect back off and show you the rainbow, so they went up unseen or invisibly, now never let it be said that these invisible or white rainbows cannot be detected because they can, there are a specific set of visible markers that can be seen by those trained in these markers, and there are also regular rainbows that project up from the same place each time, such as waterfalls ok Now if you were so inclined and you know a set of water falls that you know makes rainbows regularly then just apply the same viewing principals I have taught and shown you and get your self to the magnetic north or south or if not possible, then use a good set of field glasses and look for the shaded places along the line of magnetic north south and try to spot the projected fan of light that will be visible on the ground of valley wall or cliff face as long as its making a visible rainbow it will be projecting that light fan, and I am sure many people at home in the garden have seen this in there own gardens with sprinklers projecting strange lights up into bushes or trees onto shed walls fences but never stopped to figure out where it was coming from, so now you know! But what I want to show you and teach you is this rainbow light is also depicted in alchemy woodcut images, and that this is not new knowlage, its just been hidden from view, now this is a massive issue OK because it is the white rainbow that makes all this planets gravity and it is the very essences of all life, for without this rainbow phenomenon there would be no tree of life, as without gravity there would be no life END OF STORY And it is this fact that the alchemists tried to pass on and record for prosperity and its only when you understand how the rainbow light works does the alchemy pictures start to make sense and once you have understood this, the whole phenomenon will explode your whole understanding of mother nature, and its a fabulously beautiful thing to discover, as it will have the effect of removing an invisible weight from your shoulders, setting your mind free from all restraints, as its like a new dawning of knowlage and understanding that you didn't realize was there all the time, but no one ever took the time nor had the wisdom or knowledge to show you before Now here is a wood cut picture and the only thing missing is the sheet of white copy paper, but hay its showing you the very same test Now note upon the ground, see the light depicted north and south but nothing east or west, because from the east and west it cannot be seen but that guy is standing at the magnetic north looking to the south just like You did with your test, note the priests walking away as they could see nothing, I could imagine them saying, this guy and his imaginary light force, but little did they know or was it more convenient not to know, dont want to upset the bishops with quantum geophysics now do we, you could get burned at the stake for such alchemy nonsense See the pedestal under the lights depicted well those pedestals held whats called an alchemy bowl that was filled with steaming water just like at king Soloman's Temple, so its not a sprinkler but it still has the mists (steam) So now let me show you yet more pictures that is the same as the test I provided above Now see the sun and the moon is the Luna queen, being the queen of mist (sprinkler) and the sun is the solar king (electromagnetics) the moon releases the gravity on the oceans that allows the mist and sea fogs (sprinkler) to convex then the sun strikes it makes the rainbow, the sun makes love to the mist and makes red and white rainbows that then project up into our ionosphere and collides with the on coming sun photons makes cold fusion split photonics and there by gives this planet its gravity, which then allows for the tree of life to grow being you and me Yes this picture is 100% correct see the king and Queen have joined and are one meaning, the sun and mist (sprinkler) have caused the white rainbow projection and gravity is made, and yes that's what makes it rain, why is this not all taught at primary schools, or better still why doesn't someone tell Micho Kakuo and the rest of the worlds physicists or indeed the entire scientific fraternity at large including academia So how to read this emblem the star is earth (sprinkler) the white peace dove is the light projection that then makes gravity that keeps the peace on earth so the tree of life may flourish So if I were to write this in quantum physics it looks like this Electromagnetics @ nominal lux (Solar King) ----------------------------------------- HydroH2o@Atomic (6) (sprinkler) mist (the Lunar Queen) == split photonics (white rainbow) = specific gravity or E=Mc2 10to16 TeV,W,W,WZ = The Higgs boson and Higgs field equation or the god factor If this one single post and the above data was a steamroller it would be big and powerful enough, to flatten the entire world of the scientific fraternity and the fake laws of physics all flatter than a corn chip So now you begin to realize the simple test while it may to some, seem like child's play, has a very large sting in its tail that cannot be refuted or deigned, possibly the most simplest yet the most powerful litmus ever devised on earth that exposes the truth about the real hidden science and the true laws of physics, that is perhaps purposefully hidden from our knowledge Mr. Bond, Now this is the very point in the history of modern science where it all ran off the rails, the mistaken belief that the