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Everything posted by fang3412

  1. I can't help but feel that this is going to be a really bad idea. I mean tasers arent THAT hard to make and get are they? but i guess that with all the advantages graphe has im pretty sure someone will figure out how to fix that. or has someone already done that?
  2. ok to people that havent read enders game i really recommend it if not well thats too bad i guess but i cant force you to do anything really. also to people who need reminding or havent read the book an ansible is a device in the enders game universe that can send information pretty much if not simply instantly for example a message by laser to someone 20 light years away would take 20ish years to get to the person no? heres where the ansible kicks in. with an ansible you can simply send a message and have in instantly arrive at the destination without delay so onto the question if someone jumped into a black hole and crossed the event horizon with an ansible that can transmit information faster than light and tried to send information would this information be stopped and taked by the blackhole or could it possibly make its way out? my thoughts on this were intially that it actually might pull it off. Information from an ansible might have a chance to get out of a blackhole. then my thoughts wandered to the fact that the ansible is still a machine and would probably break or something of the sort. man this is such a disjointed thought but those are my guesses so now its your turn yeah so i'd just like to hear your thought on the subject ps if you want to just put down any thoughts you have on black holes or stuff like ansibles
  3. well to the guys saying that it would be for sport or something like us being in the way, wouldnt they have been at our stage before and its once again not easy to erase the records of their past so i doubt that, if you have a reason for saying that please elaborate, like the guy who said they cant understand the fact that they are the only species who have tech or something.
  4. i mean im pretty sure it wont be for resources other that maybe the animals that we have to put in a zoo or something or maybe somthing in human brains we dont know about also im pretty sure it wont be because they just can theyve been lower than stage one at some point and forgetting that is going to be pretty hard.
  5. so here's what i want to know if every animal species was killed off in under something like 1 minute (haha yes i know i sound like a kid) could plants evolve into animals as we know them like all the characteristics like reproducing with egg and sperm, motion (i mean the ablity to actually get up and move away from where they were planted, not like carnivorous plants), flesh like muscles that sort of stuff i mean sure carnivorous plants eat and can move to an extent but i mean without insects (which i consider animals of course) they probably wouldnt survive. I was just wondering whether plants would evolve into things like insects, herbivores (cannibalism right there), carnivores (nothing to say to that), fish, cold blooded and warm blooded, would they even have blood or would it just be sap, photosynthesis yeah anyways thanks to whoever (if any one) answers here
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