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  1. Human's release a heat and this can be seen using an infrared, they also emit low level bioluminescence. Let's say a star is born on the edge of the galaxy and the light from that star won't reach earth for millions of years abd there is no technology yet to see this new star, does it exist? Just because no one has never seen it, doesn't mean it might not be there. Yes seeing is believing and there is no evidence of any kind to prove anything, I was simply trying to think outside the box and put a what if out there for the world to see.
  2. I'm mean the human brain uses electrical and chemical energy to function. An eeg can read these signals therefore the human body does create something be it brain waves in this instance. So I'm saying, isn't it possible that there is a wavelength not yet discovered or maybe just not fully understood that might bridge a gap at the second of death to where all of it dispearses to. If one could see this dispearsment, it could at least lead to more questions and not a simple, when you die nothing happens.
  3. If energy is a constant, it can not be created nor destroyed, would the mind/soul be only energy harnessed by the body. This energy that is harnessed would have a certain frequency while still in the body and a certain frequency when the body dies. If one could focus on this energy frequency, couldn't this prove that there is a chance that some form of if you will "life" after death exists?
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