light refractory factors from a solid crystal represented the common rainbow, in all cases on the web science uses the Newtonian solid crystalexample of, as you can see in blue the perfect sphere, to explain the basis of how the rainbow refractory occurs and in all cases one critical factor is always omitted, whether this is done on purpose or mistakenly I let you judge for your selves The main premises for this mistaken view comes about from, that the rainbow is not made of "solid hard crystals" as depicted in all scientific examples bar none, instead the mist or cloud being from 3 microns up to 35 microns approx in size are at the approximate weight of Atomic(6), this then allows this water crystal to float freely in our atmosphere Now what science has failed to not only observe but also equate, is because the mist droplets are floating freely they do take the shape of the perfect sphere up until the very point when struck by the sun or (electromagnetic radiation) at which point this suns gravity or influence upon that perfect sphere causes the sphere to distort, or Atomic distortion of the perfect sphere where by the shape of this one perfect sphere doesn't resemble anything like the picture above in blue, more over my research is telling me that the actual shape of this droplet under full distortion looks more like (example only for your perception) standard Guitar plectrum with a pregnant belly. Now the closest I can get you to this shape is shown here and I have used a real guitar plectrum to indicate the shape the water crystal within the rainbows takes when struck by the suns electromagnetic energy and where the spiral is in the shape is where the droplet is bulged or pregnant, and this being the case then the refractory schematics from this shape and the complete optical refracotory to the hard crystal sphere is virtually chalk and cheese when it comes to showing any light refractory diagrams or postulations for same, Further is the scientific world of Quantum Atomic optics of Hydro research trying to tell me they don't know about this distortion factor of Hydro. A for instance. If science could, which they cannot because they don't have the blueprint to be able to produce that mist crystal and place it say (for example purposes), in a giant flat pot, they could then aim it at the sun which would only act as a pilot to spark the reaction, and then harness that energy which would be an anti-gravity field. And even if the sun went down the field would remain functioning. Which is why it's beyond logic that science tries to tell you that the pyramids were perfectly built by dragging tons of blocks into perfect position. Simply laughable. Because the Egyptians already knew what I am telling you now, they could enter this other dimension, which is why you will have a spaceship hieroglyphic, which is not that spaceships visited them. It is that in the other dimension you can see the entirety of this dimensions events from beginning to end, and thus they saw that the future would have spaceships, planes what have you. And they also harnessed the energy like the giant pot example to have anti gravity which was used to move those tonnage blocks like feathers. See modern day always thinks that they have advanced in knowledge. When that is the furthest thing from the truth. The ancients had the knowledge and for reasons which i don't know was lost or hidden from us over time.
The scientific experiment is above with results.
No, it's perfectly cool. I have given you the test above. Now produce the test on a massive scale so that the field is 66.6666 mt. And don't walk through. But peer through and tell me if you don't see another dimension. I mean what more can i do to prove it to you but let you see it for yourself. Well, the burning bush wasn't really burning, that is the point. It's why most of the things in the bible don't make sense to someone who uses logic. For instance when they say God talked to Moses from a burning bush no logical person would believe that. But if the Bush was light, which is actually the other dimension opening and someone stepping out into this dimension it might be more plausible, being that you can yourself recreate it and step through if you'd like. Just remember you might not be able to come back. ;0). So when people talk about what they consider GOD, all GOD really is is an advanced physicist who stepped through and knows how to step back out when he is so inclined. That is why what is going on, on this planet is the destruction of being able to allow that someone to return. Some are trying to prevent it. Some are trying to make it happen. So if you destroy the waters on the earth the phenom of the dimension opening cannot happen. Ocean oil spills, fracking, all a war of the Gods. It is why CERN might know a little more then they let on when they talk about opening up another dimension.
Delta, you made me chuckle. Basically what the people at CERN are trying to replicate in the Hadron collider is the test i showed you above, but in a massive scale. Waves at full size are 66.6666 Mt in length. Which is also depicted above in the Egyptian's hieroglyphics. The white light which you capture is actually invisible to the naked eye. They are getting at the same thing but are calling it a black hole, which is incorrect. When you produce the test above at a massive scale when you walk through the field of invisible light to the naked eye you will enter the parallel universe of which they speak.
