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Everything posted by PhilGeis

  1. Bacterial kill and oxidative effect are reportedly wavelength, intensity and exposure dependent. UV-C (~254 nm) is most cited for germicidal treatment ( https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2009-105/pdfs/2009-105.pdf, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00203-012-0847-5).
  2. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jm200461m and search google scholar
  3. Suppose the company could supply inactivated virus without the excipient but alum is thought to function as adjuvant at the dendritic cell level. In your dilutions, have you tried to anticipate the in vivo concentrations presented to dendiritc cells?
  4. We're constantly exposed to endotoxin - including drinking water and via normal gut and oral flora. High levels in drinking water have been associated with cyanobacterial blooms. Hemodialysis and respiratory exposure to endotoxin-laden water has been associated with some symptoms - not drinking the water. I'd not be worried about the water mentioned above and wouldn't put too much faith in the device. UV doesn;t penetrate water that well and even less in water with suspended particulates. Also be aware that microorganisms use both light and dark repair mechanisms to repairr UV damage.
  5. For this, immune response is necessary but not sufficient for treatment efficacy. "Although reported results are conclusive in terms of immunological response, it is the samples defined in the clinical protocol that are the basis for the final conclusion. " Haven't seen clinical protocol to understand what drives final conclusion from Phase I/II clinical. As you said, it is apparently limited as "cure" per se but targeted to prevent metastases. Since RhoC is not overexpressed in the primary tumour, the product developed by RhoVac will be used in combination with other therapies focussing on the primary tumour.”The primary tumour will be removed by e.g. surgery, radio- or chemotherapy and the metastases will be prevented or limited using our therapeutic cancer vaccine.” http://www.naringsliv.se/tidningar/2017-1/life-science/life-science/rhovac-eliminates-metastatic-cancer-cells/
  6. You'll need to define "aging" in technical terms that can be measured
  7. Please consider that xray damage will not be limited to bacteria that might be present.https://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancer-causes/radiation-exposure/x-rays-gamma-rays/do-xrays-and-gamma-rays-cause-cancer.html
  8. This is simple microbiology but as String said, it's not a dyi project and, based on your comments, I don'lt think you have enough practical expertise to even attempt it safely.
  9. Think you're misinformed. Viral vaccines are typically based on inactivated/killed or live attenuated (weakened) organisms. I'm not aware of immune response from exposure to sub-infectious doses.
  10. There are schemes online - for example FDA's BAMm and file:///C:/Users/Phil/Downloads/identification_of_bacillus_species.pdf. Itlooks like mycoides - have you performed a Gram stain?
  11. Though described in the below as promoting plant growth, suggest you approach the interaction in a microbiome context. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/17429140600907043
  12. fiveworlds - can you provide the data for HPV transmission via exposure in public swimming pools and beach bathing? I'd also like to see clinical evidence for the pumice sal acid cure you recommend.
  13. Have you looked in the literature? There are a number of relevant reports (e.g. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0378111990901169)including as the previous poster suggested, some with relevance to the dairy industry.
  14. Have you never heard of google scholar? There are relevant reports - e.g. http://www.env.go.jp/en/air/odor/eastasia_ws/2-2-5.pdf.
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