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Everything posted by gamefreek_01
the brain to me is very simple first ill tell yuo main difference between computers and us we can learn and we also have sense that work all the time all a computer has is a disk drive while we have eyes to pick up light, ears to feel vibrations of sound, noses to pick up chemicals in the air to interpret its state to us, taste to tell wether what we consume is safe, feeling to give us information on temperature, if anything touches us, and even for reproduction. computers only take in information by what we give it, and only thinks if we want it to think, it remembers all that it has learned unlike humans where memory strength depends on stimulation. we can know we are we by have electromagnetic impulses in our brain, which is created by our senses as a computer uses an outlet for power without our sense or without energy from food we can not exist as a consciousness.
A bit confused with the massless nature of photons
gamefreek_01 replied to Dror's topic in Quantum Theory
ok i dont understand it couldnt take infinte energy because then we wouldnt have any ergy left in the universe because light travel at c and it then must use up infinite energy thus we should run out which we havent so its impossible. But it doesnt matter its very easy photon is mass or else we could see because the light particles interact with the particles of our retina and actual our etire body, but if it had no mass then we couldnt see which we do so it does have a mass -
Question about infinity and infinite possibilities.
gamefreek_01 replied to a topic in Modern and Theoretical Physics
i see -
A bit confused with the massless nature of photons
gamefreek_01 replied to Dror's topic in Quantum Theory
explain -
A bit confused with the massless nature of photons
gamefreek_01 replied to Dror's topic in Quantum Theory
lol a photon is not mass less it has a mass although being very small -
i mean take into account in the case of telepathy to understand that our brain use brain waves( lower frequency then radio rays) to communicate with cells inside yuor brain these waves could go outside yuor head as yuo think and other people can pick it up thats what i mean by applying scientific knowledge.
lol first of all when i mean to say that it "appears" to go faster i mean that it would seem to but only because of the extra speed of the person or the light source adn second yes anything can go faster then the speed of light its just that the speed is so great that its hard to make soemthing go that fast
lol blike i understand i tend to write sloppy but hey
I believe that deja vu is very simple, our brain interprets things not as wholes but as certain emphasized events of observations, like in a song you may only remember parts yuo really like or when yuo see somthing yuo may only remember colours or locations not it all in a perfect scene. So whne we remember things with only few simple things our brain if it see the same set of things it would think you have deja vu not because its the exactly the same situation but close dependent on those very emphasized points that in a similar situation could be remphasized to give the appearence of deja vu.
Question about infinity and infinite possibilities.
gamefreek_01 replied to a topic in Modern and Theoretical Physics
like we percieve things like our earth has a limit to how much matter its made of it would then make sense to assume that so does the universe -
thats exactly what im saying, the difference in speed would make it appear that the light is going faster by 500 mph if you were on the train i think, yes and if the person not moving would emit the light then it would appear to be going slower.
so your saying that even if i was traveling faster then the speed of light wihle measruing it will still measure as the speed of light, that makes no sense. your wrong with that if i measure the speed of light while moving if i was mvonig say 30 miles an hours there would be a differemce yet not a large one compared to how fast light is.
ok you understnad that lots of stars in the universe are very close together especially in galaxies if all these stars were black holes then the black holes would stuck all them selfs up around them which should destroy our stars which doesnt happen. also antoher thing a black hole isnt a "hole" its an object the sucks things in even light into a very dense spot, not a hole to another location that in itself is imossilbe for it to be a hole, also if the blackholes on one layer take light and energy form that side in the place with lots of blackholes there probobly would not be enough energy for all the stars out there.
so as the planes fly the one that is more oppsite to the station on earth, and that should prove that time could be altered be difference in speed i never trust experiments because thy can be somehow false where hypothes give you a very good estimate.
Question about infinity and infinite possibilities.
gamefreek_01 replied to a topic in Modern and Theoretical Physics
Actually infinity only seems impossible because of all the limits that seems to occur in our world, it is still possilbe that infinity is possible without getting evidence but once you apply evidence around you, you find that this universe does end, but then whats out side, other universes? maybe millions, then whats outside that because that cant be infinte then how many of these places that hold millions of universes are there. and so and you will never come to logical conslusion. -
about the experiment why according to einstein theory would the clock increase in time going west instead of decreasing i dot understand why there is a difference there
first what do you mean by light being a constant for all inertial observers? and another as i had said before time is not a vector or dimnesion ( ill assume there similar) time is just a way to measure things, time only exists because of being alive we can understand how long things happen because we can percieve it to happen longer or not without lving beings time is nothing in the universe. and just because im 14 doesnt mean im incorrect and also even if people study the theory of relativity for hundreds of years. yes i understand i could be wrong but to me i fell as though im right and until i get very strong evidence im right in my head.
well your theory herme is not bery plausible first because all of our stars are scattered through out universe nonlinear like there is no edge to which no stars are there scattered everywhere, also stars could not be "white holes" because we have observed them to be sphereical, also what would cause these pieces of the universe to slide?
how exactly have they testest these theories?
and no moving faster should only effect that im would be doing something faster than you not that effects on us are different
i bet that the only reason the gravition differnce is there is because on earth the gravity creates more friction and thus the clock moves slower
well i can tell you that is incorrect because as you may be gonig faster and you may do things faster literaly decreasing your time to do things you not however being actuly effected slower but at the same rate as everyone else no matter there location or speed, speed can not effect time nothing can effect time, time is our measure of how fast we do things.
Question about infinity and infinite possibilities.
gamefreek_01 replied to a topic in Modern and Theoretical Physics
the way i understand infinity is very simple when something is infinite its quantity can be anything from 1 too 9999999999999999999999999 so thats means that the universe if infinite could have 1 km of space or 9999999999999999999999 km of space. also it could have 1 or 9999999999999999999999999999999999 grams of matter or planets or anything, meaing that the density could be anything but becasue the density has a certain limit that means that the universe also would have finite space and mass. -
what do you mean by vary the passage of time?
now when i say an object has only one set of dimension i mean relatively like your likely not to find a gigantic ball of yarn or something be more likely to find a giant planet or sun, but never a small sun( say the size of a basket ball) and i mean this as naturally created suns. but with time it can vary from any object no matter the size altough because an object is larger it might take more force to move.