Ok Mig try this test and tell me what you find. NEW SPRINKLER TEST EVEN EASIER We have developed yet another test that is ridiculously easy and much easier to conduct, you can also film kudalini flame or light of natures own climate making rainbows, this is the light that lit the burning bush, no bush burning at all. In this experiment you will not be making or seeing a full rainbow. So the light your going to make is only a partial rainbow or just one leg of the rainbow and from that partial rainbow your going to capture the light that it projects both to the magnetic north and the magnetic south but from no where else, as this is a magnetically polarized light force, and with this test you should see almost the whole sheet of white copy paper light up, you can use anything white as in cardboard or white board but its best to be white. The sprinkler, the best to use is a omnidirectional or the small rose or cone shaped mister sprayer, they cost a couple of dollars at the hardware store, now for best results I put my sprinkler on the top of a small stumpy step ladder about a meter high off the ground and put the sprinkler on that, use anything to get up a bit higher even an old 5 gallon drum will do. So you need a bit of room so you can walk round the sprinkler when its running and it must be in full sun and the timing needs to be from sun up and within the next couple of hours as once the sun gets to high up it wont work as well. So ok you have the sprinkler up a bit high and its running and its misting nicely, so move round and put your back to the sun, see your shadow cast upon the ground, see your head in the shadow, well move round until you head is aiming directly at the sprinkler. So ok the sun is directly at your back, good, now while looking at the sprinkler put both your arms out now your left arm is pointing to south approx, and your right arm is pointing to the magnetic north approx, also put something on the ground to mark where you were standing as we will want a reference point later. OK so now following the direction of your right arm and where it was pointing take approx 5 paces in that direction, but keep an eye at the center of the spray, the sprinkler, and staying out of the spray at all times at about 5 paces your rainbow vertical leg is going to appear and its going to be very bright and clear and about 300 mm thick with all its ROYGIBIV colors. Now if you dont see it just take another pace until it appears, you will see it the full height of the sprinkler spray and if you notice it will have a slight lean to the north. So you can photograph that, or film it as it will be very visible and clear, you can have as many people as you want, all will be able to see it if the position themselves behind you. OK, now with your paper in hand check where your first position was and you marked on the ground. On the other side of the sprinkler and spray is WEST so to your right is north, move round the sprinkler so you are in the north so when you look back from there through the sprinkler your looking to the south . So now by using your body to shield the paper from the direct sunlight face the paper to the sprinkler and if you have it right you will see the paper while in the shade of your body lights up, you may have to move a bit back and forwards to locate it on your paper so just move slowly and watch for the paper to light up and once you have located it, you can also put your hand between the sprinkler and paper and see the full shadow of your hand cast upon the paper and yet none of the paper is in the suns light. As it's in full shade and that light is being polarized and projected from the rainbow in the spray and not directly from the sun at all. Now you can play around with this for an hour or more, but I draw your attention to the fact that the light you have now discovered and filmed is just from one little sprinkler spray rainbow, and only from one leg of it, can you just imagine being in the right position with a full size massive rainbow occurrence and then see the strength and size and force of that same light. Now you can understand that if that massive light force were to say strike some shaded trees or bushes they would look like they must be on fire, and if I had not shown and taught you as to where and how that light occurs and from where, then you would be some what confused to say the least. THE BURNING BUSH from MOSES and this is what he saw, and this now also opens all the doors of biblical mysteries of the light, or just like you becoming a divine child of enlightenment, because you now know what that light is and where it comes from. Now with bulla impossibilities done almost on time, but miracles, take a little longer. And I further add the light you found on you sheet of paper if you had a crane that could lift you and your paper up and over that sprinkler spray the light is all the way up and over to the magnetic south as its a polarized "sheet" of light that looks like a Japanese fan or a peacocks tail or a rifle bird, now you can see these birds depicted in hieroglyphics with there wings spread to show you the fan, and I say if you look carefully you will also see the water hen in that same place that means water or spray, and yes they are trying to explain to you in those hieroglyphics precisely what I am teaching you now the kundalini flame. But hey I am not teaching any religion here I am teaching ancient quantum geophysics like you have never seen or been shown or taught before, and until the Michio Kaku and geophysicists of this world get back to the very basics of nature and where they became lost with their make believe laws of physics they shall remain perpetually lost for ever, as the true laws of physics shall remain hidden from them. Until the very day that they too conduct this test and become a divine child of enlightenment, and only then will we be able to move on as a civilization that appreciates mother nature for what she provides, all be it mostly unseen. Bulla totally committed to fixing a broken and lost science. Now simply, if you create a big enough field, and walk through it. You are in another dimension. All that is above including the test is all evidence, you just have to have the knowledge to understand it.
