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About Electronic_engine

  • Birthday 02/14/1987

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  1. I depend on newton first law, that there is possibility for an object to move without resistant forces, if that will not happen practically or THEORETICALLY then there is not evidence not just for my theory but also for newton law of motion. so this the new model: magnets 1,2 and magnets 6,7 works as ideal spring, distance between magnet 5,6 is far , the brown bar goes inside magnet 3 and 5 without touching them , using starting force enable magnet 2 and 4 to oscillate by themselves non-stop , that will make force of magnet 5 on brown material changes continuously by itself that means it increases and decreases without external force this means force came from nothing. the thing I would like to ask is : will magnets conserve energy completely without losses , like induction ? if so then the device will work by itself forever as newton first law states.
  2. I suppose theoretically that it exists.
  3. yes you are right this example of cars is not good ,only if we have frictionless surface so that no horizontal force will be exerted, returning to OP example of magnets we can get rid of the friction between the brown bar and magnet 2 by doing this experiment in vacuum , so that there will not be weight to cause friction , also we can get rid of the spring and use other magnets to work as spring.
  4. that does not mean no forces exist , right ? it does not matter to be interesting it matters that it exists. the normal force increases by moving many masses from different places to a single place, we move them by force tend to zero.
  5. they are , if the displacement is zero energy will always has no value (=zero) even if force increases without bound. my proposal was not a good working oscillator , it was an experiment that contains oscillator , the car system is another experiment supporting the same concept how ?
  6. force from nothing is very different from energy from nothing, we can increase force as we want without exerting any other external force, not only magnetic force, this example shows this, it is the same as collecting gravitational force from all volume to a single place: imagine that there are two surfaces which are perfectly horizontal , they are also identical and they are exactly at the same height ,one surface is very close to the other however they are distinct they don't touch, now there is a car on the first surface this car has a particular weight W and the first surface exerts a normal force on it equals W , there is not any forces on the other surface , however suppose the car moved towards the other surface with very little force (no friction) and the car moved totally from the first surface to the second one, the force acted on the second surface by moving the car with force tend to zero. also we can increase the normal force on surface 2 by collecting other cars!! moving those other cars with forces tend to zero will increase the normal force. this normal force will increase with external force tend to zero , now this is not generating energy from nothing , however it is generating force from nothing we did not do VERTICAL work by moving the cars horizontally because the two surfaces are the same height., we can also decrease force by returning the cars in their places .
  7. yes force from nothing and not energy from nothing perpetual motion devices use the concept of creating energy from nothing, this force increases by itself , without progressing displacement . there is not work done this force increases by itself because even if I exert force and let go the force will CHANGE continuously without any other external force from zero to higher numbers and to zero again , I wanted to prove that if we have two opposite equal forces that exert on an object without progressing displacement they can CHANGE BY THEMSELVES to increase without bound .
  8. there is not a need for the device to move forever ( I am confused are we talking about a perpetual motion device ?) what if the device worked for 8 cycles by itself , there will be change in M4 force from zero to a number to zero again 8 times , notice also the force exerted does depend on the masses so it can be controlled and the friction can be controlled , while magnet 4 does not know about what is going on on the left side, the force starter first and M4 change its force continuously until the device stops,so this is not like engineering systems that convert little force to huge one keeping the work done constant, these engineering systems ARE CONNECTED TO EACH OTHER, and the force input depends on the output force by some relation. if the force input increases the force output increases as well , while this does not happen to above device , theoretically without confusion , we cancel one magnetic force and move the magnet with constant speed to change the other magnet force .
  9. do not replace anything. you do not understand. refer to the posts again to understand the purpose of this device.
  10. it will not be canceled really by disappearing!!! however by another repel force between 1 and 2 . and it will be canceled continuously while the bar move from left to right and the bar is fixed to an ideal spring and exerting a starter force will keep the ideal system moving .
  11. what ?! the magnetic force is mutual if one cancels that does not mean the other cancels. exactly , I first exert force and the ideal spring take the role of moving the bar from left to right continuously.
  12. the new force is the attraction of magnet 4 to magnet 3, it affects the grey surfaces and has a normal force , the force has been canceled is the attraction of magnet 3 to magnet 4 it has been canceled by another force which is the force of repel between magnet 1 and 2 . the system will not change from being in equilibrium . that why no force will be exerted . refer to my exact above post.
  13. generating force from nothing means that there are forces opposite to each other and equal, they increase without bound WITHOUT EXTERNAL EFFECT, the effect is a physical factor like energy or force, only the device is magnetic and there is not physics factor behind the increment in the magnetic force, that means there may be forces increasing AND DECREASING by themselves without an external physical factor.
  14. I think you mean something else, anyway that will not happen if the distance between magnet 2 and magnet 3 is far , i.e. the brown bar is very long. right!! thanks , I have just edited the picture so that there will not be moment. no force required, if there is an ideal spring , that conserves force without loss ,connected to the brown bar (I have put it by editing the picture )the bar will move from left to right by itself changing force exerted by M4 on both lower and upper grey surfaces.
  15. First introducing the concept of Generating force from nothing If we have two opposite equal forces that affects an object so that the forces does not make displacement , i.e. No work is done then the forces can increase continuously without limit and without any external force just by itself and from nothing!! This is the concept of generating force from nothing. Proof: This experiment shows that the above concept is true, it uses the idea of canceling one force of the two mutual attraction forces between magnets : 1, 2 , 3 ,4 are identical magnets, 5 is an ideal spring , that conserve energy without loss ,the distance between magnets 1 and 2 equals distance between magnets 3 and 4 , magnets 1 and 3 are connected together using brown bar, the brown bar goes inside magnet 2 without friction. So as a result of this the two magnets 1 and 3 can move toward magnet 4 without force , if we consider there is not friction forces , because the repel force between magnet 1 and 2 cancel the attraction force between magnet 3 and 4 since the four magnets are identical and the distances are equal . But!! What about magnet 4 its attraction force increases AND ALSO DECREASES while we move the two magnets 1 and 2 from left to right, there should be change in force , while we do not exert external force to the system , at least theoretically. Conclusion: The force exerted by magnet 4 on the lower grey surface and the upper grey surface increases without exerting another external force. also can be decreased without external forces ,This a proof of the above concept of generating force from nothing. Before I present my new theory I would like to hear opinions about this concept.
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