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  1. However is there any organic compound where NaCl is super soluble while the KCl is totally insoluble and percipitates out??
  2. Well I wanted It to be like this: NaNO3 (aq) + K2CO3 (aq) → → Na2CO3 + KNO3 and then try to to get rid of the Na2CO3 from water because it has high solubility in water but KNO3 dont have the same solubility in water like Na2CO3
  3. Yep! Thats what I want a mixture of the 2 chemicals which I later on have to seperate from each other
  4. Im using the potassium nitrate for an experiment but am trying to find a way to seperate those to chemicals
  5. Hello! If I add Potassium Carbonate And Sodium Nitrate mixed together in water i will get Sodium Carbonate and potassium nitrate, how do I seperate Sodium Carbonate from the Potassium Nitrate?
  6. Hey! I found a instant cold pack at home which only contained ammonium nitrate and water, but it was already used and all the nitrate salt was dissolved with water! But if i boil the soulution can I get back the nitrate without water and will that produce ammonia gas?
  7. Nice! But where can you buy Nitric Acid?
  8. I am going to use it for a R-candy rocket
  9. Hello! I had an issue when I was planning to make KNO3 from salt substitue, unfortunatley where I live there is no Salt Substitute containing 99% KCl. I only found a salt with 70% KCl mixed with 30% NaCl! Is there still anyway where I can make KNO3 from the two salts or is there a way where I can separate the NaCl and the KCl from each other, so that I can make KNO3 with amost pure KCl?
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