Ok let's try this again Mr. Bond. If you ask for evidence why do you delete it or block it? Now if you take this article.... http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/565315/Scientists-at-Large-Hadron-Collider-hope-to-make-contact-with-PARALLEL-UNIVERSE-in-days You will notice they state that " The staggeringly complex LHC ‘atom smasher’ at the CERN centre in Geneva, Switzerland, will be fired up to its highest energy levels ever in a bid to detect - or even create - miniature black holes. If successful a completely new universe will be revealed – rewriting not only the physics books but the philosophy books too." First they won't accomplish this because they don't have the blueprint. Secondly it isn't a black hole that is created. HETRODYHYDRO ELECTRODYMAGNETIC DYNAMIC4WAVE ARRAY Wave or solar glint wave is swept into the Sun's radiation and given Earth's velocity or rotation the wave travels at billions of miles per second, generating super magnetics as it penetrates the glint wave which travels down through theglint wave entering Earth's magnetic fields. This creates asuper magnetic hot spot, which will cause moisture to form above it, which the super magnetics will use when it reaches a critical density to jump back to where it came from, using the moisture or clouds as a stepping stone. In doing so it crystallizes the cloud system to saturation or itscrystallized threshold, then once completely crystallizedthe cloud system can no longer sustain the huge power transfer and snaps shut, causing a super magnetic shock wave, stranding the super magnetic power in the atmosphere where it searches for water vapour portions. If not fully dissipated however, it will return to Earth as lightning and repeats the process of drawing new moisture to again repeat the process until the super magnetic hot spot is completely dissipated. CLICK ON IMAGE FOR DETAIL If clouds are above this event at the time of firing then it will be stopped, causing a rainbow to be produced as the solar fan or glint wave slows from light speed, 186,000 miles/second, to a stop. This causes different colouredfrequency bands or the rainbows as it slows through its frequency and is dissipated by the clouds, causing no charge hot spot or super magnetics to take place as its prevented by the clouds or low pressure system, there are two conclusions to the event one when clouds are above and one when there is not, one can be seen IE. the Rainbow reflected onto the bottom of the clouds or moisture, the other is 99.9% invisible. But contrary to the common belief, all Rainbows are projected from Earths surface via a Hetrodynamic Hydroevent IE. rivers, creeks where ever H2O or water moves on Earths surface, cover up any of natures blessings with a dam or catchment the results could be devastating when it comes to getting the required super magnetics or hot spotthat produces the rain event in the first place, as there will be no event, the conclusions are obvious. Full Side View CLICK ON IMAGE FOR DETAIL Glint wave or solar fan is swept into oncoming Sun's radiation at billions of miles per second causing super magnetics as it passes through. This travels down it into Earths Magnetic fields causing a hot spot. The light pulse caused by its actions as it sweeps through space would be seen for a mind boggling distance, into other galaxies and beyond. If clouds are present when the system fires then it becomes null and void and appears as a rainbow. The wave slows from light speed, 186,000 miles/second, to a dead stop, hence the colours represent light at different speeds (7 of them) the Rainbow projected under or on to the bottom of the clouds . The Symbols for this discovery are: All of these can only be seen while standing in the 150mm Glint wave, otherwise it is entirely invisible to the naked eye, but can be seen under certain conditions. Authors Note: Something similar to this appears in the hieroglyphics of the Great Giza pyramids only with one addition, the Pyramid with the water tank depicted on top it baffled me for some time but then the penny dropped Can you guess what it means? Now what this details is basically how gravity and rain are made. The last part with the pyramid is how the Egyptians used the pyramids as simply a rain making machine, but that is neither here nor there as we are concentrating on the article above and how to get in touch with a parallel universe. The invisible field (to the naked eye), which is described above, is what the hadron collider would be trying to replicate in the article above. And what i'm telling you is if you walk through the field you are in another/parallel universe. This symbol was one of a pair of emblems of a discovery, so large, it dwarfs the worlds understood quantum Geophysics, and defies the known laws of those physics, and will stand as an acronym for thousands of years to come, as the the most powerful emblems signifying all the power of nature, long before any gods came to earth, as these waves are not only light waves or sine waves, they are also earth gravity ground waves, all of which the scientific world has never seen nor understand as they are Hetrodynamic electrodymagnetic Hydro sine waves in an array of four, that alters the dynamics and direction of light coming from the sun and projects it as a sheet of light or glint wave vertical up into the heavens and from horizon to horizon and only magnetic north and south, and 93% of times it's invisible to the naked eye, the other 7% which are visible are seen as rainbows, the only difference being, clouds and no clouds that reveal their presents, these waves at full size are 66.6666 Mt in length, but you can get them occurring very small a wheelbarrow size in your back yard, using just as a part wave, or there of Here are the Hetrodynamic electrodymagnetic Hydro sine wave array X four, from the stone walls of hieroglyphics as per my scientific symbols of my discovery of them in late Jan early Feb 2007 as depicted above picture from 2012 at near Gosford Sydney Now this is the second and the twin to the waves, its actually the same image as the waves, only turned 90 degrees, and now looking south to magnetic north and the four zeros you see are actually the very ends of the same waves you see in the other picture, the waves which in real life size are the hickness of a 44 gallon or 200 Lt fuel drum, and the very wide sheet is now but a thin vertical line, now on its edge, like looking a CD Rom on its edge, but when seen from the East west direction the light stretches from horizon to horizon, but now note I indicated the angle of 120 degrees, and those waves are 9.9999 Mt apart and that thin sheet of light at this full size is only 0.033333 mm in thickness just a bit over the old inch of 25 mm now this anomaly can be tiny like a wheelbarrow, or set or a series of duplicated full wave lengths depending on the available mist or fog at sea level, can be sixty miles across, and occur when you have massive sea fogs on the oceans, and when they go up, the thickness of that line multiples every set of or 66.6666 Mt wave lengths it gets thicker 0.033 mm approx so over sixty miles its meters thick, and boy dose that make a whopper of a rainbow if there is clouds over head Now as a mate to the end view symbol there not being one within the glyphs not surprisingly, however I have something much more spectacular to share with you that came from under a smaller pyramid some 10 ks from Giza the whole inside was full of glyphs and then I spotted this master piece, and new straight away what it was, see all the little stars in front of time traveler in the banana shape boat, they are not stars they are water or Hydro crystals depicted, notice anything about there alignment, the vertical line then the line at 120 degrees, he the man in the boat is going into the other world of the forth dimension, or the after life, or some people like to call it heaven, and he is using my discovery and schematic symbols, and the rainbow wave to get there
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Hello, My good friend Bulla once tried to post on this scientific forum and was laughed off. I understand completely. The wise are often misunderstood. As was his temper, he didn't allow mere mortals to question him, and of course this caused friction. Nonetheless, no one living now who is of any stature, in any scientific capability, can contest my good friend Bulla when it comes to the answers which science seeks. Science is thousands of years behind, or rather ahead, when it comes to its knowledge of our wonderful universe. The true knowledge of our universe is held in the past, and somehow it has been lost, and where it stands today, science is trying to relearn what has always been, already there. I am going to leave you with first an article, and then the evidence for it, that has long been discovered and visited by those within our small circle. And although science will try, they will fail in what they seek in this article. They don't have the blueprint, which has been hidden in plain sight, but only a keen eye can detect it. Now your universities, as prestigious as they might be in their attempt to educate you on the universe, are also thousands of years behind, or ahead. If you cannot understand the information it is because you don't have the knowledge to understand it. But perhaps someone with knowledge beyond the knowledge will get a grip of it. This will be my only post. Good Luck in your quest for futility. Perhaps if only one understands, I will see them on the other side. Dig intensely at the knowledge, You have never witnessed this in your entire life. And neither has science. Everything you know that science has taught you is absolutely 100% incorrect. Now when i say dig, you really must dig, as his site is not formatted correctly. A man with no formal education who cannot spell all to well, yet holds all the answers. Simply Outstanding. http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/565315/Scientists-at-Large-Hadron-Collider-hope-to-make-contact-with-PARALLEL-UNIVERSE-in-days link removed
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